Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.index.DefaultNexusIndexer
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
74 %
54 %
 package org.apache.maven.index;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.ContextMemberProvider;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.DefaultIndexingContext;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexCreator;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.MergedIndexingContext;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.StaticContextMemberProvider;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException;
 import org.apache.maven.index.expr.SearchExpression;
 import org.apache.maven.index.util.IndexCreatorSorter;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
  * A default {@link NexusIndexer} implementation.
  * @author Tamas Cservenak
  * @author Eugene Kuleshov
 @Component( role = NexusIndexer.class )
 public class DefaultNexusIndexer
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements NexusIndexer
     private Scanner scanner;
     private SearchEngine searcher;
     private IndexerEngine indexerEngine;
     private QueryCreator queryCreator;
     private Map<String, IndexingContext> indexingContexts;
     public DefaultNexusIndexer()
 80  208
 81  208
         this.indexingContexts = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, IndexingContext>();
 82  208
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Contexts
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public IndexingContext addIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository, File indexDirectory,
                                                String repositoryUrl, String indexUpdateUrl,
                                                List<? extends IndexCreator> indexers )
         throws IOException, UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException
 93  102
         IndexingContext context =
             new DefaultIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, repositoryUrl, indexUpdateUrl,
                 IndexCreatorSorter.sort( indexers ), false );
 97  102
         indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 99  102
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addIndexingContextForced( String id, String repositoryId, File repository,
                                                      File indexDirectory, String repositoryUrl, String indexUpdateUrl,
                                                      List<? extends IndexCreator> indexers )
         throws IOException
 107  0
         IndexingContext context = null;
 111  0
             context =
                 new DefaultIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, repositoryUrl,
                     indexUpdateUrl, IndexCreatorSorter.sort( indexers ), true );
 115  0
             indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 117  0
         catch ( UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException e )
             // will not be thrown
 120  0
 122  0
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository, Directory directory,
                                                String repositoryUrl, String indexUpdateUrl,
                                                List<? extends IndexCreator> indexers )
         throws IOException, UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException
 130  149
         IndexingContext context =
             new DefaultIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, directory, repositoryUrl, indexUpdateUrl,
                 IndexCreatorSorter.sort( indexers ), false );
 134  149
         indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 136  149
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addIndexingContextForced( String id, String repositoryId, File repository,
                                                      Directory directory, String repositoryUrl, String indexUpdateUrl,
                                                      List<? extends IndexCreator> indexers )
         throws IOException
 144  10
         IndexingContext context = null;
 148  10
             context =
                 new DefaultIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, directory, repositoryUrl, indexUpdateUrl,
                     IndexCreatorSorter.sort( indexers ), true );
 152  10
             indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 154  0
         catch ( UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException e )
             // will not be thrown
 157  10
 159  10
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addMergedIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository,
                                                      File indexDirectory, boolean searchable,
                                                      Collection<IndexingContext> contexts )
         throws IOException
 167  9
         IndexingContext context =
             new MergedIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, searchable,
                 new StaticContextMemberProvider( contexts ) );
 171  9
         indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 173  9
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addMergedIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository,
                                                      File indexDirectory, boolean searchable,
                                                      ContextMemberProvider membersProvider )
         throws IOException
 181  0
         IndexingContext context =
             new MergedIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, searchable, membersProvider );
 184  0
         indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 186  0
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addMergedIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository,
                                                      Directory indexDirectory, boolean searchable,
                                                      Collection<IndexingContext> contexts )
         throws IOException
 194  4
         IndexingContext context =
             new MergedIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, searchable,
                 new StaticContextMemberProvider( contexts ) );
 198  4
         indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 200  4
         return context;
     public IndexingContext addMergedIndexingContext( String id, String repositoryId, File repository,
                                                      Directory indexDirectory, boolean searchable,
                                                      ContextMemberProvider membersProvider )
         throws IOException
 208  0
         IndexingContext context =
             new MergedIndexingContext( id, repositoryId, repository, indexDirectory, searchable, membersProvider );
 211  0
         indexingContexts.put( context.getId(), context );
 213  0
         return context;
     public void removeIndexingContext( IndexingContext context, boolean deleteFiles )
         throws IOException
 219  437
         if ( indexingContexts.containsKey( context.getId() ) )
 221  223
             indexingContexts.remove( context.getId() );
 222  223
             context.close( deleteFiles );
 224  437
     public Map<String, IndexingContext> getIndexingContexts()
 228  18
         return Collections.unmodifiableMap( indexingContexts );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Scanning
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public void scan( final IndexingContext context )
         throws IOException
 238  164
         scan( context, null );
 239  164
     public void scan( final IndexingContext context, boolean update )
         throws IOException
 244  34
         scan( context, null, update );
 245  34
     public void scan( final IndexingContext context, final ArtifactScanningListener listener )
         throws IOException
 250  164
         scan( context, listener, false );
 251  164
     public void scan( final IndexingContext context, final ArtifactScanningListener listener, final boolean update )
         throws IOException
 256  206
         scan( context, null, listener, update );
 257  205
      * Uses {@link Scanner} to scan repository content. A {@link ArtifactScanningListener} is used to process found
      * artifacts and to add them to the index using
      * {@link NexusIndexer#artifactDiscovered(ArtifactContext, IndexingContext)}.
      * @see DefaultScannerListener
      * @see #artifactDiscovered(ArtifactContext, IndexingContext)
     public void scan( final IndexingContext context, final String fromPath, final ArtifactScanningListener listener,
                       final boolean update )
         throws IOException
 271  215
         File repositoryDirectory = context.getRepository();
 273  215
         if ( repositoryDirectory == null )
             // nothing to scan
 276  0
 279  215
         if ( !repositoryDirectory.exists() )
 281  1
             throw new IOException( "Repository directory " + repositoryDirectory + " does not exist" );
         // always use temporary context when reindexing
 285  214
         File indexDir = context.getIndexDirectoryFile();
 286  214
         File dir = null;
 287  214
         if ( indexDir != null )
 289  77
             dir = indexDir.getParentFile();
 292  214
         File tmpFile = File.createTempFile( context.getId() + "-tmp", "" );
 293  214
         File tmpDir = new File( tmpFile.getParentFile(), tmpFile.getName() + ".dir" );
 294  214
         if ( !tmpDir.mkdirs() )
 296  0
             throw new IOException( "Cannot create temporary directory: " + tmpDir );
 299  214
         IndexingContext tmpContext = null;
 302  214
             FSDirectory directory = tmpDir );
 304  214
             if ( update )
 306  10
                 IndexUtils.copyDirectory( context.getIndexDirectory(), directory );
 309  214
             tmpContext = new DefaultIndexingContext( context.getId() + "-tmp", //
                 context.getRepositoryId(), //
                 context.getRepository(), //
                 directory, //
                 context.getRepositoryUrl(), //
                 context.getIndexUpdateUrl(), //
                 context.getIndexCreators(), //
                 true );
 318  214
             scanner.scan( new ScanningRequest( tmpContext, //
                 new DefaultScannerListener( tmpContext, indexerEngine, update, listener ), fromPath ) );
 321  214
             tmpContext.updateTimestamp( true );
 322  214
             context.replace( tmpContext.getIndexDirectory() );
 324  214
             removeIndexingContext( tmpContext, true );
 326  0
         catch ( Exception ex )
 328  0
             throw (IOException) new IOException( "Error scanning context " + context.getId() + ": " + ex ).initCause( ex );
 332  214
             if ( tmpContext != null )
 334  214
                 tmpContext.close( true );
 337  214
             if ( tmpFile.exists() )
 339  214
 342  214
             FileUtils.deleteDirectory( tmpDir );
 343  214
 345  214
      * Delegates to the {@link IndexerEngine} to add a new artifact to the index
     public void artifactDiscovered( ArtifactContext ac, IndexingContext context )
         throws IOException
 353  0
         if ( ac != null )
 355  0
             indexerEngine.index( context, ac );
 357  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Modifying
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Delegates to the {@link IndexerEngine} to update artifact to the index
     public void addArtifactToIndex( ArtifactContext ac, IndexingContext context )
         throws IOException
 369  5586
         if ( ac != null )
 371  5586
             indexerEngine.update( context, ac );
 373  5586
 375  5586
     public void addArtifactsToIndex( Collection<ArtifactContext> ac, IndexingContext context )
         throws IOException
 380  0
         if ( ac != null && !ac.isEmpty() )
 382  0
             for ( ArtifactContext actx : ac )
 384  0
                 indexerEngine.update( context, actx );
 387  0
 389  0
      * Delegates to the {@link IndexerEngine} to remove artifact from the index
     public void deleteArtifactFromIndex( ArtifactContext ac, IndexingContext context )
         throws IOException
 397  2
         if ( ac != null )
 399  2
             indexerEngine.remove( context, ac );
 401  2
 403  2
     public void deleteArtifactsFromIndex( Collection<ArtifactContext> ac, IndexingContext context )
         throws IOException
 408  0
         if ( ac != null && !ac.isEmpty() )
 410  0
             for ( ArtifactContext actx : ac )
 412  0
                 indexerEngine.remove( context, actx );
 414  0
 417  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Searching
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public FlatSearchResponse searchFlat( FlatSearchRequest request )
         throws IOException
 426  2445
         if ( request.getContexts().isEmpty() )
 428  86
             return searcher.searchFlatPaged( request, indexingContexts.values() );
 432  2359
             return searcher.forceSearchFlatPaged( request, request.getContexts() );
     public IteratorSearchResponse searchIterator( IteratorSearchRequest request )
         throws IOException
 439  95
         if ( request.getContexts().isEmpty() )
 441  8
             return searcher.searchIteratorPaged( request, indexingContexts.values() );
 445  87
             return searcher.forceSearchIteratorPaged( request, request.getContexts() );
     public GroupedSearchResponse searchGrouped( GroupedSearchRequest request )
         throws IOException
 452  63
         if ( request.getContexts().isEmpty() )
             // search all
 455  63
             return searcher.searchGrouped( request, indexingContexts.values() );
             // search targeted
 460  0
             return searcher.forceSearchGrouped( request, request.getContexts() );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Query construction
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public Query constructQuery( Field field, String query, SearchType type )
         throws IllegalArgumentException
 474  188
             return queryCreator.constructQuery( field, query, type );
 476  16
         catch ( ParseException e )
 478  16
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( e );
     public Query constructQuery( Field field, SearchExpression expression )
         throws IllegalArgumentException
 487  2364
             return queryCreator.constructQuery( field, expression );
 489  0
         catch ( ParseException e )
 491  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( e );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Identification
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public Collection<ArtifactInfo> identify( Field field, String query )
         throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
 502  8
         return identify( constructQuery( field, query, SearchType.EXACT ) );
     public Collection<ArtifactInfo> identify( File artifact )
         throws IOException
 508  10
         return identify( artifact, indexingContexts.values() );
     public Collection<ArtifactInfo> identify( File artifact, Collection<IndexingContext> contexts )
         throws IOException
 514  10
         FileInputStream is = null;
 518  10
             MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance( "SHA-1" );
 520  10
             is = new FileInputStream( artifact );
 522  10
             byte[] buff = new byte[4096];
             int n;
 526  163
             while ( ( n = buff ) ) > -1 )
 528  153
                 sha1.update( buff, 0, n );
 531  10
             byte[] digest = sha1.digest();
 533  10
             Query q = constructQuery( MAVEN.SHA1, encode( digest ), SearchType.EXACT );
 535  10
             return identify( q, contexts );
 537  0
         catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ex )
 539  0
             IOException ioe = new IOException( "Unable to calculate digest" );
 540  0
             ioe.initCause( ex );
 541  0
             throw ioe;
 545  10
             IOUtil.close( is );
     public Collection<ArtifactInfo> identify( Query query )
         throws IOException
 552  8
         return identify( query, indexingContexts.values() );
     public Collection<ArtifactInfo> identify( Query query, Collection<IndexingContext> contexts )
         throws IOException
 558  20
         IteratorSearchResponse result = searcher.searchIteratorPaged( new IteratorSearchRequest( query ), contexts );
 562  20
             ArrayList<ArtifactInfo> ais = new ArrayList<ArtifactInfo>( result.getTotalHitsCount() );
 564  20
             for ( ArtifactInfo ai : result )
 566  18
                 ais.add( ai );
 569  20
             return ais;
 573  20
     // ==
 579  1
     private static final char[] DIGITS = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
     private static String encode( byte[] digest )
 583  10
         char[] buff = new char[digest.length * 2];
 585  10
         int n = 0;
 587  210
         for ( byte b : digest )
 589  200
             buff[n++] = DIGITS[( 0xF0 & b ) >> 4];
 590  200
             buff[n++] = DIGITS[0x0F & b];
 593  10
         return new String( buff );