Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.archetype.ui.DefaultArchetypeFactory
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 package org.apache.maven.archetype.ui;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.common.ArchetypeConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.common.ArchetypeDefinition;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.common.Constants;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Properties;
  * @plexus.component
 35  9
 public class DefaultArchetypeFactory
 extends AbstractLogEnabled
 implements ArchetypeFactory
     public ArchetypeConfiguration createArchetypeConfiguration( ArchetypeDefinition archetypeDefinition,
         Properties properties )
 42  0
         ArchetypeConfiguration configuration = new ArchetypeConfiguration();
 43  0
         getLogger().debug( "Creating ArchetypeConfiguration from ArchetypeDefinition and Properties" );
 45  0
         configuration.setGroupId( archetypeDefinition.getGroupId() );
 46  0
         configuration.setArtifactId( archetypeDefinition.getArtifactId() );
 47  0
         configuration.setVersion( archetypeDefinition.getVersion() );
 49  0
         Iterator propertiesIterator = properties.keySet().iterator();
 50  0
         while( propertiesIterator.hasNext() )
 52  0
             String property = (String);
 53  0
             if( !Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID.equals( property ) && !Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID.equals( property )
                 && !Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION.equals( property ) )
 56  0
                 configuration.addRequiredProperty( property );
 58  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + property );
 60  0
                 configuration.setProperty( property, properties.getProperty( property ) );
 62  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Adding property " + property + "=" + properties.getProperty( property ) );
 64  0
 66  0
         return configuration;
     public ArchetypeConfiguration createArchetypeConfiguration(
         org.apache.maven.archetype.old.descriptor.ArchetypeDescriptor archetypeDescriptor, Properties properties )
 72  9
         ArchetypeConfiguration configuration = new ArchetypeConfiguration();
 73  9
         getLogger().debug( "Creating ArchetypeConfiguration from legacy descriptor and Properties" );
 75  9
         configuration.setGroupId( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID, null ) );
 76  9
         configuration.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID, null ) );
 77  9
         configuration.setVersion( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION, null ) );
 79  9
         configuration.setName( archetypeDescriptor.getId() );
 81  9
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID );
 82  9
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.GROUP_ID );
 83  9
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) )
 85  6
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 86  6
             configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 88  9
         getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.GROUP_ID + "="
             + configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 91  9
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID );
 92  9
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.ARTIFACT_ID );
 93  9
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) )
 95  9
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 96  9
             configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID,
                 configuration.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 99  9
         getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.ARTIFACT_ID + "="
             + configuration.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 102  9
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.VERSION );
 103  9
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.VERSION );
 104  9
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) )
 106  3
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.VERSION, properties.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 107  3
             configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.VERSION, configuration.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 111  6
             configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.VERSION, "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
 113  9
         getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.VERSION + "="
             + configuration.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 116  9
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.PACKAGE );
 117  9
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.PACKAGE );
 118  9
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) )
 120  3
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, properties.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 121  3
             configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 123  6
         else if( null != configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) )
 125  3
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 126  3
             configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 128  9
         getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.PACKAGE + "="
             + configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 131  9
         return configuration;
     public ArchetypeConfiguration createArchetypeConfiguration(
         org.apache.maven.archetype.metadata.ArchetypeDescriptor archetypeDescriptor, Properties properties )
 137  0
         ArchetypeConfiguration configuration = new ArchetypeConfiguration();
 138  0
         getLogger().debug( "Creating ArchetypeConfiguration from fileset descriptor and Properties" );
 140  0
         configuration.setGroupId( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID, null ) );
 141  0
         configuration.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID, null ) );
 142  0
         configuration.setVersion( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION, null ) );
 144  0
         configuration.setName( archetypeDescriptor.getName() );
 146  0
         Iterator requiredProperties = archetypeDescriptor.getRequiredProperties().iterator();
 148  0
         while( requiredProperties.hasNext() )
 150  0
             org.apache.maven.archetype.metadata.RequiredProperty requiredProperty =
 153  0
             configuration.addRequiredProperty( requiredProperty.getKey() );
 154  0
             getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + requiredProperty.getKey() );
 156  0
             if( null != properties.getProperty( requiredProperty.getKey(), requiredProperty.getDefaultValue() ) )
 158  0
                 configuration.setProperty( requiredProperty.getKey(),
                     properties.getProperty( requiredProperty.getKey(), requiredProperty.getDefaultValue() ) );
 160  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + requiredProperty.getKey() + "="
                     + configuration.getProperty( requiredProperty.getKey() ) );
 163  0
             if( null != requiredProperty.getDefaultValue() )
 165  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( requiredProperty.getKey(), requiredProperty.getDefaultValue() );
 166  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Setting defaultProperty " + requiredProperty.getKey() + "="
                     + configuration.getDefaultValue( requiredProperty.getKey() ) );
 169  0
         } // end while
 171  0
         if( !configuration.isConfigured( Constants.GROUP_ID ) )
 173  0
             configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID );
 174  0
             getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.GROUP_ID );
 175  0
             if( null
                 != properties.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.GROUP_ID ) ) )
 178  0
                 configuration.setProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID,
                     properties.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.GROUP_ID ) ) );
 180  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 182  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.GROUP_ID + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 185  0
         if( !configuration.isConfigured( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) )
 187  0
             configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID );
 188  0
             getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.ARTIFACT_ID );
 189  0
             if( null
                 != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID,
                     configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) ) )
 193  0
                 configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 194  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID,
                     configuration.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 197  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.ARTIFACT_ID + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 200  0
         if( !configuration.isConfigured( Constants.VERSION ) )
 202  0
             configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.VERSION );
 203  0
             getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.VERSION );
 204  0
             if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.VERSION,
                     configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.VERSION ) ) )
 207  0
                 configuration.setProperty( Constants.VERSION,
                     properties.getProperty( Constants.VERSION, configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.VERSION ) ) );
 209  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.VERSION, configuration.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 213  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.VERSION, "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
 215  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.VERSION + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 218  0
         if( !configuration.isConfigured( Constants.PACKAGE ) )
 220  0
             configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.PACKAGE );
 221  0
             getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.PACKAGE );
 222  0
             if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE,
                     configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.PACKAGE ) ) )
 225  0
                 configuration.setProperty( Constants.PACKAGE,
                     properties.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getDefaultValue( Constants.PACKAGE ) ) );
 227  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 229  0
             else if( null != configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) )
 231  0
                 configuration.setProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 232  0
                 configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 234  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.PACKAGE + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 238  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_POST_GENERATION_GOALS ) )
 240  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_POST_GENERATION_GOALS,
                 properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_POST_GENERATION_GOALS ) );
 244  0
         return configuration;
     public ArchetypeConfiguration createArchetypeConfiguration( MavenProject project,
         ArchetypeDefinition archetypeDefinition, Properties properties )
 250  0
         ArchetypeConfiguration configuration = new ArchetypeConfiguration();
 251  0
         getLogger().debug( "Creating ArchetypeConfiguration from ArchetypeDefinition, MavenProject and Properties" );
 253  0
         configuration.setGroupId( properties.getProperty(Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID) );
 254  0
         configuration.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty(Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID) );
 255  0
         configuration.setVersion( properties.getProperty(Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION) );
 257  0
         Iterator requiredProperties = properties.keySet().iterator();
 259  0
         while( requiredProperties.hasNext() )
 261  0
             String requiredProperty = (String);
 263  0
             if( requiredProperty.indexOf( "." ) < 0 )
 265  0
                 configuration.addRequiredProperty( requiredProperty );
 266  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + requiredProperty );
 267  0
                 configuration.setProperty( requiredProperty, properties.getProperty( requiredProperty ) );
 268  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + requiredProperty + "="
                     + configuration.getProperty( requiredProperty ) );
 271  0
 273  0
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID );
 274  0
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.GROUP_ID );
 275  0
         configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, project.getGroupId() );
 276  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, null ) )
 278  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 279  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.GROUP_ID + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.GROUP_ID ) );
 283  0
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID );
 284  0
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.ARTIFACT_ID );
 285  0
         configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID, project.getArtifactId() );
 286  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID, null ) )
 288  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 289  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.ARTIFACT_ID + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 293  0
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.VERSION );
 294  0
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.VERSION );
 295  0
         configuration.setDefaultProperty( Constants.VERSION, project.getVersion() );
 296  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.VERSION, null ) )
 298  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.VERSION, properties.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 299  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.VERSION + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.VERSION ) );
 303  0
         configuration.addRequiredProperty( Constants.PACKAGE );
 304  0
         getLogger().debug( "Adding requiredProperty " + Constants.PACKAGE );
 305  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) )
 307  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.PACKAGE, properties.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 309  0
             getLogger().debug( "Setting property " + Constants.PACKAGE + "="
                 + configuration.getProperty( Constants.PACKAGE ) );
 313  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID, null ) )
 315  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID ) );
 318  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID, null ) )
 320  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID, properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID ) );
 323  0
         if( null != properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION, null ) )
 325  0
             configuration.setProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION, properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION ) );
 327  0
         return configuration;
     public ArchetypeDefinition createArchetypeDefinition( Properties properties )
 332  0
         ArchetypeDefinition definition = new ArchetypeDefinition();
 334  0
         definition.setGroupId( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_GROUP_ID, null ) );
 336  0
         definition.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACT_ID, null ) );
 338  0
         definition.setVersion( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_VERSION, null ) );
 340  0
         definition.setRepository( properties.getProperty( Constants.ARCHETYPE_REPOSITORY, null ) );
 342  0
         return definition;
     public void updateArchetypeConfiguration( ArchetypeConfiguration archetypeConfiguration,
         ArchetypeDefinition archetypeDefinition )
 348  0
         archetypeConfiguration.setGroupId( archetypeDefinition.getGroupId() );
 349  0
         archetypeConfiguration.setArtifactId( archetypeDefinition.getArtifactId() );
 350  0
         archetypeConfiguration.setVersion( archetypeDefinition.getVersion() );
 351  0