Uses of Class

Packages that use Parameter

Uses of Parameter in org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin

Fields in org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin with annotations of type Parameter
protected  Set<org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact> PluginReport.dependencies
          The set of dependencies for the current project
protected  Set<org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact> AbstractGeneratorMojo.dependencies
          The set of dependencies for the current project
protected  String AbstractGeneratorMojo.encoding
          The file encoding of the source files.
protected  Set<String> AbstractGeneratorMojo.extractors
          The role names of mojo extractors to use.
protected  String PluginReport.goalPrefix
          The goal prefix that will appear before the ":".
protected  String AbstractGeneratorMojo.goalPrefix
          The goal prefix that will appear before the ":".
protected  org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository PluginReport.local
          Location of the local repository.
protected  org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository AbstractGeneratorMojo.local
          Location of the local repository.
protected  File DescriptorGeneratorMojo.outputDirectory
          The directory where the generated plugin.xml file will be put.
protected  File HelpGeneratorMojo.outputDirectory
          The directory where the generated HelpMojo file will be put.
protected  File XdocGeneratorMojo.outputDirectory
          The directory where the generated Xdoc files will be put.
protected  List<org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository> PluginReport.remoteRepos
          List of Remote Repositories used by the resolver
protected  List<org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository> AbstractGeneratorMojo.remoteRepos
          List of Remote Repositories used by the resolver
protected  boolean AbstractGeneratorMojo.skip
          Set this to "true" to skip invoking any goals or reports of the plugin.
protected  boolean AbstractGeneratorMojo.skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound
          By default an exception is throw if no mojo descriptor is found.

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