Webstart plugin properties

# Specify the path where you want to set up the Java Webstart Cache 

# Location of the JNLP file on which to launch Webstart
# This is a mandatory property without which Webstart will fail to launch
# Ex : maven.webstart.jnlp.location = ${maven.webstart.webapp.location}/${maven.webstart.jnlp.name}

# Properties required for the "start-local-app" & "launch" goals
# --------------------------------------------------------------

# Specify whether the Local Webstart feature should be used or not
maven.webstart.local = false

# This property points to the JNLP file of the application you're testing
# Ex : maven.webstart.remotejnlp = http://localhost:8080/app.jnlp

# Location where the application will be installed locally
maven.webstart.webapp.location =  ${maven.build.dir}/webstart/localapp

# The JNLP name which will be used to access the application
maven.webstart.jnlp.name =  localapp.jnlp

# Location & Name of the Configuration file for Jetty
maven.jetty.config.xml = ${maven.build.dir}/jetty.xml

# URL and Resource Base of the application to launch
# These properties are optional and only useful if you want to launch Webstart
# on a locally installed application.
# Ex : maven.webstart.localapp.host = localhost
# Ex : maven.webstart.localapp.port = 8080
# Ex : maven.webstart.localapp.resourcebase = /