Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractReleaseTestCase

Uses of AbstractReleaseTestCase in org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase

Subclasses of AbstractReleaseTestCase in org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase
 class AbstractEditModeRewritingReleasePhaseTestCase
          Base class with tests for rewriting POMs with edit mode.
 class AbstractRewritingReleasePhaseTestCase
          Base class with tests for rewriting POMs.
 class CheckDependencySnapshotsPhaseTest
          Test the dependency snapshot check phase.
 class CheckoutProjectFromScmTest
 class GenerateReleasePomsPhaseTest
          Test the generate release POMs phase.
 class RemoveReleasePomsPhaseTest
          Test the remove release POMs phase.
 class RewritePomsForDevelopmentPhaseTest
          Test the SCM modification check phase.
 class RewritePomsForReleasePhaseTest
          Test the SCM modification check phase.
 class ScmCommitDevelopmentPhaseTest
          Test the SCM development commit phase.
 class ScmCommitPreparationPhaseTest
          Test the release or branch preparation SCM commit phase.
 class ScmTagPhaseTest
          Test the SCM tag phase.

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