Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.ant.AntBuildWriter
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.ant;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.SortedMap;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Profile;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Repository;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.PrettyPrintXMLWriter;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.XMLWriter;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.XmlWriterUtil;
  * Write Ant build files from <code>Maven Project</code> for <a href="">Ant</a> 1.6.2 or above:
  * <ul>
  * <li>build.xml</li>
  * <li>maven-build.xml</li>
  * <li></li>
  * </ul>
  * @author <a href="">Brett Porter</a>
  * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
  * @version $Id: 831567 2009-10-31 17:14:41Z bentmann $
 public class AntBuildWriter
      * The default line indenter
     protected static final int DEFAULT_INDENTATION_SIZE = XmlWriterUtil.DEFAULT_INDENTATION_SIZE;
      * The default build file name (build.xml)
     protected static final String DEFAULT_BUILD_FILENAME = Main.DEFAULT_BUILD_FILENAME;
      * The default generated build file name
     protected static final String DEFAULT_MAVEN_BUILD_FILENAME = "maven-build.xml";
      * The default build properties file name
     protected static final String DEFAULT_MAVEN_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = "";
     private MavenProject project;
     private ArtifactResolverWrapper artifactResolverWrapper;
     private File localRepository;
     private Settings settings;
     private boolean overwrite;
     private Properties executionProperties;
      * @param project
      * @param artifactResolverWrapper
      * @param settings
      * @param overwrite
     public AntBuildWriter( MavenProject project, ArtifactResolverWrapper artifactResolverWrapper, Settings settings,
                            boolean overwrite, Properties executionProperties )
 105  6
 106  6
         this.project = project;
 107  6
         this.artifactResolverWrapper = artifactResolverWrapper;
 108  6
         this.localRepository = new File( artifactResolverWrapper.getLocalRepository().getBasedir() );
 109  6
         this.settings = settings;
 110  6
         this.overwrite = overwrite;
 111  6
         this.executionProperties = ( executionProperties != null ) ? executionProperties : new Properties();
 112  6
      * Generate Ant build XML files
      * @throws IOException
     protected void writeBuildXmls()
         throws IOException
 122  6
 123  6
 124  6
      * Generate <code></code> only for a non-POM project
      * @throws IOException
     protected void writeBuildProperties()
         throws IOException
 135  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 137  0
 140  6
         Properties properties = new Properties();
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Build properties
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 146  6
         addProperty( properties, "", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), project
             .getBuild().getFinalName() ) );
         // target
 150  6
         addProperty( properties, "", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), project.getBuild()
             .getDirectory() ) );
 152  6
         addProperty( properties, "", "${}" );
         // ${}/classes
 155  6
         addProperty( properties, "", "${}/"
             + AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( new File( project.getBasedir(), properties.getProperty( "" ) ),
                                     project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory() ) );
 158  6
         addProperty( properties, "", "${}" );
         // src/main/java
 161  6
         if ( !project.getCompileSourceRoots().isEmpty() )
 163  6
             String[] compileSourceRoots = (String[]) project.getCompileSourceRoots().toArray( new String[0] );
 164  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < compileSourceRoots.length; i++ )
 166  6
                 addProperty( properties, "" + i, AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(),
                                                                                           compileSourceRoots[i] ) );
         // src/main/resources
 171  6
         if ( project.getBuild().getResources() != null )
 173  6
             Resource[] array = (Resource[]) project.getBuild().getResources().toArray( new Resource[0] );
 174  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
 176  6
                 addProperty( properties, "" + i, AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(),
                                                                                                array[i].getDirectory() ) );
         // ${}/test-classes
 182  6
         addProperty( properties, "", "${}/"
             + AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( new File( project.getBasedir(), properties.getProperty( "" ) ),
                                     project.getBuild().getTestOutputDirectory() ) );
         // src/test/java
 186  6
         if ( !project.getTestCompileSourceRoots().isEmpty() )
 188  6
             String[] compileSourceRoots = (String[]) project.getTestCompileSourceRoots().toArray( new String[0] );
 189  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < compileSourceRoots.length; i++ )
 191  6
                 addProperty( properties, "" + i, AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(),
                                                                                            compileSourceRoots[i] ) );
         // src/test/resources
 196  6
         if ( project.getBuild().getTestResources() != null )
 198  6
             Resource[] array = (Resource[]) project.getBuild().getTestResources().toArray( new Resource[0] );
 199  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
 201  6
                 addProperty( properties, "" + i, AntBuildWriterUtil
                     .toRelative( project.getBasedir(), array[i].getDirectory() ) );
 206  6
         addProperty( properties, "maven.test.reports", "${}/test-reports" );
 208  6
         addProperty( properties, "maven.reporting.outputDirectory", "${}/site" );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Settings properties
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 214  6
         addProperty( properties, "maven.settings.offline", String.valueOf( settings.isOffline() ) );
 215  6
         addProperty( properties, "maven.settings.interactiveMode", String.valueOf( settings.isInteractiveMode() ) );
 216  6
         addProperty( properties, "maven.repo.local", getLocalRepositoryPath() );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Project properties
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 222  6
         if ( project.getProperties() != null )
 224  6
             for ( Iterator it = project.getProperties().entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 226  2
                 Map.Entry property = (Map.Entry);
 227  2
                 addProperty( properties, property.getKey().toString(), property.getValue().toString() );
 231  6
         FileOutputStream os =
             new FileOutputStream( new File( project.getBasedir(), DEFAULT_MAVEN_PROPERTIES_FILENAME ) );
 235  6
    os, "Generated by Maven Ant Plugin - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!" );
 239  6
             IOUtil.close( os );
 240  6
 241  6
      * Generate an <code>maven-build.xml</code>
      * @throws IOException
     private void writeGeneratedBuildXml()
         throws IOException
         // TODO: parameter
 253  6
         File outputFile = new File( project.getBasedir(), DEFAULT_MAVEN_BUILD_FILENAME );
 255  6
         String encoding = "UTF-8";
 257  6
         OutputStreamWriter w = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( outputFile ), encoding );
 259  6
         XMLWriter writer = new PrettyPrintXMLWriter( w, StringUtils.repeat( " ", DEFAULT_INDENTATION_SIZE ), encoding,
                                                      null );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <!-- comments -->
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 266  6
         AntBuildWriterUtil.writeHeader( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <project/>
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 272  6
         writer.startElement( "project" );
 273  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", project.getArtifactId() + "-from-maven" );
 274  6
         writer.addAttribute( "default", "package" );
 275  6
         writer.addAttribute( "basedir", "." );
 277  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <property/>
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 283  6
         writeProperties( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <path/>
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 289  6
         writeBuildPathDefinition( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="clean" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 295  6
         writeCleanTarget( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="compile" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 301  6
         List compileSourceRoots = AntBuildWriterUtil.removeEmptyCompileSourceRoots( project.getCompileSourceRoots() );
 302  6
         writeCompileTarget( writer, compileSourceRoots );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="compile-tests" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 308  6
         List testCompileSourceRoots = AntBuildWriterUtil.removeEmptyCompileSourceRoots( project
             .getTestCompileSourceRoots() );
 310  6
         writeCompileTestsTarget( writer, testCompileSourceRoots );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="test" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 316  6
         writeTestTargets( writer, testCompileSourceRoots );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="javadoc" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 321  6
         writeJavadocTarget( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="package" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 326  6
         writePackageTarget( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <target name="get-deps" />
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 331  6
         writeGetDepsTarget( writer );
 333  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 335  6
         writer.endElement(); // project
 337  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 339  6
         IOUtil.close( w );
 340  6
      * Generate an generic <code>build.xml</code> if not already exist
      * @throws IOException
     private void writeBuildXml()
         throws IOException
 351  6
         File outputFile = new File( project.getBasedir(), DEFAULT_BUILD_FILENAME );
 353  6
         if ( outputFile.exists() && !overwrite )
 355  6
 358  0
         String encoding = "UTF-8";
 360  0
         OutputStreamWriter w = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( outputFile ), encoding );
 362  0
         XMLWriter writer = new PrettyPrintXMLWriter( w, StringUtils.repeat( " ", DEFAULT_INDENTATION_SIZE ), encoding,
                                                      null );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <!-- comments -->
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 369  0
         AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntVersionHeader( writer );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // <project/>
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 375  0
         writer.startElement( "project" );
 376  0
         writer.addAttribute( "name", project.getArtifactId() );
 377  0
         writer.addAttribute( "default", "package" );
 378  0
         writer.addAttribute( "basedir", "." );
 380  0
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 382  0
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Import " + DEFAULT_MAVEN_BUILD_FILENAME
             + " into the current project", 1 );
 385  0
         writer.startElement( "import" );
 386  0
         writer.addAttribute( "file", DEFAULT_MAVEN_BUILD_FILENAME );
 387  0
         writer.endElement(); // import
 389  0
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 1, 1 );
 391  0
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Help target", 1 );
 393  0
         writer.startElement( "target" );
 394  0
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "help" );
 396  0
         writer.startElement( "echo" );
 397  0
         writer.addAttribute( "message", "Please run: $ant -projecthelp" );
 398  0
         writer.endElement(); // echo
 400  0
         writer.endElement(); // target
 402  0
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2 );
 404  0
         writer.endElement(); // project
 406  0
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 408  0
         IOUtil.close( w );
 409  0
      * Write properties in the writer only for a non-POM project.
      * @param writer
     private void writeProperties( XMLWriter writer )
 418  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 420  0
         // TODO: optional in m1
         // TODO: USD properties
 425  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Build environment properties", 1 );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // File properties to override local properties
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 431  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 432  6
         writer.addAttribute( "file", "${user.home}/.m2/" );
 433  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 435  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 436  6
         writer.addAttribute( "file", DEFAULT_MAVEN_PROPERTIES_FILENAME );
 437  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Build properties
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 443  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2, 1 );
 445  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 446  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "" );
 447  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", project.getBuild().getFinalName() );
 448  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 450  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 451  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "" );
 452  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), project.getBuild().getDirectory() ) );
 453  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 455  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 456  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "" );
 457  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", "${}/"
             + AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory() ), project.getBuild()
                 .getOutputDirectory() ) );
 460  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 462  6
         if ( !project.getCompileSourceRoots().isEmpty() )
 464  6
             String[] compileSourceRoots = (String[]) project.getCompileSourceRoots().toArray( new String[0] );
 465  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < compileSourceRoots.length; i++ )
 467  6
                 writer.startElement( "property" );
 468  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "name", "" + i );
 469  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "value", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), compileSourceRoots[i] ) );
 470  6
                 writer.endElement(); // property
 474  6
         if ( project.getBuild().getResources() != null )
 476  6
             Resource[] array = (Resource[]) project.getBuild().getResources().toArray( new Resource[0] );
 477  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
 479  6
                 writer.startElement( "property" );
 480  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "name", "" + i );
 481  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "value", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), array[i].getDirectory() ) );
 482  6
                 writer.endElement(); // property
 486  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 487  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "" );
 488  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", "${}/"
             + AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory() ), project.getBuild()
                 .getTestOutputDirectory() ) );
 491  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 493  6
         if ( !project.getTestCompileSourceRoots().isEmpty() )
 495  6
             String[] compileSourceRoots = (String[]) project.getTestCompileSourceRoots().toArray( new String[0] );
 496  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < compileSourceRoots.length; i++ )
 498  6
                 writer.startElement( "property" );
 499  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "name", "" + i );
 500  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "value", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), compileSourceRoots[i] ) );
 501  6
                 writer.endElement(); // property
 505  6
         if ( project.getBuild().getTestResources() != null )
 507  6
             Resource[] array = (Resource[]) project.getBuild().getTestResources().toArray( new Resource[0] );
 508  12
             for ( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
 510  6
                 writer.startElement( "property" );
 511  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "name", "" + i );
 512  6
                 writer.addAttribute( "value", AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( project.getBasedir(), array[i].getDirectory() ) );
 513  6
                 writer.endElement(); // property
 517  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 518  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "maven.test.reports" );
 519  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", "${}/test-reports" );
 520  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 522  6
         String reportingOutputDir = project.getReporting().getOutputDirectory();
         // workaround for MNG-3475
 524  6
         if ( !new File( reportingOutputDir ).isAbsolute() )
 526  0
             reportingOutputDir = new File( project.getBasedir(), reportingOutputDir ).getAbsolutePath();
 528  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 529  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "maven.reporting.outputDirectory" );
 530  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", "${}/"
             + AntBuildWriterUtil.toRelative( new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory() ), reportingOutputDir ) );
 532  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Setting properties
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 538  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2, 1 );
 540  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 541  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "maven.repo.local" );
 542  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", "${user.home}/.m2/repository" );
 543  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 545  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 546  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "maven.settings.offline" );
 547  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", String.valueOf( settings.isOffline() ) );
 548  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 550  6
         writer.startElement( "property" );
 551  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "maven.settings.interactiveMode" );
 552  6
         writer.addAttribute( "value", String.valueOf( settings.isInteractiveMode() ) );
 553  6
         writer.endElement(); // property
 555  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 556  6
      * Check if the local repository is in the default location:
      * <code>${user.home}/.m2/repository</code>. If that is the case then return
      * the path with the system property "user.home" in it. If not then just
      * return the absolute path to the local repository.
     private String getLocalRepositoryPath()
 566  6
         String userHome = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
 567  6
         String defaultPath = ( userHome + "/.m2/repository" ).replace( '\\', '/' );
 568  6
         String actualPath = localRepository.getAbsolutePath().replace( '\\', '/' );
 569  6
         if ( actualPath.equals( defaultPath ) )
 571  0
             return "${user.home}/.m2/repository";
 575  6
             return localRepository.getAbsolutePath();
      * Write path definition in the writer only for a non-POM project.
      * @param writer
     private void writeBuildPathDefinition( XMLWriter writer )
 586  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 588  0
 591  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Defining classpaths", 1 );
 593  6
         writeBuildPathDefinition( writer, "build.classpath", project.getCompileArtifacts() );
 595  6
         writeBuildPathDefinition( writer, "build.test.classpath", project.getTestArtifacts() );
 597  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 598  6
     private void writeBuildPathDefinition( XMLWriter writer, String id, List artifacts )
 602  12
         writer.startElement( "path" );
 603  12
         writer.addAttribute( "id", id );
 605  12
         for ( Iterator i = artifacts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 607  12
             Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
 609  12
             writer.startElement( "pathelement" );
             String path;
 612  12
             if ( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( artifact.getScope() ) )
 614  0
                 path = getUninterpolatedSystemPath( artifact );
 618  12
                 path = "${maven.repo.local}/" + artifactResolverWrapper.getLocalArtifactPath( artifact );
 620  12
             writer.addAttribute( "location", path );
 622  12
             writer.endElement(); // pathelement
 625  12
         writer.endElement(); // path
 626  12
     private String getUninterpolatedSystemPath( Artifact artifact )
 630  0
         String managementKey = artifact.getDependencyConflictId();
 632  0
         for ( Iterator it = project.getOriginalModel().getDependencies().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 634  0
             Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
 635  0
             if ( managementKey.equals( dependency.getManagementKey() ) )
 637  0
                 return dependency.getSystemPath();
 641  0
         for ( Iterator itp = project.getOriginalModel().getProfiles().iterator(); itp.hasNext(); )
 643  0
             Profile profile = (Profile);
 644  0
             for ( Iterator it = profile.getDependencies().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 646  0
                 Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
 647  0
                 if ( managementKey.equals( dependency.getManagementKey() ) )
 649  0
                     return dependency.getSystemPath();
 654  0
         String path = artifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
 656  0
         Properties props = new Properties();
 657  0
         props.putAll( project.getProperties() );
 658  0
         props.putAll( executionProperties );
 659  0
         props.remove( "user.dir" );
 660  0
         props.put( "basedir", project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath() );
 662  0
         SortedMap candidateProperties = new TreeMap();
 663  0
         for ( Iterator it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 665  0
             String key = (String);
 666  0
             String value = new File( props.getProperty( key ) ).getPath();
 667  0
             if ( path.startsWith( value ) && value.length() > 0 )
 669  0
                 candidateProperties.put( value, key );
 672  0
         if ( !candidateProperties.isEmpty() )
 674  0
             String value = candidateProperties.lastKey().toString();
 675  0
             String key = candidateProperties.get( value ).toString();
 676  0
             path = path.substring( value.length() );
 677  0
             path = path.replace( '\\', '/' );
 678  0
             return "${" + key + "}" + path;
 681  0
         return path;
      * Write clean target in the writer depending the packaging of the project.
      * @param writer
     private void writeCleanTarget( XMLWriter writer )
 691  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Cleaning up target", 1 );
 693  6
         writer.startElement( "target" );
 694  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "clean" );
 695  6
         writer.addAttribute( "description", "Clean the output directory" );
 697  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 699  0
             if ( project.getModules() != null )
 701  0
                 for ( Iterator it = project.getModules().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 703  0
                     String moduleSubPath = (String);
 704  0
                     AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntTask( writer, project, moduleSubPath, "clean" );
 710  6
             writer.startElement( "delete" );
 711  6
             writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${}" );
 712  6
             writer.endElement(); // delete
 715  6
         writer.endElement(); // target
 717  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 718  6
      * Write compile target in the writer depending the packaging of the project.
      * @param writer
      * @param compileSourceRoots
      * @throws IOException if any
     private void writeCompileTarget( XMLWriter writer, List compileSourceRoots )
         throws IOException
 730  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Compilation target", 1 );
 732  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 734  0
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 735  0
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "compile" );
 736  0
             writer.addAttribute( "description", "Compile the code" );
 737  0
             if ( project.getModules() != null )
 739  0
                 for ( Iterator it = project.getModules().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 741  0
                     String moduleSubPath = (String);
 742  0
                     AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntTask( writer, project, moduleSubPath, "compile" );
 745  0
             writer.endElement(); // target
 749  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 750  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "compile" );
 751  6
             writer.addAttribute( "depends", "get-deps" );
 752  6
             writer.addAttribute( "description", "Compile the code" );
 754  6
             writeCompileTasks( writer, "${}", compileSourceRoots,
                                project.getBuild().getResources(), null, false );
 757  6
             writer.endElement(); // target
 760  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 761  6
      * Write compile-test target in the writer depending the packaging of the project.
      * @param writer
      * @param testCompileSourceRoots
      * @throws IOException if any
     private void writeCompileTestsTarget( XMLWriter writer, List testCompileSourceRoots )
         throws IOException
 773  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Test-compilation target", 1 );
 775  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 777  0
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 778  0
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "compile-tests" );
 779  0
             writer.addAttribute( "description", "Compile the test code" );
 780  0
             if ( project.getModules() != null )
 782  0
                 for ( Iterator it = project.getModules().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 784  0
                     String moduleSubPath = (String);
 785  0
                     AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntTask( writer, project, moduleSubPath, "compile-tests" );
 788  0
             writer.endElement(); // target
 792  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 793  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "compile-tests" );
 794  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "depends", "compile", 2 );
 795  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "description", "Compile the test code", 2 );
 796  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "unless", "maven.test.skip", 2 );
 798  6
             writeCompileTasks( writer, "${}", testCompileSourceRoots,
                                project.getBuild().getTestResources(), "${}", true );
 801  6
             writer.endElement(); // target
 804  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 805  6
      * Write test target in the writer depending the packaging of the project.
      * @param writer
      * @param testCompileSourceRoots
     private void writeTestTargets( XMLWriter writer, List testCompileSourceRoots )
         throws IOException
 816  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Run all tests", 1 );
 818  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 820  0
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 821  0
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "test" );
 822  0
             writer.addAttribute( "description", "Run the test cases" );
 823  0
             if ( project.getModules() != null )
 825  0
                 for ( Iterator it = project.getModules().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 827  0
                     String moduleSubPath = (String);
 828  0
                     AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntTask( writer, project, moduleSubPath, "test" );
 831  0
             writer.endElement(); // target
 835  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 836  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "test" );
 837  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "depends", "compile-tests, junit-missing", 2 );
 838  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "unless", "junit.skipped", 2 );
 839  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "description", "Run the test cases", 2 );
 841  6
             if ( !testCompileSourceRoots.isEmpty() )
 843  0
                 writer.startElement( "mkdir" );
 844  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${maven.test.reports}" );
 845  0
                 writer.endElement(); // mkdir
 847  0
                 writer.startElement( "junit" );
 848  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "printSummary", "yes" );
 849  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "haltonerror", "true" );
 850  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "haltonfailure", "true" );
 851  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "fork", "true" );
 852  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "dir", "." );
 854  0
                 writer.startElement( "sysproperty" );
 855  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "key", "basedir" );
 856  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "value", "." );
 857  0
                 writer.endElement(); // sysproperty
 859  0
                 writer.startElement( "formatter" );
 860  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "type", "xml" );
 861  0
                 writer.endElement(); // formatter
 863  0
                 writer.startElement( "formatter" );
 864  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "type", "plain" );
 865  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "usefile", "false" );
 866  0
                 writer.endElement(); // formatter
 868  0
                 writer.startElement( "classpath" );
 869  0
                 writer.startElement( "path" );
 870  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "refid", "build.test.classpath" );
 871  0
                 writer.endElement(); // path
 872  0
                 writer.startElement( "pathelement" );
 873  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "location", "${}" );
 874  0
                 writer.endElement(); // pathelement
 875  0
                 writer.startElement( "pathelement" );
 876  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "location", "${}" );
 877  0
                 writer.endElement(); // pathelement
 878  0
                 writer.endElement(); // classpath
 880  0
                 writer.startElement( "batchtest" );
 881  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "todir", "${maven.test.reports}" );
 882  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "unless", "test" );
 884  0
                 List includes = getTestIncludes();
 885  0
                 List excludes = getTestExcludes();
 887  0
                 writeTestFilesets( writer, testCompileSourceRoots, includes, excludes );
 889  0
                 writer.endElement(); // batchtest
 891  0
                 writer.startElement( "batchtest" );
 892  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "todir", "${maven.test.reports}" );
 893  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "if", "test" );
 895  0
                 includes = Arrays.asList( new String[] { "**/${test}.java" } );
 897  0
                 writeTestFilesets( writer, testCompileSourceRoots, includes, excludes );
 899  0
                 writer.endElement(); // batchtest
 901  0
                 writer.endElement(); // junit
 903  6
             writer.endElement(); // target
 905  6
             XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2, 1 );
 907  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 908  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "test-junit-present" );
 910  6
             writer.startElement( "available" );
 911  6
             writer.addAttribute( "classname", "junit.framework.Test" );
 912  6
             writer.addAttribute( "property", "junit.present" );
 913  6
             writer.endElement(); // available
 915  6
             writer.endElement(); // target
 917  6
             XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2, 1 );
 919  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 920  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "test-junit-status" );
 921  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "depends", "test-junit-present", 2 );
 922  6
             writer.startElement( "condition" );
 923  6
             writer.addAttribute( "property", "junit.missing" );
 924  6
             writer.startElement( "and" );
 925  6
             writer.startElement( "isfalse" );
 926  6
             writer.addAttribute( "value", "${junit.present}" );
 927  6
             writer.endElement(); // isfalse
 928  6
             writer.startElement( "isfalse" );
 929  6
             writer.addAttribute( "value", "${maven.test.skip}" );
 930  6
             writer.endElement(); // isfalse
 931  6
             writer.endElement(); // and
 932  6
             writer.endElement(); // condition
 933  6
             writer.startElement( "condition" );
 934  6
             writer.addAttribute( "property", "junit.skipped" );
 935  6
             writer.startElement( "or" );
 936  6
             writer.startElement( "isfalse" );
 937  6
             writer.addAttribute( "value", "${junit.present}" );
 938  6
             writer.endElement(); // isfalse
 939  6
             writer.startElement( "istrue" );
 940  6
             writer.addAttribute( "value", "${maven.test.skip}" );
 941  6
             writer.endElement(); // istrue
 942  6
             writer.endElement(); // or
 943  6
             writer.endElement(); // condition
 944  6
             writer.endElement(); // target
 946  6
             XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2, 1 );
 948  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 949  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", "junit-missing" );
 950  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "depends", "test-junit-status", 2 );
 951  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "if", "junit.missing", 2 );
 953  6
             writer.startElement( "echo" );
 954  6
             writer.writeText( StringUtils.repeat( "=", 35 ) + " WARNING " + StringUtils.repeat( "=", 35 ) );
 955  6
             writer.endElement(); // echo
 957  6
             writer.startElement( "echo" );
 958  6
             writer.writeText( " JUnit is not present in your $ANT_HOME/lib directory. Tests not executed." );
 959  6
             writer.endElement(); // echo
 961  6
             writer.startElement( "echo" );
 962  6
             writer.writeText( StringUtils.repeat( "=", 79 ) );
 963  6
             writer.endElement(); // echo
 965  6
             writer.endElement(); // target
 968  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 969  6
      * Gets the include patterns for the unit tests.
      * @return A list of strings with include patterns, might be empty but never <code>null</code>.
     private List getTestIncludes()
         throws IOException
 979  0
         List includes = getSelectorList( AntBuildWriterUtil.getMavenSurefirePluginOptions( project, "includes", null ) );
 980  0
         if ( includes == null || includes.isEmpty() )
 982  0
             includes = Arrays.asList( new String[] { "**/Test*.java", "**/*", "**/*" } );
 984  0
         return includes;
      * Gets the exclude patterns for the unit tests.
      * @return A list of strings with exclude patterns, might be empty but never <code>null</code>.
     private List getTestExcludes()
         throws IOException
 995  0
         List excludes = getSelectorList( AntBuildWriterUtil.getMavenSurefirePluginOptions( project, "excludes", null ) );
 996  0
         if ( excludes == null || excludes.isEmpty() )
 998  0
             excludes = Arrays.asList( new String[] { "**/*Abstract*" } );
 1000  0
         return excludes;
      * Write the <code>&lt;fileset&gt;</code> elements for the test compile source roots.
      * @param writer
      * @param testCompileSourceRoots
      * @param includes
      * @param excludes
     private void writeTestFilesets( XMLWriter writer, List testCompileSourceRoots, List includes, List excludes )
 1013  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < testCompileSourceRoots.size(); i++ )
 1015  0
             writer.startElement( "fileset" );
 1016  0
             writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${" + i + "}" );
             // TODO: m1 allows additional test exclusions via maven.ant.excludeTests
 1018  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.writeIncludesExcludes( writer, includes, excludes );
 1019  0
             writer.endElement(); // fileset
 1021  0
      * Write javadoc target in the writer depending the packaging of the project.
      * @param writer
      * @throws IOException if any
     private void writeJavadocTarget( XMLWriter writer )
         throws IOException
 1032  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Javadoc target", 1 );
 1034  6
         writer.startElement( "target" );
 1035  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "javadoc" );
 1036  6
         writer.addAttribute( "description", "Generates the Javadoc of the application" );
 1038  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 1040  0
             if ( project.getModules() != null )
 1042  0
                 for ( Iterator it = project.getModules().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1044  0
                     String moduleSubPath = (String);
 1045  0
                     AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntTask( writer, project, moduleSubPath, "javadoc" );
 1051  6
             AntBuildWriterUtil.writeJavadocTask( writer, project, artifactResolverWrapper );
 1054  6
         writer.endElement(); // target
 1056  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 1057  6
      * Write package target in the writer depending the packaging of the project.
      * @param writer
      * @throws IOException if any
     private void writePackageTarget( XMLWriter writer )
         throws IOException
 1068  6
         String synonym = null; // type of the package we are creating (for example jar)
 1069  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Package target", 1 );
 1071  6
         writer.startElement( "target" );
 1072  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "package" );
 1074  6
         if ( !AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 1076  6
             writer.addAttribute( "depends", "compile,test" );
 1078  6
         writer.addAttribute( "description", "Package the application" );
 1080  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 1082  0
             if ( project.getModules() != null )
 1084  0
                 for ( Iterator it = project.getModules().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 1086  0
                     String moduleSubPath = (String);
 1087  0
                     AntBuildWriterUtil.writeAntTask( writer, project, moduleSubPath, "package" );
 1093  6
             if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isJarPackaging( project ) )
 1095  6
                 AntBuildWriterUtil.writeJarTask( writer, project );
 1096  6
                 synonym = "jar";
 1098  0
             else if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isEarPackaging( project ) )
 1100  0
                 AntBuildWriterUtil.writeEarTask( writer, project, artifactResolverWrapper );
 1101  0
                 synonym = "ear";
 1103  0
             else if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isWarPackaging( project ) )
 1105  0
                 AntBuildWriterUtil.writeWarTask( writer, project, artifactResolverWrapper );
 1106  0
                 synonym = "war";
 1110  0
                 writer.startElement( "echo" );
 1111  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "message", "No Ant task exists for the packaging '" + project.getPackaging()
                     + "'. " + "You could overrided the Ant package target in your build.xml." );
 1113  0
                 writer.endElement(); // echo
 1117  6
         writer.endElement(); // target
 1119  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 1121  6
         if ( synonym != null )
 1123  6
             XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer,
                                                  "A dummy target for the package named after the type it creates", 1 );
 1125  6
             writer.startElement( "target" );
 1126  6
             writer.addAttribute( "name", synonym );
 1127  6
             writer.addAttribute( "depends", "package" );
 1128  6
             writer.addAttribute( "description", "Builds the " + synonym + " for the application" );
 1129  6
             writer.endElement(); //target
 1131  6
             XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 1133  6
     private void writeCompileTasks( XMLWriter writer, String outputDirectory, List compileSourceRoots,
                                    List resources, String additionalClassesDirectory, boolean isTest )
         throws IOException
 1139  12
         writer.startElement( "mkdir" );
 1140  12
         writer.addAttribute( "dir", outputDirectory );
 1141  12
         writer.endElement(); // mkdir
 1143  12
         if ( !compileSourceRoots.isEmpty() )
 1145  0
             writer.startElement( "javac" );
 1146  0
             writer.addAttribute( "destdir", outputDirectory );
 1147  0
             Map[] includes = AntBuildWriterUtil.getMavenCompilerPluginOptions( project, "includes", null );
 1148  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "includes", getCommaSeparatedList( includes,
                                                                                                      "include" ), 3 );
 1150  0
             Map[] excludes = AntBuildWriterUtil.getMavenCompilerPluginOptions( project, "excludes", null );
 1151  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "excludes", getCommaSeparatedList( excludes,
                                                                                                      "exclude" ), 3 );
 1153  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "encoding", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "encoding", null ), 3 );
 1155  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "nowarn", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "showWarnings", "false" ), 3 );
 1157  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "debug", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "debug", "true" ), 3 );
 1159  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "optimize", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "optimize", "false" ), 3 );
 1161  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "deprecation", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "showDeprecation", "true" ), 3 );
 1163  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "target", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "target", "1.1" ), 3 );
 1165  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "verbose", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "verbose", "false" ), 3 );
 1167  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "fork", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "fork", "false" ), 3 );
 1169  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "memoryMaximumSize", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "meminitial", null ), 3 );
 1171  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "memoryInitialSize", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "maxmem", null ), 3 );
 1173  0
             AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "javac", "source", AntBuildWriterUtil
                 .getMavenCompilerPluginBasicOption( project, "source", "1.3" ), 3 );
 1176  0
             String[] compileSourceRootsArray = (String[]) compileSourceRoots.toArray( new String[0] );
 1177  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < compileSourceRootsArray.length; i++ )
 1179  0
                 writer.startElement( "src" );
 1180  0
                 writer.startElement( "pathelement" );
 1181  0
                 if ( isTest )
 1183  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "location", "${" + i + "}" );
 1187  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "location", "${" + i + "}" );
 1189  0
                 writer.endElement(); // pathelement
 1190  0
                 writer.endElement(); // src
 1193  0
             if ( additionalClassesDirectory == null )
 1195  0
                 writer.startElement( "classpath" );
 1196  0
                 if ( isTest )
 1198  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "refid", "build.test.classpath" );
 1202  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "refid", "build.classpath" );
 1204  0
                 writer.endElement(); // classpath
 1208  0
                 writer.startElement( "classpath" );
 1209  0
                 writer.startElement( "path" );
 1210  0
                 if ( isTest )
 1212  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "refid", "build.test.classpath" );
 1216  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "refid", "build.classpath" );
 1218  0
                 writer.endElement(); // path
 1219  0
                 writer.startElement( "pathelement" );
 1220  0
                 writer.addAttribute( "location", additionalClassesDirectory );
 1221  0
                 writer.endElement(); // pathelement
 1222  0
                 writer.endElement(); // classpath
 1225  0
             writer.endElement(); // javac
 1228  12
         Resource[] array = (Resource[]) resources.toArray( new Resource[0] );
 1229  24
         for ( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
 1231  12
             Resource resource = array[i];
 1233  12
             if ( new File( resource.getDirectory() ).exists() )
 1235  10
                 String outputDir = outputDirectory;
 1236  10
                 if ( resource.getTargetPath() != null && resource.getTargetPath().length() > 0 )
 1238  0
                     outputDir = outputDir + "/" + resource.getTargetPath();
 1240  0
                     writer.startElement( "mkdir" );
 1241  0
                     writer.addAttribute( "dir", outputDir );
 1242  0
                     writer.endElement(); // mkdir
 1245  10
                 writer.startElement( "copy" );
 1246  10
                 writer.addAttribute( "todir", outputDir );
 1248  10
                 writer.startElement( "fileset" );
 1249  10
                 if ( isTest )
 1251  4
                     writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${" + i + "}" );
 1255  6
                     writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${" + i + "}" );
 1258  10
                 AntBuildWriterUtil.writeIncludesExcludes( writer, resource.getIncludes(), resource.getExcludes() );
 1260  10
                 writer.endElement(); // fileset
 1262  10
                 writer.endElement(); // copy
 1265  12
      * Write get-deps target in the writer only for a non-POM project
      * @param writer
     private void writeGetDepsTarget( XMLWriter writer )
 1274  6
         if ( AntBuildWriterUtil.isPomPackaging( project ) )
 1276  0
 1279  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText( writer, "Download dependencies target", 1 );
 1281  6
         writer.startElement( "target" );
 1282  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "test-offline" );
 1284  6
         writer.startElement( "condition" );
 1285  6
         writer.addAttribute( "property", "maven.mode.offline" );
 1286  6
         writer.startElement( "equals" );
 1287  6
         writer.addAttribute( "arg1", "${maven.settings.offline}" );
 1288  6
         writer.addAttribute( "arg2", "true" );
 1289  6
         writer.endElement(); // equals
 1290  6
         writer.endElement(); // condition
 1291  6
         writer.endElement(); // target
 1293  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer, 2, 1 );
 1295  6
         writer.startElement( "target" );
 1296  6
         writer.addAttribute( "name", "get-deps" );
 1297  6
         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "depends", "test-offline", 2 );
 1298  6
         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "description", "Download all dependencies", 2 );
 1299  6
         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "target", "unless", "maven.mode.offline", 2 ); // TODO: check, and differs from m1
 1301  6
         writer.startElement( "mkdir" );
 1302  6
         writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${maven.repo.local}" );
 1303  6
         writer.endElement(); // mkdir
 1305  6
         String basedir = project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
         // TODO: proxy - probably better to use wagon!
 1308  6
         for ( Iterator i = project.getTestArtifacts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 1310  6
             Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
 1312  6
             if ( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( artifact.getScope() ) )
 1314  0
 1317  6
             String path = artifactResolverWrapper.getLocalArtifactPath( artifact );
 1319  6
             if ( !new File( path ).exists() )
 1321  6
                 File parentDirs = new File( path ).getParentFile();
 1322  6
                 if ( parentDirs != null )
 1324  6
                     writer.startElement( "mkdir" );
                     // Replace \ with / in the parent dir path
 1326  6
                     writer.addAttribute( "dir", "${maven.repo.local}/" + parentDirs.getPath().replace( '\\', '/' ) );
 1327  6
                     writer.endElement(); // mkdir
 1330  6
                 for ( Iterator j = project.getRepositories().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
 1332  6
                     Repository repository = (Repository);
 1333  6
                     String url = repository.getUrl();
 1335  6
                     String localDir = getProjectRepoDirectory( url, basedir );
 1336  6
                     if ( localDir != null )
 1338  0
                         if ( localDir.length() > 0 && !localDir.endsWith( "/" ) )
 1340  0
                             localDir += '/';
 1343  0
                         writer.startElement( "copy" );
 1344  0
                         writer.addAttribute( "file", localDir + path );
 1345  0
                         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "copy", "tofile", "${maven.repo.local}/" + path, 3 );
 1346  0
                         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "copy", "failonerror", "false", 3 );
 1347  0
                         writer.endElement(); // copy
 1351  6
                         writer.startElement( "get" );
 1352  6
                         writer.addAttribute( "src", url + '/' + path );
 1353  6
                         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "get", "dest", "${maven.repo.local}/" + path, 3 );
 1354  6
                         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "get", "usetimestamp", "false", 3 );
 1355  6
                         AntBuildWriterUtil.addWrapAttribute( writer, "get", "ignoreerrors", "true", 3 );
 1356  6
                         writer.endElement(); // get
 1362  6
         writer.endElement(); // target
 1364  6
         XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak( writer );
 1365  6
      * Gets the relative path to a repository that is rooted in the project. The returned path (if any) will always use
      * the forward slash ('/') as the directory separator. For example, the path "target/it-repo" will be returned for a
      * repository constructed from the URL "file://${basedir}/target/it-repo".
      * @param repoUrl The URL to the repository, must not be <code>null</code>.
      * @param projectDir The absolute path to the base directory of the project, must not be <code>null</code>
      * @return The path to the repository (relative to the project base directory) or <code>null</code> if the
      *         repository is not rooted in the project.
     static String getProjectRepoDirectory( String repoUrl, String projectDir )
              * NOTE: The usual way of constructing repo URLs rooted in the project is "file://${basedir}" or
              * "file:/${basedir}". None of these forms delivers a valid URL on both Unix and Windows (even ignoring URL
              * encoding), one platform will end up with the first directory of the path being interpreted as the host
              * name...
 1387  24
             if ( repoUrl.regionMatches( true, 0, "file://", 0, 7 ) )
 1389  8
                 String temp = repoUrl.substring( 7 );
 1390  8
                 if ( !temp.startsWith( "/" ) && !temp.regionMatches( true, 0, "localhost/", 0, 10 ) )
 1392  6
                     repoUrl = "file:///" + temp;
 1395  24
             String path = FileUtils.toFile( new URL( repoUrl ) ).getPath();
 1396  16
             if ( path.startsWith( projectDir ) )
 1398  14
                 path = path.substring( projectDir.length() ).replace( '\\', '/' );
 1399  14
                 if ( path.startsWith( "/" ) )
 1401  10
                     path = path.substring( 1 );
 1403  14
                 if ( path.endsWith( "/" ) )
 1405  0
                     path = path.substring( 0, path.length() - 1 );
 1407  14
                 return path;
 1410  8
         catch ( Exception e )
             // not a "file:" URL or simply malformed
 1413  2
 1414  10
         return null;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Convenience methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Put a property in properties defined by a name and a value
      * @param properties not null
      * @param name
      * @param value not null
     private static void addProperty( Properties properties, String name, String value )
 1430  92
         properties.put( name, StringUtils.isNotEmpty( value ) ? value : "" );
 1431  92
      * @param includes an array of includes or exludes map
      * @param key a key wanted in the map, like <code>include</code> or <code>exclude</code>
      * @return a String with comma-separated value of a key in each map
     private static String getCommaSeparatedList( Map[] includes, String key )
 1440  0
         if ( ( includes == null ) || ( includes.length == 0 ) )
 1442  0
             return null;
 1445  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 1446  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < includes.length; i++ )
 1448  0
             String s = (String) includes[i].get( key );
 1449  0
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( s ) )
 1451  0
 1454  0
             sb.append( s );
 1456  0
             if ( i < ( includes.length - 1 ) )
 1458  0
                 sb.append( "," );
 1462  0
         if ( sb.length() == 0 )
 1464  0
             return null;
 1467  0
         return sb.toString();
      * Flattens the specified file selector options into a simple string list. For instance, the input
      * <pre>
      * [ {include=&quot;*;}, {include=&quot;*;} ]
      * </pre>
      * is converted to
      * <pre>
      * [ &quot;*;, &quot;*; ]
      * </pre>
      * @param options The file selector options to flatten, may be <code>null</code>.
      * @return The string list, might be empty but never <code>null</code>.
     private static List getSelectorList( Map[] options )
 1488  0
         List list = new ArrayList();
 1489  0
         if ( options != null && options.length > 0 )
 1491  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < options.length; i++ )
 1493  0
                 Map option = options[i];
 1494  0
                 list.addAll( option.values() );
 1497  0
         return list;