Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.index.context.MergedIndexingContext
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
64 %
75 %
 package org.apache.maven.index.context;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
 import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader;
 import org.apache.maven.index.artifact.GavCalculator;
 import org.apache.maven.index.artifact.M2GavCalculator;
  * A merged indexing context that offers read only "view" on multiple other indexing contexts merged and presented as
  * one. Usable for searching and publishing, but all write operations are basically noop.
  * @author cstamas
 public class MergedIndexingContext
     extends AbstractIndexingContext
     private final String id;
     private final String repositoryId;
     private final File repository;
     private final ContextMemberProvider membersProvider;
     private final GavCalculator gavCalculator;
     private final Directory directory;
     private File directoryFile;
     private boolean searchable;
     private MergedIndexingContext( ContextMemberProvider membersProvider, String id, String repositoryId,
                                    File repository, Directory indexDirectory, boolean searchable )
         throws IOException
 69  14
 70  14 = id;
 71  14
         this.repositoryId = repositoryId;
 72  14
         this.repository = repository;
 73  14
         this.membersProvider = membersProvider;
 74  14
         this.gavCalculator = new M2GavCalculator();
 75  14 = indexDirectory;
 76  14
         this.searchable = searchable;
 77  14
     public MergedIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository, File indexDirectoryFile,
                                   boolean searchable, ContextMemberProvider membersProvider )
         throws IOException
 83  10
         this( membersProvider, id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectoryFile ), searchable );
 85  10
         this.directoryFile = indexDirectoryFile;
 86  10
     public MergedIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository, Directory indexDirectory,
                                   boolean searchable, ContextMemberProvider membersProvider )
         throws IOException
 92  4
         this( membersProvider, id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, searchable );
 94  4
         if ( indexDirectory instanceof FSDirectory )
 96  0
             this.directoryFile = ( (FSDirectory) indexDirectory ).getFile();
 98  4
     public Collection<IndexingContext> getMembers()
 102  317204
         return membersProvider.getMembers();
     public String getId()
 107  140024
         return id;
     public String getRepositoryId()
 112  139823
         return repositoryId;
     public File getRepository()
 117  0
         return repository;
     public String getRepositoryUrl()
 122  0
         return null;
     public String getIndexUpdateUrl()
 127  0
         return null;
     public boolean isSearchable()
 132  2
         return searchable;
     public void setSearchable( boolean searchable )
 137  0
         this.searchable = searchable;
 138  0
     public Date getTimestamp()
 142  660
         Date ts = null;
 144  660
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 146  1254
             Date cts = ctx.getTimestamp();
 148  1254
             if ( cts != null )
 150  1254
                 if ( ts == null || cts.after( ts ) )
 152  714
                     ts = cts;
 155  1254
 157  660
         return ts;
     public void updateTimestamp()
         throws IOException
         // noop
 164  0
     public void updateTimestamp( boolean save )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 170  0
     public void updateTimestamp( boolean save, Date date )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 176  0
     public int getSize()
         throws IOException
 181  0
         int size = 0;
 183  0
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 185  0
             size += ctx.getSize();
 188  0
         return size;
     public IndexReader getIndexReader()
         throws IOException
 194  141443
         Collection<IndexingContext> members = getMembers();
 196  141443
         ArrayList<IndexReader> contextsToSearch = new ArrayList<IndexReader>( members.size() );
 198  141443
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : members )
 200  282824
             contextsToSearch.add( ctx.getIndexReader() );
 203  141443
         MultiReader multiReader =
             new MultiReader( contextsToSearch.toArray( new IndexReader[contextsToSearch.size()] ) );
 206  141443
         return multiReader;
     public IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher()
         throws IOException
 212  141086
         return new NexusIndexSearcher( getIndexReader() );
     public IndexWriter getIndexWriter()
         throws IOException
         // noop?
 219  0
         return null;
         // throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Merged indexing context is read-only!" );
     public List<IndexCreator> getIndexCreators()
 225  172053
         HashSet<IndexCreator> creators = new HashSet<IndexCreator>();
 227  172053
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 229  343987
             creators.addAll( ctx.getIndexCreators() );
 232  172053
         return new ArrayList<IndexCreator>( creators );
     public Analyzer getAnalyzer()
 237  0
         return new NexusAnalyzer();
     public void commit()
         throws IOException
         // noop
 244  2
     public void rollback()
         throws IOException
         // noop
 250  0
     public void optimize()
         throws IOException
         // noop
 256  0
     public void lock()
 260  1521
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 262  3022
 264  1521
     public void unlock()
 268  1521
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 270  3022
 272  1521
     public void close( boolean deleteFiles )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 278  13
     public void purge()
         throws IOException
         // noop
 284  0
     public void merge( Directory directory )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 290  0
     public void merge( Directory directory, DocumentFilter filter )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 296  0
     public void replace( Directory directory )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 302  0
     public Directory getIndexDirectory()
 306  161
         return directory;
     public File getIndexDirectoryFile()
 311  327
         return directoryFile;
     public GavCalculator getGavCalculator()
 316  0
         return gavCalculator;
     public void setAllGroups( Collection<String> groups )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 323  0
     public Set<String> getAllGroups()
         throws IOException
 328  0
         HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
 330  0
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 332  0
             result.addAll( ctx.getAllGroups() );
 335  0
         return result;
     public void setRootGroups( Collection<String> groups )
         throws IOException
         // noop
 342  0
     public Set<String> getRootGroups()
         throws IOException
 347  1
         HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
 349  1
         for ( IndexingContext ctx : getMembers() )
 351  4
             result.addAll( ctx.getRootGroups() );
 354  1
         return result;
     public void rebuildGroups()
         throws IOException
         // noop
 361  0