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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import com.thoughtworks.qdox.JavaDocBuilder;
 import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.DocletTag;
 import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaClass;
 import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaField;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.DuplicateParameterException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.InvalidParameterException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.InvalidPluginDescriptorException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Requirement;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.UnArchiver;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.ArchiverManager;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.NoSuchArchiverException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
 import java.util.TreeSet;
  * JavaMojoDescriptorExtractor, a MojoDescriptor extractor to read descriptors from java classes with annotations.
  * @author Olivier Lamy
  * @since 3.0
 @Component( role = MojoDescriptorExtractor.class, hint = "java-annotations" )
 78  0
 public class JavaAnnotationsMojoDescriptorExtractor
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements MojoDescriptorExtractor
     private MojoAnnotationsScanner mojoAnnotationsScanner;
     private ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;
     private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
     private ArchiverManager archiverManager;
     public List<MojoDescriptor> execute( MavenProject project, PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
         throws ExtractionException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException
 98  0
         return execute( new DefaultPluginToolsRequest( project, pluginDescriptor ) );
     public List<MojoDescriptor> execute( PluginToolsRequest request )
         throws ExtractionException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException
 104  0
         Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses = scanAnnotations( request );
 106  0
         Map<String, JavaClass> javaClassesMap = scanJavadoc( request, mojoAnnotatedClasses.values() );
 108  0
         populateDataFromJavadoc( mojoAnnotatedClasses, javaClassesMap );
 110  0
         return toMojoDescriptors( mojoAnnotatedClasses, request.getPluginDescriptor() );
     private Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> scanAnnotations( PluginToolsRequest request )
         throws ExtractionException
 116  0
         MojoAnnotationsScannerRequest mojoAnnotationsScannerRequest = new MojoAnnotationsScannerRequest();
 118  0
         File output = new File( request.getProject().getBuild().getOutputDirectory() );
 119  0
         mojoAnnotationsScannerRequest.setClassesDirectories( Arrays.asList( output ) );
 121  0
         mojoAnnotationsScannerRequest.setDependencies( request.getDependencies() );
 123  0
         mojoAnnotationsScannerRequest.setProject( request.getProject() );
 125  0
         return mojoAnnotationsScanner.scan( mojoAnnotationsScannerRequest );
     private Map<String, JavaClass> scanJavadoc( PluginToolsRequest request,
                                                 Collection<MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses )
         throws ExtractionException
         // found artifact from reactors to scan sources
         // we currently only scan sources from reactors
 134  0
         List<MavenProject> mavenProjects = new ArrayList<MavenProject>();
         // if we need to scan sources from external artifacts
 137  0
         Set<Artifact> externalArtifacts = new HashSet<Artifact>();
 139  0
         for ( MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass : mojoAnnotatedClasses )
 141  0
             if ( StringUtils.equals( mojoAnnotatedClass.getArtifact().getArtifactId(),
                                      request.getProject().getArtifact().getArtifactId() ) )
 144  0
 147  0
             if ( !isMojoAnnnotatedClassCandidate( mojoAnnotatedClass ) )
                 // we don't scan sources for classes without mojo annotations
 150  0
 153  0
             MavenProject mavenProject =
                 getFromProjectReferences( mojoAnnotatedClass.getArtifact(), request.getProject() );
 156  0
             if ( mavenProject != null )
 158  0
                 mavenProjects.add( mavenProject );
 162  0
                 externalArtifacts.add( mojoAnnotatedClass.getArtifact() );
 164  0
 166  0
         Map<String, JavaClass> javaClassesMap = new HashMap<String, JavaClass>();
         // try to get artifact with sources classifier, extract somewhere then scan for @since, @deprecated
 169  0
         for ( Artifact artifact : externalArtifacts )
             // parameter for test-sources too ?? olamy I need that for it test only
 172  0
             if ( StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase( "tests", artifact.getClassifier() ) )
 174  0
                 javaClassesMap.putAll( discoverClassesFromSourcesJar( artifact, request, "test-sources" ) );
 178  0
                 javaClassesMap.putAll( discoverClassesFromSourcesJar( artifact, request, "sources" ) );
 183  0
         for ( MavenProject mavenProject : mavenProjects )
 185  0
             javaClassesMap.putAll( discoverClasses( request.getEncoding(), mavenProject ) );
 188  0
         javaClassesMap.putAll( discoverClasses( request ) );
 190  0
         return javaClassesMap;
     private boolean isMojoAnnnotatedClassCandidate( MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass )
 195  0
         if ( mojoAnnotatedClass == null )
 197  0
             return false;
 199  0
         return ( !mojoAnnotatedClass.getComponents().isEmpty() || !mojoAnnotatedClass.getParameters().isEmpty()
             || mojoAnnotatedClass.getExecute() != null || mojoAnnotatedClass.getMojo() != null );
     protected Map<String, JavaClass> discoverClassesFromSourcesJar( Artifact artifact, PluginToolsRequest request,
                                                                     String classifier )
         throws ExtractionException
 210  0
             Artifact sourcesArtifact =
                 artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(),
                                                               artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getType(), classifier );
 214  0
             artifactResolver.resolve( sourcesArtifact, request.getRemoteRepos(), request.getLocal() );
 216  0
             if ( sourcesArtifact.getFile() == null || !sourcesArtifact.getFile().exists() )
                 // could not get artifact sources
 219  0
                 return Collections.emptyMap();
             // extract sources to target/maven-plugin-plugin-sources/${groupId}/${artifact}/sources
 223  0
             File extractDirectory = new File( request.getProject().getBuild().getDirectory(),
                                               "maven-plugin-plugin-sources/" + sourcesArtifact.getGroupId() + "/"
                                                   + sourcesArtifact.getArtifactId() + "/" + sourcesArtifact.getVersion()
                                                   + "/" + sourcesArtifact.getClassifier() );
 227  0
 229  0
             UnArchiver unArchiver = archiverManager.getUnArchiver( "jar" );
 230  0
             unArchiver.setSourceFile( sourcesArtifact.getFile() );
 231  0
             unArchiver.setDestDirectory( extractDirectory );
 232  0
 234  0
             return discoverClasses( request.getEncoding(), Arrays.asList( extractDirectory ) );
 236  0
         catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
 238  0
             throw new ExtractionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 240  0
         catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e )
             //throw new ExtractionException( e.getMessage(), e );
 243  0
             getLogger().debug( "skip ArtifactNotFoundException:" + e.getMessage() );
 244  0
                 "Unable to get sources artifact for " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId() + ":"
                     + artifact.getVersion() + ". Some javadoc tags (@since, @deprecated and comments) won't be used" );
 247  0
             return Collections.emptyMap();
 249  0
         catch ( NoSuchArchiverException e )
 251  0
             throw new ExtractionException( e.getMessage(), e );
      * from sources scan to get @since and @deprecated and description of classes and fields.
      * @param mojoAnnotatedClasses
      * @param javaClassesMap
     protected void populateDataFromJavadoc( Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses,
                                             Map<String, JavaClass> javaClassesMap )
 265  0
         for ( Map.Entry<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> entry : mojoAnnotatedClasses.entrySet() )
 267  0
             JavaClass javaClass = javaClassesMap.get( entry.getKey() );
 268  0
             if ( javaClass == null )
 270  0
             // populate class-level content
 274  0
             MojoAnnotationContent mojoAnnotationContent = entry.getValue().getMojo();
 275  0
             if ( mojoAnnotationContent != null )
 277  0
                 mojoAnnotationContent.setDescription( javaClass.getComment() );
 279  0
                 DocletTag since = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, "since" );
 280  0
                 if ( since != null )
 282  0
                     mojoAnnotationContent.setSince( since.getValue() );
 285  0
                 DocletTag deprecated = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, "deprecated" );
 286  0
                 if ( deprecated != null )
 288  0
                     mojoAnnotationContent.setDeprecated( deprecated.getValue() );
 292  0
             Map<String, JavaField> fieldsMap = extractFieldParameterTags( javaClass, javaClassesMap );
             // populate parameters
 295  0
             Map<String, ParameterAnnotationContent> parameters =
                 getParametersParentHierarchy( entry.getValue(), new HashMap<String, ParameterAnnotationContent>(),
                                               mojoAnnotatedClasses );
 298  0
             for ( Map.Entry<String, ParameterAnnotationContent> parameter : new TreeMap<String, ParameterAnnotationContent>(
                 parameters ).entrySet() )
 301  0
                 JavaField javaField = fieldsMap.get( parameter.getKey() );
 302  0
                 if ( javaField == null )
 304  0
 307  0
                 ParameterAnnotationContent parameterAnnotationContent = parameter.getValue();
 308  0
                 parameterAnnotationContent.setDescription( javaField.getComment() );
 310  0
                 DocletTag deprecated = javaField.getTagByName( "deprecated" );
 311  0
                 if ( deprecated != null )
 313  0
                     parameterAnnotationContent.setDeprecated( deprecated.getValue() );
 316  0
                 DocletTag since = javaField.getTagByName( "since" );
 317  0
                 if ( since != null )
 319  0
                     parameterAnnotationContent.setSince( since.getValue() );
 321  0
             // populate components
 324  0
             for ( Map.Entry<String, ComponentAnnotationContent> component : entry.getValue().getComponents().entrySet() )
 326  0
                 JavaField javaField = fieldsMap.get( component.getKey() );
 327  0
                 if ( javaField == null )
 329  0
 332  0
                 ComponentAnnotationContent componentAnnotationContent = component.getValue();
 333  0
                 componentAnnotationContent.setDescription( javaField.getComment() );
 335  0
                 DocletTag deprecated = javaField.getTagByName( "deprecated" );
 336  0
                 if ( deprecated != null )
 338  0
                     componentAnnotationContent.setDeprecated( deprecated.getValue() );
 341  0
                 DocletTag since = javaField.getTagByName( "since" );
 342  0
                 if ( since != null )
 344  0
                     componentAnnotationContent.setSince( since.getValue() );
 346  0
 348  0
 350  0
      * @param javaClass not null
      * @param tagName   not null
      * @return docletTag instance
     private DocletTag findInClassHierarchy( JavaClass javaClass, String tagName )
 359  0
         DocletTag tag = javaClass.getTagByName( tagName );
 361  0
         if ( tag == null )
 363  0
             JavaClass superClass = javaClass.getSuperJavaClass();
 365  0
             if ( superClass != null )
 367  0
                 tag = findInClassHierarchy( superClass, tagName );
 371  0
         return tag;
      * extract fields that are either parameters or components.
      * @param javaClass not null
      * @return map with Mojo parameters names as keys
     private Map<String, JavaField> extractFieldParameterTags( JavaClass javaClass,
                                                               Map<String, JavaClass> javaClassesMap )
 383  0
         Map<String, JavaField> rawParams = new TreeMap<String, com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaField>();
         // we have to add the parent fields first, so that they will be overwritten by the local fields if
         // that actually happens...
 387  0
         JavaClass superClass = javaClass.getSuperJavaClass();
 389  0
         if ( superClass != null )
 391  0
             if ( superClass.getFields().length > 0 )
 393  0
                 rawParams = extractFieldParameterTags( superClass, javaClassesMap );
             // maybe sources comes from scan of sources artifact
 396  0
             superClass = javaClassesMap.get( superClass.getFullyQualifiedName() );
 397  0
             if ( superClass != null )
 399  0
                 rawParams = extractFieldParameterTags( superClass, javaClassesMap );
 405  0
             rawParams = new TreeMap<String, JavaField>();
 408  0
         JavaField[] classFields = javaClass.getFields();
 410  0
         if ( classFields != null )
 412  0
             for ( JavaField field : classFields )
 414  0
                 rawParams.put( field.getName(), field );
 417  0
         return rawParams;
     protected Map<String, JavaClass> discoverClasses( final PluginToolsRequest request )
 422  0
         return discoverClasses( request.getEncoding(), request.getProject() );
     @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
     protected Map<String, JavaClass> discoverClasses( final String encoding, final MavenProject project )
 428  0
         List<File> sources = new ArrayList<File>();
 430  0
         for ( String source : (List<String>) project.getCompileSourceRoots() )
 432  0
             sources.add( new File( source ) );
         // TODO be more dynamic
 436  0
         File generatedPlugin = new File( project.getBasedir(), "target/generated-sources/plugin" );
 437  0
         if ( !project.getCompileSourceRoots().contains( generatedPlugin.getAbsolutePath() )
             && generatedPlugin.exists() )
 440  0
             sources.add( generatedPlugin );
 443  0
         return discoverClasses( encoding, sources );
     protected Map<String, JavaClass> discoverClasses( final String encoding, List<File> sourceDirectories )
 448  0
         JavaDocBuilder builder = new JavaDocBuilder();
 449  0
         builder.setEncoding( encoding );
 451  0
         for ( File source : sourceDirectories )
 453  0
             builder.addSourceTree( source );
 456  0
         JavaClass[] javaClasses = builder.getClasses();
 458  0
         if ( javaClasses == null || javaClasses.length < 1 )
 460  0
             return Collections.emptyMap();
 463  0
         Map<String, JavaClass> javaClassMap = new HashMap<String, JavaClass>( javaClasses.length );
 465  0
         for ( JavaClass javaClass : javaClasses )
 467  0
             javaClassMap.put( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName(), javaClass );
 470  0
         return javaClassMap;
     private List<MojoDescriptor> toMojoDescriptors( Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses,
                                                     PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
         throws DuplicateParameterException, InvalidParameterException
 477  0
         List<MojoDescriptor> mojoDescriptors = new ArrayList<MojoDescriptor>( mojoAnnotatedClasses.size() );
 478  0
         for ( MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass : mojoAnnotatedClasses.values() )
             // no mojo so skip it
 481  0
             if ( mojoAnnotatedClass.getMojo() == null )
 483  0
 486  0
             ExtendedMojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = new ExtendedMojoDescriptor();
             //mojoDescriptor.setRole( mojoAnnotatedClass.getClassName() );
             //mojoDescriptor.setRoleHint( "default" );
 490  0
             mojoDescriptor.setImplementation( mojoAnnotatedClass.getClassName() );
 491  0
             mojoDescriptor.setLanguage( "java" );
 493  0
             MojoAnnotationContent mojo = mojoAnnotatedClass.getMojo();
 495  0
             mojoDescriptor.setDescription( mojo.getDescription() );
 496  0
             mojoDescriptor.setSince( mojo.getSince() );
 497  0
             mojo.setDeprecated( mojo.getDeprecated() );
 499  0
             mojoDescriptor.setProjectRequired( mojo.requiresProject() );
 501  0
             mojoDescriptor.setRequiresReports( mojo.requiresReports() );
 503  0
             mojoDescriptor.setComponentConfigurator( mojo.configurator() );
 505  0
             mojoDescriptor.setInheritedByDefault( mojo.inheritByDefault() );
 507  0
             mojoDescriptor.setInstantiationStrategy( mojo.instantiationStrategy().id() );
 509  0
             mojoDescriptor.setAggregator( mojo.aggregator() );
 510  0
             mojoDescriptor.setDependencyResolutionRequired( mojo.requiresDependencyResolution().id() );
 511  0
             mojoDescriptor.setDependencyCollectionRequired( mojo.requiresDependencyCollection().id() );
 513  0
             mojoDescriptor.setDirectInvocationOnly( mojo.requiresDirectInvocation() );
 514  0
             mojoDescriptor.setDeprecated( mojo.getDeprecated() );
 515  0
             mojoDescriptor.setThreadSafe( mojo.threadSafe() );
 517  0
             ExecuteAnnotationContent execute = findExecuteInParentHierarchy( mojoAnnotatedClass, mojoAnnotatedClasses );
 518  0
             if ( execute != null )
 520  0
                 mojoDescriptor.setExecuteGoal( execute.goal() );
 521  0
                 mojoDescriptor.setExecuteLifecycle( execute.lifecycle() );
 522  0
                 if ( execute.phase() != null )
 524  0
                     mojoDescriptor.setExecutePhase( execute.phase().id() );
 528  0
             mojoDescriptor.setExecutionStrategy( mojo.executionStrategy() );
             // ???
 532  0
             mojoDescriptor.setGoal( );
 533  0
             mojoDescriptor.setOnlineRequired( mojo.requiresOnline() );
 535  0
             mojoDescriptor.setPhase( mojo.defaultPhase().id() );
             // Parameter annotations
 538  0
             Map<String, ParameterAnnotationContent> parameters =
                 getParametersParentHierarchy( mojoAnnotatedClass, new HashMap<String, ParameterAnnotationContent>(),
                                               mojoAnnotatedClasses );
 542  0
             for ( ParameterAnnotationContent parameterAnnotationContent : new TreeSet<ParameterAnnotationContent>(
                 parameters.values() ) )
 545  0
                 org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Parameter parameter =
                     new org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Parameter();
 547  0
                 parameter.setName( parameterAnnotationContent.getFieldName() );
 548  0
                 parameter.setAlias( parameterAnnotationContent.alias() );
 549  0
                 parameter.setDefaultValue( parameterAnnotationContent.defaultValue() );
 550  0
                 parameter.setDeprecated( parameterAnnotationContent.getDeprecated() );
 551  0
                 parameter.setDescription( parameterAnnotationContent.getDescription() );
 552  0
                 parameter.setEditable( !parameterAnnotationContent.readonly() );
 553  0
                 String property =;
 554  0
                 if ( StringUtils.contains( property, '$' ) || StringUtils.contains( property, '{' )
                     || StringUtils.contains( property, '}' ) )
 557  0
                     throw new InvalidParameterException(
                         "Invalid property for parameter '" + parameter.getName() + "', " + "forbidden characters ${}: "
                             + property, null );
 561  0
                 parameter.setExpression( StringUtils.isEmpty( property ) ? "" : "${" + property + "}" );
 562  0
                 parameter.setType( parameterAnnotationContent.getClassName() );
 563  0
                 parameter.setSince( parameterAnnotationContent.getSince() );
 564  0
                 parameter.setRequired( parameterAnnotationContent.required() );
 566  0
                 mojoDescriptor.addParameter( parameter );
 567  0
             // Component annotations
 570  0
             Map<String, ComponentAnnotationContent> components =
                 getComponentsParentHierarchy( mojoAnnotatedClass, new HashMap<String, ComponentAnnotationContent>(),
                                               mojoAnnotatedClasses );
 574  0
             for ( ComponentAnnotationContent componentAnnotationContent : new TreeSet<ComponentAnnotationContent>(
                 components.values() ) )
 577  0
                 org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Parameter parameter =
                     new org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Parameter();
 579  0
                 parameter.setName( componentAnnotationContent.getFieldName() );
                 // recognize Maven-injected objects as components annotations instead of parameters
 582  0
                 String expression = PluginUtils.MAVEN_COMPONENTS.get( componentAnnotationContent.getRoleClassName() );
 583  0
                 if ( expression == null )
                     // normal component
 586  0
                     parameter.setRequirement( new Requirement( componentAnnotationContent.getRoleClassName(),
                                                                componentAnnotationContent.hint() ) );
                     // not a component but a Maven object to be transformed into an expression/property
 592  0
                     parameter.setDefaultValue( expression );
 593  0
                     parameter.setType( componentAnnotationContent.getRoleClassName() );
 594  0
                     parameter.setRequired( true );
 596  0
                 parameter.setDeprecated( componentAnnotationContent.getDeprecated() );
 597  0
                 parameter.setSince( componentAnnotationContent.getSince() );
                 // same behaviour as JavaMojoDescriptorExtractor
                 //parameter.setRequired( ... );
 601  0
                 parameter.setEditable( false );
 603  0
                 mojoDescriptor.addParameter( parameter );
 604  0
 606  0
             mojoDescriptor.setPluginDescriptor( pluginDescriptor );
 608  0
             mojoDescriptors.add( mojoDescriptor );
 609  0
 610  0
         return mojoDescriptors;
     protected ExecuteAnnotationContent findExecuteInParentHierarchy( MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass,
                                                                      Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses )
 617  0
         if ( mojoAnnotatedClass.getExecute() != null )
 619  0
             return mojoAnnotatedClass.getExecute();
 621  0
         String parentClassName = mojoAnnotatedClass.getParentClassName();
 622  0
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentClassName ) )
 624  0
             return null;
 626  0
         MojoAnnotatedClass parent = mojoAnnotatedClasses.get( parentClassName );
 627  0
         if ( parent == null )
 629  0
             return null;
 631  0
         return findExecuteInParentHierarchy( parent, mojoAnnotatedClasses );
     protected Map<String, ParameterAnnotationContent> getParametersParentHierarchy(
         MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass, Map<String, ParameterAnnotationContent> parameters,
         Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses )
 639  0
         List<ParameterAnnotationContent> parameterAnnotationContents = new ArrayList<ParameterAnnotationContent>();
 641  0
         parameterAnnotationContents =
             getParametersParent( mojoAnnotatedClass, parameterAnnotationContents, mojoAnnotatedClasses );
         // move to parent first to build the Map
 645  0
         Collections.reverse( parameterAnnotationContents );
 647  0
         Map<String, ParameterAnnotationContent> map =
             new HashMap<String, ParameterAnnotationContent>( parameterAnnotationContents.size() );
 650  0
         for ( ParameterAnnotationContent parameterAnnotationContent : parameterAnnotationContents )
 652  0
             map.put( parameterAnnotationContent.getFieldName(), parameterAnnotationContent );
 654  0
         return map;
     protected List<ParameterAnnotationContent> getParametersParent( MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass,
                                                                     List<ParameterAnnotationContent> parameterAnnotationContents,
                                                                     Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses )
 661  0
         parameterAnnotationContents.addAll( mojoAnnotatedClass.getParameters().values() );
 662  0
         String parentClassName = mojoAnnotatedClass.getParentClassName();
 663  0
         if ( parentClassName != null )
 665  0
             MojoAnnotatedClass parent = mojoAnnotatedClasses.get( parentClassName );
 666  0
             if ( parent != null )
 668  0
                 return getParametersParent( parent, parameterAnnotationContents, mojoAnnotatedClasses );
 671  0
         return parameterAnnotationContents;
     protected Map<String, ComponentAnnotationContent> getComponentsParentHierarchy(
         MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass, Map<String, ComponentAnnotationContent> components,
         Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses )
 678  0
         List<ComponentAnnotationContent> componentAnnotationContents = new ArrayList<ComponentAnnotationContent>();
 680  0
         componentAnnotationContents =
             getComponentParent( mojoAnnotatedClass, componentAnnotationContents, mojoAnnotatedClasses );
         // move to parent first to build the Map
 684  0
         Collections.reverse( componentAnnotationContents );
 686  0
         Map<String, ComponentAnnotationContent> map =
             new HashMap<String, ComponentAnnotationContent>( componentAnnotationContents.size() );
 689  0
         for ( ComponentAnnotationContent componentAnnotationContent : componentAnnotationContents )
 691  0
             map.put( componentAnnotationContent.getFieldName(), componentAnnotationContent );
 693  0
         return map;
     protected List<ComponentAnnotationContent> getComponentParent( MojoAnnotatedClass mojoAnnotatedClass,
                                                                    List<ComponentAnnotationContent> componentAnnotationContents,
                                                                    Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses )
 700  0
         componentAnnotationContents.addAll( mojoAnnotatedClass.getComponents().values() );
 701  0
         String parentClassName = mojoAnnotatedClass.getParentClassName();
 702  0
         if ( parentClassName != null )
 704  0
             MojoAnnotatedClass parent = mojoAnnotatedClasses.get( parentClassName );
 705  0
             if ( parent != null )
 707  0
                 return getComponentParent( parent, componentAnnotationContents, mojoAnnotatedClasses );
 710  0
         return componentAnnotationContents;
     protected MavenProject getFromProjectReferences( Artifact artifact, MavenProject project )
 715  0
         if ( project.getProjectReferences() == null || project.getProjectReferences().isEmpty() )
 717  0
             return null;
 719  0
         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) Collection<MavenProject> mavenProjects =
 721  0
         for ( MavenProject mavenProject : mavenProjects )
 723  0
             if ( StringUtils.equals( mavenProject.getId(), artifact.getId() ) )
 725  0
                 return mavenProject;
 728  0
         return null;