Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.shared.release.versions.DefaultVersionInfo
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 package org.apache.maven.shared.release.versions;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  * This compares and increments versions for a common java versioning scheme.
  * <p/>
  * The supported version scheme has the following parts.<br>
  * <code><i>component-digits-annotation-annotationRevision-buildSpecifier</i></code><br>
  * Example:<br>
  * <code>my-component-1.0.1-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT</code>
  * <p/>
  * <ul>Terms:
  * <li><i>component</i> - name of the versioned component (log4j, commons-lang, etc)
  * <li><i>digits</i> - Numeric digits with at least one "." period. (1.0, 1.1, 1.01, 1.2.3, etc)
  * <li><i>annotationRevision</i> - Integer qualifier for the annotation. (4 as in RC-4)
  * <li><i>buildSpecifier</i> - Additional specifier for build. (SNAPSHOT, or build number like "20041114.081234-2")
  * </ul>
  * <b>Digits is the only required piece of the version string, and must contain at lease one "." period.</b>
  * <p/>
  * Implementation details:<br>
  * The separators "_" and "-" between components are also optional (though they are usually recommended).<br>
  * Example:<br>
  * <code>log4j-1.2.9-beta-9-SNAPSHOT == log4j1.2.9beta9SNAPSHOT == log4j_1.2.9_beta_9_SNAPSHOT</code>
  * <p/>
  * Leading zeros are significant when performing comparisons.
  * <p/>
  * TODO: this parser is better than DefaultArtifactVersion - replace it with this (but align naming) and then remove this from here.
 59  124
 public class DefaultVersionInfo
     implements VersionInfo
     private final String strVersion;
     private final List<String> digits;
     private String annotation;
     private String annotationRevision;
     private final String buildSpecifier;
     private String annotationSeparator;
     private String annotationRevSeparator;
     private final String buildSeparator;
     private static final int DIGITS_INDEX = 1;
     private static final int ANNOTATION_SEPARATOR_INDEX = 2;
     private static final int ANNOTATION_INDEX = 3;
     private static final int ANNOTATION_REV_SEPARATOR_INDEX = 4;
     private static final int ANNOTATION_REVISION_INDEX = 5;
     private static final int BUILD_SEPARATOR_INDEX = 6;
     private static final int BUILD_SPECIFIER_INDEX = 7;
     private static final String SNAPSHOT_IDENTIFIER = "SNAPSHOT";
     private static final String DIGIT_SEPARATOR_STRING = ".";
 96  2
     public static final Pattern STANDARD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
         "^((?:\\d+\\.)*\\d+)"      // digit(s) and '.' repeated - followed by digit (version digits 1.22.0, etc)
         + "([-_])?"                // optional - or _  (annotation separator)
         + "([a-zA-Z]*)"            // alpha characters (looking for annotation - alpha, beta, RC, etc.)
         + "([-_])?"                // optional - or _  (annotation revision separator)
         + "(\\d*)"                 // digits  (any digits after rc or beta is an annotation revision)
         + "(?:([-_])?(.*?))?$" );  // - or _ followed everything else (build specifier)
     /* *
      * cmaki 02242009
      * FIX for non-digit release numbers, e.g. trunk-SNAPSHOT or just SNAPSHOT
      * This alternate pattern supports version numbers like:
      * trunk-SNAPSHOT
      * branchName-SNAPSHOT
      * SNAPSHOT
 112  2
     public static final Pattern ALTERNATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
         "^(SNAPSHOT|[a-zA-Z]+[_-]SNAPSHOT)"      // for SNAPSHOT releases only (possible versions include: trunk-SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT)
      * Constructs this object and parses the supplied version string.
      * @param version
     public DefaultVersionInfo( String version )
         throws VersionParseException
 123  444
 124  444
         strVersion = version;
         // FIX for non-digit release numbers, e.g. trunk-SNAPSHOT or just SNAPSHOT
 127  444
         Matcher matcher = ALTERNATE_PATTERN.matcher( strVersion );
         // TODO: hack because it didn't support "SNAPSHOT"
 129  444
         if ( matcher.matches() )
 131  14
             annotation = null;
 132  14
             digits = null;
 133  14
             buildSpecifier = version;
 134  14
             buildSeparator = null;
 135  14
 138  430
         Matcher m = STANDARD_PATTERN.matcher( strVersion );
 139  430
         if ( m.matches() )
 141  420
             digits = parseDigits( DIGITS_INDEX ) );
 142  420
             if ( !SNAPSHOT_IDENTIFIER.equals( ANNOTATION_INDEX ) ) )
 144  370
                 annotationSeparator = ANNOTATION_SEPARATOR_INDEX );
 145  370
                 annotation = nullIfEmpty( ANNOTATION_INDEX ) );
 147  370
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( ANNOTATION_REV_SEPARATOR_INDEX ) )
                     && StringUtils.isEmpty( ANNOTATION_REVISION_INDEX ) ) )
                     // The build separator was picked up as the annotation revision separator
 151  4
                     buildSeparator = ANNOTATION_REV_SEPARATOR_INDEX );
 152  4
                     buildSpecifier = nullIfEmpty( BUILD_SPECIFIER_INDEX ) );
 156  366
                     annotationRevSeparator = ANNOTATION_REV_SEPARATOR_INDEX );
 157  366
                     annotationRevision = nullIfEmpty( ANNOTATION_REVISION_INDEX ) );
 159  366
                     buildSeparator = BUILD_SEPARATOR_INDEX );
 160  366
                     buildSpecifier = nullIfEmpty( BUILD_SPECIFIER_INDEX ) );
                 // Annotation was "SNAPSHOT" so populate the build specifier with that data
 166  50
                 buildSeparator = ANNOTATION_SEPARATOR_INDEX );
 167  50
                 buildSpecifier = nullIfEmpty( ANNOTATION_INDEX ) );
 172  10
             throw new VersionParseException( "Unable to parse the version string: \"" + version + "\"" );
 174  420
     public DefaultVersionInfo( List<String> digits, String annotation, String annotationRevision, String buildSpecifier,
                                String annotationSeparator, String annotationRevSeparator, String buildSeparator )
 178  68
 179  68
         this.digits = digits;
 180  68
         this.annotation = annotation;
 181  68
         this.annotationRevision = annotationRevision;
 182  68
         this.buildSpecifier = buildSpecifier;
 183  68
         this.annotationSeparator = annotationSeparator;
 184  68
         this.annotationRevSeparator = annotationRevSeparator;
 185  68
         this.buildSeparator = buildSeparator;
 186  68
         this.strVersion = getVersionString( this, buildSpecifier, buildSeparator );
 187  68
     public boolean isSnapshot()
 191  14
         return ArtifactUtils.isSnapshot( strVersion );
     public VersionInfo getNextVersion()
 196  74
         DefaultVersionInfo version = null;
 197  74
         if ( digits != null )
 199  68
             List<String> digits = new ArrayList<String>( this.digits );
 200  68
             String annotationRevision = this.annotationRevision;
 201  68
             if ( StringUtils.isNumeric( annotationRevision ) )
 203  12
                 annotationRevision = incrementVersionString( annotationRevision );
 207  56
                 digits.set( digits.size() - 1, incrementVersionString( (String) digits.get( digits.size() - 1 ) ) );
 210  68
             version = new DefaultVersionInfo( digits, annotation, annotationRevision, buildSpecifier,
                                               annotationSeparator, annotationRevSeparator, buildSeparator );
 213  74
         return version;
      * Compares this {@link DefaultVersionInfo} to the supplied {@link DefaultVersionInfo}
      * to determine which version is greater.
      * @param obj the comparison version
      * @return the comparison value
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the components differ between the objects or if either of the annotations can not be determined.
     public int compareTo( VersionInfo obj )
 226  128
         DefaultVersionInfo that = (DefaultVersionInfo) obj;
         int result;
         // TODO: this is a workaround for a bug in DefaultArtifactVersion - fix there - 1.01 < 1.01.01
 230  128
         if ( strVersion.startsWith( that.strVersion ) && !strVersion.equals( that.strVersion )
             && strVersion.charAt( that.strVersion.length() ) != '-' )
 233  2
             result = 1;
 235  126
         else if ( that.strVersion.startsWith( strVersion ) && !strVersion.equals( that.strVersion )
             && that.strVersion.charAt( strVersion.length() ) != '-' )
 238  2
             result = -1;
             // TODO: this is a workaround for a bug in DefaultArtifactVersion - fix there - it should not consider case in comparing the qualifier
             // NOTE: The combination of upper-casing and lower-casing is an approximation of String.equalsIgnoreCase()
 244  124
             String thisVersion = strVersion.toUpperCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
 245  124
             String thatVersion = that.strVersion.toUpperCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
 247  124
             result = new DefaultArtifactVersion( thisVersion ).compareTo( new DefaultArtifactVersion( thatVersion ) );
 249  128
         return result;
     public boolean equals( Object obj )
 254  4
         if ( !( obj instanceof DefaultVersionInfo ) )
 256  0
             return false;
 259  4
         return compareTo( (VersionInfo) obj ) == 0;
      * Takes a string and increments it as an integer.
      * Preserves any lpad of "0" zeros.
      * @param s
     protected String incrementVersionString( String s )
 270  68
         int n = Integer.valueOf( s ).intValue() + 1;
 271  68
         String value = String.valueOf( n );
 272  68
         if ( value.length() < s.length() )
             // String was left-padded with zeros
 275  10
             value = StringUtils.leftPad( value, s.length(), "0" );
 277  68
         return value;
     public String getSnapshotVersionString()
 282  38
         if ( strVersion.equals( Artifact.SNAPSHOT_VERSION ) )
 284  2
             return strVersion;
 287  36
         String baseVersion = getReleaseVersionString();
 289  36
         if ( baseVersion.length() > 0 )
 291  36
             baseVersion += "-";
 294  36
         return baseVersion + Artifact.SNAPSHOT_VERSION;
     public String getReleaseVersionString()
 299  100
         String baseVersion = strVersion;
 301  100
         Matcher m = Artifact.VERSION_FILE_PATTERN.matcher( baseVersion );
 302  100
         if ( m.matches() )
 304  4
             baseVersion = 1 );
         // MRELEASE-623 SNAPSHOT is case-insensitive
 307  96
         else if ( StringUtils.right( baseVersion, 9 ).equalsIgnoreCase( "-" + Artifact.SNAPSHOT_VERSION ) )
 309  54
             baseVersion = baseVersion.substring( 0, baseVersion.length() - Artifact.SNAPSHOT_VERSION.length() - 1 );
 311  42
         else if ( baseVersion.equals( Artifact.SNAPSHOT_VERSION ) )
 313  4
             baseVersion = "1.0";
 315  100
         return baseVersion;
     public String toString()
 320  144
         return strVersion;
     protected static String getVersionString( DefaultVersionInfo info, String buildSpecifier, String buildSeparator )
 325  68
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 327  68
         if ( info.digits != null )
 329  68
             sb.append( joinDigitString( info.digits ) );
 332  68
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( info.annotation ) )
 334  16
             sb.append( StringUtils.defaultString( info.annotationSeparator ) );
 335  16
             sb.append( info.annotation );
 338  68
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( info.annotationRevision ) )
 340  12
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( info.annotation ) )
 342  0
                 sb.append( StringUtils.defaultString( info.annotationSeparator ) );
 346  12
                 sb.append( StringUtils.defaultString( info.annotationRevSeparator ) );
 348  12
             sb.append( info.annotationRevision );
 351  68
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( buildSpecifier ) )
 353  22
             sb.append( StringUtils.defaultString( buildSeparator ) );
 354  22
             sb.append( buildSpecifier );
 357  68
         return sb.toString();
      * Simply joins the items in the list with "." period
      * @param digits
     protected static String joinDigitString( List<String> digits )
 367  130
         return digits != null ? StringUtils.join( digits.iterator(), DIGIT_SEPARATOR_STRING ) : null;
      * Splits the string on "." and returns a list
      * containing each digit.
      * @param strDigits
     private List<String> parseDigits( String strDigits )
 378  420
         return Arrays.asList( StringUtils.split( strDigits, DIGIT_SEPARATOR_STRING ) );
     // Getters & Setters
     private static String nullIfEmpty( String s )
 387  1156
         return StringUtils.isEmpty( s ) ? null : s;
     public List<String> getDigits()
 392  62
         return digits;
     public String getAnnotation()
 397  62
         return annotation;
     public String getAnnotationRevision()
 402  62
         return annotationRevision;
     public String getBuildSpecifier()
 407  62
         return buildSpecifier;