Uses of Class

Packages that use SearchType

Uses of SearchType in org.apache.maven.index

Methods in org.apache.maven.index that return SearchType
static SearchType SearchType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SearchType[] SearchType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.apache.maven.index with parameters of type SearchType DefaultQueryCreator.constructQuery(Field field, IndexerField indexerField, String query, SearchType type)
    QueryCreator.constructQuery(Field field, String query, SearchType type)
          Deprecated. Use QueryCreator.constructQuery(Field, SearchExpression) instead. NexusIndexer.constructQuery(Field field, String query, SearchType type)
          Deprecated. Use NexusIndexer.constructQuery(Field, SearchExpression) instead. DefaultQueryCreator.constructQuery(Field field, String query, SearchType type)
    DefaultNexusIndexer.constructQuery(Field field, String query, SearchType type)
 IndexerField QueryCreator.selectIndexerField(Field field, SearchType type)
          Performs a selection of the appropriate IndexerField belonging to proper Field.
 IndexerField DefaultQueryCreator.selectIndexerField(Field field, SearchType type)

Uses of SearchType in org.apache.maven.index.expr

Methods in org.apache.maven.index.expr that return SearchType
 SearchType SearchTypedStringSearchExpression.getSearchType()
 SearchType SearchTyped.getSearchType()

Constructors in org.apache.maven.index.expr with parameters of type SearchType
SearchTypedStringSearchExpression(String expression, SearchType searchType)

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