Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReleasePhase

Uses of ReleasePhase in org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase

Classes in org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase that implement ReleasePhase
 class AbstractBackupPomsPhase
 class AbstractReleasePhase
          Base class for all phases.
 class AbstractReleasePomsPhase
          Abstract release POM phase.
 class AbstractRewritePomsPhase
          Base class for rewriting phases.
 class AbstractRunGoalsPhase
          Run the integration tests for the project to verify that it builds before committing.
 class AbstractScmCommitPhase
          Holds the basic concept of committing changes to the current working copy.
 class CheckCompletedPreparePhasesPhase
 class CheckDependencySnapshotsPhase
          Check the dependencies of all projects being released to see if there are any unreleased snapshots.
 class CheckoutProjectFromScm
 class CheckPomPhase
          Phase that checks the validity of the POM before release.
 class CreateBackupPomsPhase
 class EndReleasePhase
          Finalise release preparation so it can be flagged complete..
 class GenerateReleasePomsPhase
          Generate release POMs.
 class InputVariablesPhase
          Input any variables that were not yet configured.
 class MapVersionsPhase
          Map projects to their new versions after release / into the next development cycle.
 class RemoveReleasePomsPhase
          Remove release POMs.
 class RemoveScmTagPhase
 class RestoreBackupPomsPhase
 class RewritePomsForBranchPhase
          Rewrite POMs for branch.
 class RewritePomsForDevelopmentPhase
          Rewrite POMs for future development
 class RewritePomsForReleasePhase
          Rewrite POMs for release.
 class RewritePomVersionsPhase
          Rewrite POMs for future development
 class RunCompleteGoalsPhase
          Run the completion goals for the project to before committing the continuing development stream.
 class RunPerformGoalsPhase
          Run the integration tests for the project to verify that it builds before committing.
 class RunPrepareGoalsPhase
          Run the integration tests for the project to verify that it builds before committing.
 class ScmBranchPhase
          Branch the SCM repository.
 class ScmCheckModificationsPhase
          See if there are any local modifications to the files before proceeding with SCM operations and the release.
 class ScmCommitDevelopmentPhase
          Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
 class ScmCommitPreparationPhase
          Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
 class ScmTagPhase
          Tag the SCM repository after committing the release.

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