Interface DependencyResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DependencyResolver

Convenience component that aids in the resolution of dependency artifacts, according to various configurations such as transitivity flag and scope.

$Id: 999612 2010-09-21 20:34:50Z jdcasey $

Method Summary
 void resolve(Assembly assembly, AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource, AssemblyContext context)
          Resolve the project dependencies, according to the supplied configuration.

Method Detail


void resolve(Assembly assembly,
             AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource,
             AssemblyContext context)
             throws DependencyResolutionException
Resolve the project dependencies, according to the supplied configuration.

project - The project whose dependencies should be resolved
scope - The dependency scope to resolve
managedVersions - The map of managed versions, which allows dependency version conflict resolution to happen once for the entire assembly process.
localRepository - The local repository which acts as a local cache for remote artifact repositories
remoteRepositories - The list of remote ArtifactRepository instances to use during resolution, in addition to those defined in the supplied MavenProject instance.
resolveTransitively - If true, resolve project dependencies transitively; if false, only resolve the project's direct dependencies.

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