Directory Layout Properties

Property name Optional? Description Yes Specifies the location of the transformed xdocs. This is used by the "xdoc" goal. The default value is ${}/docs. Yes Specifies the location of the project's xdoc documentation. This is used by the "xdoc" goal. The default value is ${basedir}/xdocs. Yes Specifies the location where Maven-generated xdocs are stored. The generated xdocs are then later transformed to HTML. The default value is ${}/generated-xdocs.

Performance Properties

Property name Optional? Description
maven.xdoc.xml.copy Yes A comma separated list of patterns to specify xml files to copy from ${} to ${} without to perform a transformation to HTML. The default value is empty (no xml files are copied).
maven.xdoc.copy.excludes Yes A comma separated list of patterns to specify resources not to copy in xdoc:copy-resources. By default it is all the images not used by Maven. Override this to get back some images you need in your site.
maven.xdoc.copy.excludes.classic Yes A comma separated list of patterns to specify resources not to copy in xdoc:copy-resources when using a theme other than classic. Override this to get back some images you need in your site when using a non-classic theme.
maven.xdoc.validate.exclude Yes A comma separated list of patterns to specify xml documents that are to be excluded in xdoc:validate. This defaults to ${maven.xdoc.navigation.file}, ${maven.xdoc.xml.copy}, changes.xml.
maven.xdoc.skip.uptodate Yes If set to true, Maven compares the timestamps of corresponding source- and generated files and only performs a transformation if they are different. This leads to a speedup of the site generation by eliminating tranforms of unchanged documents. Note: this only applies to user-supplied source documents, if you change settings in project.xml, navigation.xml or any other properties- or configuration file, you should generate the site from scratch to make sure all cross-links are correct. Defaults to false.

Localization Properties

Property name Optional? Description Yes Specifies the output encoding of the DVSL generated docs. The default value is ISO-8859-1, an encoding supporting english characters as well as most european languages.

I18n Properties

Property name Optional? Description Yes Sets the format of the date to display. Defaults to "dd MMMM yyyy" (eg: "14 August 2002"). For details on the format, see SimpleDateFormat in the jdk documentation. Yes DEPRECATED. Use the property maven.xdoc.locale.default instead.

Sets the locale used for the date. Defaults to ${maven.xdoc.locale.default}.
maven.xdoc.locale.default Yes Sets the default locale used for the translation. If null, it is the default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine Defaults to "en", ie english, to ensure backwards compatibility. Be careful, following the standard, this value is case sensitive.
maven.xdoc.locale.supported Yes A comma separated list of locales supported by the project, ie "fr, en_CA".
maven.xdoc.bundle.src Yes Specifies the location where user bundles are stored. The default value is ${}.
maven.xdoc.bundle Yes Specifies the name of the user bundles. The default value is xdocs.
maven.xdoc.ui.displayByDefault Yes Boolean value to specify the display of the default language, ie "English [By default]". The default value is false.
maven.xdoc.ui.localeList.asSelect Yes Boolean value to display the language list as an HTML <select/> tag. The default value is false.
maven.xdoc.ui.localeList.max Yes An integer value to specify the maximum number of locales displayes without an HTML <select/> tag. The default value is 5.

Presentation Properties

Property name Optional? Description
maven.xdoc.navigation.file Yes The name of the navigation file to use. The default is navigation.xml.
maven.xdoc.theme Yes The documentation theme to use. The default is theme, and valid values are theme (Maven 1.0RC2+), classic (used in Maven 1.0RC1 and below) or stylus (Maven 1.1-beta-3+). You can override this property if you provide a file maven-<theme_name>.css in the ${}/stylesheets directory.
maven.xdoc.theme.file Yes Define the location of a local theme file. This should be relative to the current ${basedir}. The file will be copied into the ${}/style directory. This is useful for providing a global theme in a multiproject setup.
maven.xdoc.theme.url Yes An absolute URL that should point to a CSS file that can be used in addition to maven-base.css.
maven.xdoc.custom.templateDir Yes A directory where custom templates for Maven generated sites may be defined. The template files should have the same names as the ones used by the xdoc plugin (mail-lists.xml, issue-tracking.xml, etc.). By default, the templates in the ${plugin.resources}/templates directory of the xdoc plugin are used.
maven.xdoc.crumb.separator Yes The separator between links. Defaults to | Yes Allows the user to show the site generation date on the generated website. One can place the date in 5 locations with "":
  • left : at the place of the breadcrumbs (only if there are no breadcrumbs)
  • right : at the place of the links (only if there are no links)
  • navigation-top : above the user links, in the navigation menu
  • navigation-bottom : below Maven's links, in the navigation menu
  • bottom : on the left side in the footer
If "" is left empty, no date is shown on the site (default).
maven.xdoc.version Yes The version number to show next to the date. By default, maven.xdoc.version is not set and the value of pom.currentVersion is displayed. If maven.xdoc.version is set to empty, no version is shown on the site.
maven.xdoc.includeProjectDocumentation Yes Specifies if Maven should display the maven generated project documentation on the site's navigation bar. By default, Maven includes numerous reports and information regarding a project. Set this value to 'no' to prevent the inclusion on the navigation bar. Users building a documentation site only (non-project related) will find this value useful.
maven.xdoc.developmentProcessUrl Yes Sets the url of development process page. Defaults to
maven.xdoc.legend Yes Whether to display the legend in the left navigation. Default is true.
maven.xdoc.poweredby.image Yes Sets the name of the image to use (see images/logos).
maven.xdoc.poweredby.title Yes Sets the title of the link for the powered by logo. Defaults to "Powered by Maven"
maven.xdoc.poweredby.url Yes Sets the target of the link for the powered by logo. Defaults to ""
maven.xdoc.jsl Yes The JSL stylesheet used to convert xdocs to HTML. To override, specify as a file: URL.
maven.xdoc.distributionUrl Yes Location where the artifacts are distributed. This property is optional. If it is not defined, then the Download report will not be added to the navigation menu. NOTE: In the future this information will be described in the POM. Usage example: maven.xdoc.distributionUrl=
maven.xdoc.distributionType Yes Type of the distributed artifact. Override this property if your project is distributing artifacts of a type different that the default. NOTE: In the future this information will be described in the POM. Default value: maven.xdoc.distributionType=jar

UI Color Settings (Classic theme only)

maven.ui.body.background Yes Specifies the background color used for the body of each page. The default value is #fff (white).
maven.ui.body.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the body of each page. The default value is #000 (black).
maven.ui.section.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the primary (1st level) section headers. The default value is #036 (dark blue).
maven.ui.section.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the primary (1st level) section headers. The default value is #fff (white).
maven.ui.subsection.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the secondary (2nd level) subsection headers. The default value is #888 (gray).
maven.ui.subsection.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the secondary (2nd level) subsection headers. The default value is #fff (white).
maven.ui.table.header.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the table header row. The default value is #bbb (gray).
maven.ui.table.header.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the table header row. The default value is #fff (white).
maven.ui.table.row.odd.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the odd numbered table rows. The default value is #ddd (gray).
maven.ui.table.row.odd.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the odd numbered table rows. The default value is #000 (black).
maven.ui.table.row.even.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the even numbered table rows. The default value is #ddd (gray).
maven.ui.table.row.even.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the even numbered table rows. The default value is #000 (black).
maven.ui.banner.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the banner. The default value is #036 (dark blue).
maven.ui.banner.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the banner. The default value is #fff (white). Yes Specifies the color used for the top-edge border of the banner. The default value is #369 (blue).
maven.ui.banner.border.bottom Yes Specifies the color used for the bottom-edge border of the banner. The default value is #003 (black).
maven.ui.source.background Yes Specifies the background color used in the source regions. The default value is #036 (dark blue).
maven.ui.source.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used in the source regions. The default value is #fff (white). Yes Specifies the color used for the top-edge border of source regions. The default value is #888 (gray).
maven.ui.source.border.bottom Yes Specifies the color used for the bottom-edge border of source regions. The default value is #888 (gray).
maven.ui.source.border.right Yes Specifies the color used for the right-edge border of source regions. The default value is #888 (gray).
maven.ui.source.border.left Yes Specifies the color used for the left-edge border of source regions. The default value is #888 (gray).
maven.ui.navcol.background Yes Specifies the background color used for the navigation column on the left-hand side of the page. The default value is #eee (gray).
maven.ui.navcol.background.ns4 Yes Specifies the background color used for the navigation column on the left-hand side of the page for Netscape 4.x. The default value is #fff. Netscape 4.x does not properly display the entire background using this color, only the background of the text utilizes this color. Therefore, it is recommended that this value is set to white.
maven.ui.navcol.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used for the navigation column on the left-hand side of the page. The default value is #000 (black).
maven.ui.navcol.foreground.ns4 Yes Specifies the foreground color used for the navigation column on the left-hand side of the page for Netscape 4.x. The default value is #555 (gray). Yes Specifies the color used for the top-edge border of the navigation column. The default value is #fff (white).
maven.ui.navcol.border.right Yes Specifies the color used for the right-edge border of the navigation column. The default value is #aaa (gray).
maven.ui.navcol.border.bottom Yes Specifies the color used for the bottom-edge border of the navigation column. The default value is #aaa (gray).
maven.ui.navcol.width Yes Specifies the width for the navigation column. The default value is 20% (gray).
maven.ui.breadcrumbs.background Yes Specifies the background color used for the horizontal navigation bar located immediately under the banner (note: this element is not displayed on the page if no links have been specified). The default value is #ddd (gray).
maven.ui.breadcrumbs.foreground Yes Specifies the foreground color used for the horizontal navigation bar located immediately under the banner (note: this element is not displayed on the page if no links have been specified). The default value is #000 (black). Yes Specifies the color used for the top-edge border of the horizontal navigation section. The default value is #fff (white).
maven.ui.breadcrumbs.border.bottom Yes Specifies the color used for the bottom-edge border of the horizontal navigation section. The default value is #aaa (gray). Yes Specifies the color used for all links. The default value is blue. Yes Specifies the color used for all links that are active (i.e. the color used when the mouse is currently over the link). The default value is #f30 (red).

Pom Settings

The Project Info pull-down menu uses several settings of your project.xml file for generating the pages:

The contents of the <mailingList> elements are used in the Mailing Lists page.

The contents of the <developer> and <contributor> elements are used in the Project Team page.

The contents of the <dependency> element are used in the Dependencies page. Note in particular that the optional comment and scope entries are generated by <comment> and <scope> elements in the <properties> section of each dependency. The scope parameter is not used in Maven 1 but it is recommended to specify it in order to make the transition to Maven 2 easier.

The contents of the <repository> elements are used in the Source Repository page.

The <issueTrackingUrl/> element is used in the Issue Tracking page.