Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.utils.AssemblyFormatUtils
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.utils;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.AssemblerConfigurationSource;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.format.AssemblyFormattingException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.InterpolationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.PrefixedObjectValueSource;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.PrefixedPropertiesValueSource;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.PropertiesBasedValueSource;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.StringSearchInterpolator;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.ListIterator;
 import java.util.Properties;
  * @version $Id: 1073964 2011-02-23 22:05:06Z jdcasey $
 public final class AssemblyFormatUtils
     private AssemblyFormatUtils()
 50  0
 51  0
      * Get the full name of the distribution artifact
      * @param assembly
      * @return the distribution name
     public static String getDistributionName( final Assembly assembly, final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
 61  2
         final String finalName = configSource.getFinalName();
 62  2
         final boolean appendAssemblyId = configSource.isAssemblyIdAppended();
 63  2
         final String classifier = configSource.getClassifier();
 65  2
         String distributionName = finalName;
 66  2
         if ( appendAssemblyId )
 68  0
             if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( assembly.getId() ) )
 70  0
                 distributionName = finalName + "-" + assembly.getId();
 73  2
         else if ( classifier != null )
 75  1
             distributionName = finalName + "-" + classifier;
 78  2
         return distributionName;
      * @deprecated Use
      *             {@link AssemblyFormatUtils#getOutputDirectory(String, MavenProject, MavenProject, String, AssemblerConfigurationSource)}
      *             instead.
     public static String getOutputDirectory( final String output, final MavenProject mainProject,
                                              final MavenProject artifactProject, final String finalName )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException
 91  0
         return getOutputDirectory( output, mainProject, null, artifactProject, finalName, null );
     public static String getOutputDirectory( final String output, final MavenProject mainProject,
                                              final MavenProject artifactProject, final String finalName,
                                              final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException
 99  12
         return getOutputDirectory( output, mainProject, null, artifactProject, finalName, configSource );
      * <ol>
      * <li>Support for special expressions, like ${finalName} (use the assembly plugin configuration not the build
      * config)</li>
      * <li>prefixed with "module." if moduleProject is non-null
      * <ol>
      * <li>MavenProject instance for module being assembled</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>prefixed with "artifact." if artifactProject is non-null
      * <ol>
      * <li>MavenProject instance for artifact</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>user-defined properties from the command line</li>
      * <li>prefixed with "pom." or "project.", or no prefix at all
      * <ol>
      * <li>MavenProject instance from current build</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>properties from main project</li>
      * <li>system properties, from the MavenSession instance (to support IDEs)</li>
      * <li>environment variables.</li>
      * </ol>
     public static String getOutputDirectory( final String output, final MavenProject mainProject,
                                              final MavenProject moduleProject, final MavenProject artifactProject,
                                              final String finalName, final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException
 133  71
         String value = output;
 134  71
         if ( value == null )
 136  9
             value = "";
 139  71
         final StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
 141  71
         final Properties specialExpressionOverrides = new Properties();
 143  71
         if ( finalName != null )
 145  43
             specialExpressionOverrides.setProperty( "finalName", finalName );
 146  43
             specialExpressionOverrides.setProperty( "build.finalName", finalName );
         // 1
 150  71
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( specialExpressionOverrides ) );
 152  71
         if ( moduleProject != null )
             // 2
 155  45
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject ) );
 156  45
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                             moduleProject.getProperties() ) );
 158  45
             if ( moduleProject.getArtifact() != null )
 160  12
                 interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject.getArtifact() ) );
 164  71
         if ( artifactProject != null )
             // 3
 167  55
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject ) );
 168  55
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                             artifactProject.getProperties() ) );
 170  55
             if ( artifactProject.getArtifact() != null )
 172  14
                 interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject.getArtifact() ) );
 176  71
         MavenSession session = null;
 178  71
         if ( configSource != null )
 180  71
             session = configSource.getMavenSession();
 182  71
             if ( session != null )
 184  32
                 Properties userProperties = null;
 187  32
                     userProperties = session.getExecutionProperties();
 189  0
                 catch ( final NoSuchMethodError nsmer )
                     // OK, so user is using Maven <= 2.0.8. No big deal.
 192  32
 194  32
                 if ( userProperties != null )
                     // 4
 197  32
                     interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( userProperties ) );
 202  71
         if ( mainProject != null )
             // 5
 205  60
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( InterpolationConstants.PROJECT_PREFIXES,
                                                                         mainProject, true ) );
             // 6
 209  60
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource(
                                                                             mainProject.getProperties(), true ) );
 214  71
         Properties commandLineProperties = System.getProperties();
 215  71
         if ( session != null )
 217  32
             commandLineProperties = new Properties();
 218  32
             if ( session.getExecutionProperties() != null )
 220  32
                 commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getExecutionProperties() );
 223  32
             if ( session.getUserProperties() != null )
 225  32
                 commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getUserProperties() );
         // 7
 230  71
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( commandLineProperties ) );
             // 8
 235  71
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( Collections.singletonList( "env." ),
                                                                             CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars( false ),
                                                                             true ) );
 239  0
         catch ( final IOException e )
 241  0
             throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to retrieve OS environment variables. Reason: "
                             + e.getMessage(), e );
 243  71
 247  71
             value = interpolator.interpolate( value );
 249  0
         catch ( final InterpolationException e )
 251  0
             throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to interpolate output directory. Reason: " + e.getMessage(),
                                                    e );
 253  71
 255  71
         if ( ( value.length() > 0 ) && !value.endsWith( "/" ) && !value.endsWith( "\\" ) )
 257  46
             value += "/";
 260  71
         if ( ( value.length() > 0 ) && ( value.startsWith( "/" ) || value.startsWith( "\\" ) ) )
 262  5
             value = value.substring( 1 );
 265  71
         value = StringUtils.replace( value, "//", "/" );
 266  71
         value = StringUtils.replace( value, "\\\\", "\\" );
 267  71
         value = fixRelativeRefs( value );
 269  71
         return value;
      * @deprecated Use
      *             {@link AssemblyFormatUtils#evaluateFileNameMapping(String, Artifact, MavenProject, MavenProject, AssemblerConfigurationSource)}
      *             instead.
     public static String evaluateFileNameMapping( final String expression, final Artifact artifact,
                                                   final MavenProject mainProject, final MavenProject artifactProject )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException
 282  0
         return evaluateFileNameMapping( expression, artifact, mainProject, null, null, artifactProject, null );
     public static String evaluateFileNameMapping( final String expression, final Artifact artifact,
                                                   final MavenProject mainProject, final MavenProject artifactProject,
                                                   final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException
 290  1
         return evaluateFileNameMapping( expression, artifact, mainProject, null, null, artifactProject, configSource );
      * <ol>
      * <li>prefixed with "module.", if moduleProject != null
      * <ol>
      * <li>Artifact instance for module, if moduleArtifact != null</li>
      * <li>ArtifactHandler instance for module, if moduleArtifact != null</li>
      * <li>MavenProject instance for module</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>prefixed with "artifact."
      * <ol>
      * <li>Artifact instance</li>
      * <li>ArtifactHandler instance for artifact</li>
      * <li>MavenProject instance for artifact</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>prefixed with "pom." or "project."
      * <ol>
      * <li>MavenProject instance from current build</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>no prefix, using main project instance
      * <ol>
      * <li>MavenProject instance from current build</li>
      * </ol>
      * </li>
      * <li>Support for special expressions, like ${dashClassifier?}</li>
      * <li>user-defined properties from the command line</li>
      * <li>properties from main project</li>
      * <li>system properties, from the MavenSession instance (to support IDEs)</li>
      * <li>environment variables.</li>
      * </ol>
     public static String evaluateFileNameMapping( final String expression, final Artifact artifact,
                                                   final MavenProject mainProject, final MavenProject moduleProject,
                                                   final Artifact moduleArtifact, final MavenProject artifactProject,
                                                   final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
         throws AssemblyFormattingException
 333  46
         String value = expression;
         // TODO: This is BAD! Accessors SHOULD NOT change the behavior of the object.
         // [jdcasey; 16-Aug-1007] This is fixed in SVN, just waiting for it to pass out of legacy.
 337  46
 339  46
         final StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
 341  46
         if ( moduleArtifact != null )
             // 1A
 344  39
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleArtifact ) );
             // 1B
 347  39
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleArtifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );
 348  39
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.handler.",
                                                                         moduleArtifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );
         // 1C
 353  46
         if ( moduleProject != null )
 355  39
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject ) );
 356  39
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                             moduleProject.getProperties() ) );
 358  39
             if ( moduleProject.getArtifact() != null )
 360  11
                 interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject.getArtifact() ) );
         // 2A
 365  46
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifact ) );
         // 2B
 368  46
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );
 369  46
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.handler.", artifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );
         // 2C
 372  46
         if ( artifactProject != null )
 374  45
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject ) );
 375  45
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                             artifactProject.getProperties() ) );
 377  45
             if ( artifactProject.getArtifact() != null )
 379  14
                 interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject.getArtifact() ) );
 383  46
         if ( mainProject != null )
             // 3
             // 4
 387  38
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( InterpolationConstants.PROJECT_PREFIXES,
                                                                         mainProject, true ) );
 391  46
         final Properties specialRules = new Properties();
 393  46
         final String classifier = artifact.getClassifier();
 394  46
         if ( classifier != null )
 396  3
             specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier?", "-" + classifier );
 397  3
             specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier", "-" + classifier );
 401  43
             specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier?", "" );
 402  43
             specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier", "" );
         // 5
 406  46
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( specialRules ) );
 408  46
         MavenSession session = null;
 409  46
         if ( configSource != null )
 411  46
             session = configSource.getMavenSession();
 413  46
             if ( session != null )
 415  28
                 Properties userProperties = null;
 418  28
                     userProperties = session.getExecutionProperties();
 420  0
                 catch ( final NoSuchMethodError nsmer )
                     // OK, so user is using Maven <= 2.0.8. No big deal.
 423  28
 425  28
                 if ( userProperties != null )
                     // 6
 428  27
                     interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( userProperties ) );
 433  46
         if ( mainProject != null )
             // 7
 436  38
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource(
                                                                             mainProject.getProperties(), true ) );
 441  46
         Properties commandLineProperties = System.getProperties();
 442  46
         if ( session != null )
 444  28
             commandLineProperties = new Properties();
 445  28
             if ( session.getExecutionProperties() != null )
 447  27
                 commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getExecutionProperties() );
 450  28
             if ( session.getUserProperties() != null )
 452  28
                 commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getUserProperties() );
         // 8
 457  46
         interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( commandLineProperties ) );
             // 9
 462  46
             interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( Collections.singletonList( "env." ),
                                                                             CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars( false ),
                                                                             true ) );
 466  0
         catch ( final IOException e )
 468  0
             throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to retrieve OS environment variables. Reason: "
                             + e.getMessage(), e );
 470  46
 474  46
             value = interpolator.interpolate( value );
 476  0
         catch ( final InterpolationException e )
 478  0
             throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to interpolate output filename mapping. Reason: "
                             + e.getMessage(), e );
 480  46
 482  46
         value = StringUtils.replace( value, "//", "/" );
 483  46
         value = StringUtils.replace( value, "\\\\", "\\" );
 484  46
         value = fixRelativeRefs( value );
 486  46
         return value;
     public static String fixRelativeRefs( String src )
 491  127
         String value = src;
 493  127
         String[] separators = {
             "/", "\\"
 497  127
         String finalSep = null;
 498  381
         for ( String sep : separators )
 500  254
             if ( value.endsWith( sep ) )
 502  66
                 finalSep = sep;
 505  254
             if ( value.indexOf( "." + sep ) > -1 )
 507  12
                 List<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();
 508  12
                 parts.addAll( Arrays.asList( value.split( sep ) ) );
 510  12
                 for ( ListIterator<String> it = parts.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 512  30
                     String part =;
 513  30
                     if ( ".".equals( part ) )
 515  6
 517  24
                     else if ( "..".equals( part ) )
 519  6
 520  6
                         if ( it.hasPrevious() )
 522  3
 523  3
 526  30
 528  12
                 value = StringUtils.join( parts.iterator(), sep );
 532  127
         if ( finalSep != null && value.length() > 0 && !value.endsWith( finalSep ) )
 534  12
             value += finalSep;
 537  127
         return value;