Maven Webserver Plugin Settings

Property Optional? Description No

The value must be set to one of the supported webserver name values. An error is given if the name is not supported.

maven.webserver.version No

The value must be set to one of the supported webserver version values for the specified webserver name. An error is given if the name is not supported.

maven.webserver.home No

The absolute directory path to the home directory installation for the webserver name being used.

maven.webserver.port.http Yes if maven.webserver.port.https has a value, otherwise no.

Default value is 80

maven.webserver.port.https Yes if maven.webserver.port.http has a value, otherwise no.

Default value is 443

maven.webserver.port.A Yes

Default value is null

Optional port that can be used for configuration, added by default to the filterset used when copying configuration files.

maven.webserver.port.B Yes

Default value is null

Optional port that can be used for configuration, added by default to the filterset used when copying configuration files.

maven.webserver.port.C Yes

Default value is null

Optional port that can be used for configuration, added by default to the filterset used when copying configuration files.

maven.webserver.dir No

Default value is ${basedir}/server

This is the directory where the server instance willl be installed to and run from.

maven.webserver.fullname No

Default value is ${}-${maven.webserver.version}

Modifying this property will likely prevent the plugin from working properly. It is highly recommended to not change the default value.

maven.webserver.conf.dir No

Default value is ${maven.conf.dir}/webserver/${maven.webserver.fullname}

This property's value is set by default for consistency. It is not recommended the value be changed, although it can be. Instead if you have server specific configuration files, put them in a directory structure under your configuration dir as above.

maven.webserver.root No

Default value is ${maven.webserver.dir}/webapps/ROOT

This should be absolute path to the root directory where you would like your server instance to serve files from.

maven.webserver.user Yes

Default value is apache.

This is the user that Apache should run as. Yes

Default value is apache.

This is the group that Apache should run as.

maven.webserver.test.socket No

Default value is ${maven.webserver.port.http}OR if not set then ${maven.webserver.port.https}

maven.webserver.test.url Yes

Default value is null. If specified, the plugin uses a valid response from the URL in addition to ${the maven.webserver.test.socket} to determine if the webserver is running. Yes

Default value is localhost. This needs to be set the name of the server running the server instance.