Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Repository
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model;
  *         Defines a Maven repository to be included in the
  * assembly. The artifacts
  *         available to be included in a repository are your
  * project's dependency
  *         artifacts. The repository created contains the needed
  * metadata entries
  *         and also contains both sha1 and md5 checksums. This is
  * useful for creating
  *         archives which will be deployed to internal
  * repositories.
  *         <br/><b>NOTE:</b> Currently, only artifacts from the
  * central repository
  *         are allowed.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 33  6
 public class Repository
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             Sets the output directory relative to the root
      *             of the root directory of the assembly. For
      * example,
      *             "log" will put the specified files in the log
      * directory,
      *             directly beneath the root of the archive.
     private String outputDirectory;
      * Field includes.
     private java.util.List<String> includes;
      * Field excludes.
     private java.util.List<String> excludes;
      *             Similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode
      * of the files included.
      *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
      *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
      * component is a sum of Read = 4,
      *             Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For example, the
      * value 0644
      *             translates to User read-write, Group and Other
      * read-only.
      *             <a
      * href="">(more
      * on unix-style permissions)</a>
     private String fileMode;
      *             Similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory
      * mode of the directories
      *             included. 
      *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
      *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
      * component is a sum of
      *             Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For
      * example, the value
      *             0755 translates to User read-write, Group and
      * Other read-only.
      *             <a
      * href="">(more
      * on unix-style permissions)</a>
     private String directoryMode;
      *             If set to true, this property will trigger the
      * creation of repository
      *             metadata which will allow the repository to be
      * used as a functional remote
      *             repository. Default value is false.
 113  6
     private boolean includeMetadata = false;
      * Field groupVersionAlignments.
     private java.util.List<GroupVersionAlignment> groupVersionAlignments;
      *             Specifies the scope for artifacts included in
      * this repository.
      *             Default scope value is "runtime". (Since 2.2)
      *           .
 127  6
     private String scope = "runtime";
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addExclude.
      * @param string
     public void addExclude( String string )
 141  0
         getExcludes().add( string );
 142  0
     } //-- void addExclude( String )
      * Method addGroupVersionAlignment.
      * @param groupVersionAlignment
     public void addGroupVersionAlignment( GroupVersionAlignment groupVersionAlignment )
 151  0
         getGroupVersionAlignments().add( groupVersionAlignment );
 152  0
     } //-- void addGroupVersionAlignment( GroupVersionAlignment )
      * Method addInclude.
      * @param string
     public void addInclude( String string )
 161  0
         getIncludes().add( string );
 162  0
     } //-- void addInclude( String )
      * Get similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory mode of
      * the directories
      *             included. 
      *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
      *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
      * component is a sum of
      *             Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For
      * example, the value
      *             0755 translates to User read-write, Group and
      * Other read-only.
      *             <a
      * href="">(more
      * on unix-style permissions)</a>
      * @return String
     public String getDirectoryMode()
 183  1
         return this.directoryMode;
     } //-- String getDirectoryMode()
      * Method getExcludes.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<String> getExcludes()
 193  0
         if ( this.excludes == null )
 195  0
             this.excludes = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
 198  0
         return this.excludes;
     } //-- java.util.List<String> getExcludes()
      * Get similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode of the
      * files included.
      *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
      *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
      * component is a sum of Read = 4,
      *             Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For example, the
      * value 0644
      *             translates to User read-write, Group and Other
      * read-only.
      *             <a
      * href="">(more
      * on unix-style permissions)</a>
      * @return String
     public String getFileMode()
 219  1
         return this.fileMode;
     } //-- String getFileMode()
      * Method getGroupVersionAlignments.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<GroupVersionAlignment> getGroupVersionAlignments()
 229  0
         if ( this.groupVersionAlignments == null )
 231  0
             this.groupVersionAlignments = new java.util.ArrayList<GroupVersionAlignment>();
 234  0
         return this.groupVersionAlignments;
     } //-- java.util.List<GroupVersionAlignment> getGroupVersionAlignments()
      * Method getIncludes.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<String> getIncludes()
 244  0
         if ( this.includes == null )
 246  0
             this.includes = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
 249  0
         return this.includes;
     } //-- java.util.List<String> getIncludes()
      * Get sets the output directory relative to the root
      *             of the root directory of the assembly. For
      * example,
      *             "log" will put the specified files in the log
      * directory,
      *             directly beneath the root of the archive.
      * @return String
     public String getOutputDirectory()
 264  1
         return this.outputDirectory;
     } //-- String getOutputDirectory()
      * Get specifies the scope for artifacts included in this
      * repository.
      *             Default scope value is "runtime". (Since 2.2).
      * @return String
     public String getScope()
 276  5
         return this.scope;
     } //-- String getScope()
      * Get if set to true, this property will trigger the creation
      * of repository
      *             metadata which will allow the repository to be
      * used as a functional remote
      *             repository. Default value is false.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isIncludeMetadata()
 290  0
         return this.includeMetadata;
     } //-- boolean isIncludeMetadata()
      * Method removeExclude.
      * @param string
     public void removeExclude( String string )
 300  0
         getExcludes().remove( string );
 301  0
     } //-- void removeExclude( String )
      * Method removeGroupVersionAlignment.
      * @param groupVersionAlignment
     public void removeGroupVersionAlignment( GroupVersionAlignment groupVersionAlignment )
 310  0
         getGroupVersionAlignments().remove( groupVersionAlignment );
 311  0
     } //-- void removeGroupVersionAlignment( GroupVersionAlignment )
      * Method removeInclude.
      * @param string
     public void removeInclude( String string )
 320  0
         getIncludes().remove( string );
 321  0
     } //-- void removeInclude( String )
      * Set similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory mode of
      * the directories
      *             included. 
      *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
      *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
      * component is a sum of
      *             Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For
      * example, the value
      *             0755 translates to User read-write, Group and
      * Other read-only.
      *             <a
      * href="">(more
      * on unix-style permissions)</a>
      * @param directoryMode
     public void setDirectoryMode( String directoryMode )
 342  1
         this.directoryMode = directoryMode;
 343  1
     } //-- void setDirectoryMode( String )
      * Set when &lt;exclude&gt; subelements are present, they
      * define a set of
      *             dependency artifact coordinates to exclude. If
      * none is present, then
      *             &lt;excludes&gt; represents no exclusions.
      *             Artifact coordinates may be given in simple
      * groupId:artifactId form,
      *             or they may be fully qualified in the form
      * groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]:version.
      *             Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in
      * *:maven-*.
      * @param excludes
     public void setExcludes( java.util.List<String> excludes )
 363  0
         this.excludes = excludes;
 364  0
     } //-- void setExcludes( java.util.List )
      * Set similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode of the
      * files included.
      *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
      *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
      * component is a sum of Read = 4,
      *             Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For example, the
      * value 0644
      *             translates to User read-write, Group and Other
      * read-only.
      *             <a
      * href="">(more
      * on unix-style permissions)</a>
      * @param fileMode
     public void setFileMode( String fileMode )
 384  1
         this.fileMode = fileMode;
 385  1
     } //-- void setFileMode( String )
      * Set specifies that you want to align a group of artifacts to
      * a specified
      *             version. A groupVersionAlignment is specified by
      * providing one or
      *             more of &lt;groupVersionAlignment&gt;
      * subelements.
      * @param groupVersionAlignments
     public void setGroupVersionAlignments( java.util.List<GroupVersionAlignment> groupVersionAlignments )
 399  0
         this.groupVersionAlignments = groupVersionAlignments;
 400  0
     } //-- void setGroupVersionAlignments( java.util.List )
      * Set if set to true, this property will trigger the creation
      * of repository
      *             metadata which will allow the repository to be
      * used as a functional remote
      *             repository. Default value is false.
      * @param includeMetadata
     public void setIncludeMetadata( boolean includeMetadata )
 413  0
         this.includeMetadata = includeMetadata;
 414  0
     } //-- void setIncludeMetadata( boolean )
      * Set when &lt;include&gt; subelements are present, they
      * define a set of
      *             artifact coordinates to include. If none is
      * present, then
      *             &lt;includes&gt; represents all valid values.
      *             Artifact coordinates may be given in simple
      * groupId:artifactId form,
      *             or they may be fully qualified in the form
      * groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]:version.
      *             Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in
      * *:maven-*.
      * @param includes
     public void setIncludes( java.util.List<String> includes )
 434  0
         this.includes = includes;
 435  0
     } //-- void setIncludes( java.util.List )
      * Set sets the output directory relative to the root
      *             of the root directory of the assembly. For
      * example,
      *             "log" will put the specified files in the log
      * directory,
      *             directly beneath the root of the archive.
      * @param outputDirectory
     public void setOutputDirectory( String outputDirectory )
 449  1
         this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
 450  1
     } //-- void setOutputDirectory( String )
      * Set specifies the scope for artifacts included in this
      * repository.
      *             Default scope value is "runtime". (Since 2.2).
      * @param scope
     public void setScope( String scope )
 461  5
         this.scope = scope;
 462  5
     } //-- void setScope( String )