Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPTASKLIST-11 Non-US-ASCII characters in identifiers hinders todos from being included Unassigned Dennis Lundberg Open Open 23 Jul 2004 30 May 2006 0
Bug MPTASKLIST-10 Method todos are never found even if they exist in the code Unassigned Dennis Lundberg Open Open 23 Jul 2004 30 May 2006 0
Improvement MPTASKLIST-12 Allow Matching Default Eclipse TODOs Unassigned Joe Shomphe Major Open Open 29 Mar 2005 18 May 2005 2
New Feature MPTASKLIST-4 Maven Tasklist-Plugin update Unassigned None Major Open Open 25 Apr 2003 2 Dec 2003 0
Bug MPTASKLIST-5 task-list plugin does not generate report correctly due to the way vdoclet reads src directory Unassigned Willie Vu Minor Open Open 12 Feb 2003 2 Dec 2003 0