Test tool that provides a single point of access for staging a maven component artifact - along with its
POM lineage - into a clean test-time local repository.
Construct a standardized InvocationRequest given the test-build POM, a set of CLI properties,
a list of goals to execute, and the location of a log file to which build output should be
Install a test version of a plugin - along with its POM, and as many ancestor POMs as can be
reached using the <relativePath/> element - to a clean local repository directory for
use in test builds.
dispose() -
Method in class org.apache.maven.shared.test.plugin.BuildTool
Not currently used; when this API switches to use the Maven Embedder, it will be used to
shutdown the embedder and its associated container, to free up JVM memory.
Testing tool used to read MavenProject instances from pom.xml files, and to create plugin jar
files (package phase of the normal build process) for distribution to a test local repository
Construct a MavenProject instance from the specified POM file with dependencies, using the specified local
repository directory to resolve ancestor POMs as needed.