
To do

  1. upload poms for all artifacts
    • Up to ant-contrib in alphabetical order
  2. Find the following projects:
    • excalibur-mpool - asl
    • jstyle - used to be http://www.redrival.com/greenrd/java/jstyle
    • struts-menu - no license on file. Have contacted authors
    • textarea - looks like it used to be on sf.net?
  3. download msv licenses and place on repo
  4. Remove javadoc directory once agreement reached
  5. deploy source code to ibiblio for all GPL licensed projects


  1. jsr94 - Download found @ http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/review/jsr094/index.html as part of the spec. License is not conducive to distribution
  2. set up pom directories for all hosted groups
  3. Remove violations if any still exist (xsdlib* is the only one)
  4. Create license directories on ibiblio via jelly
  5. Upload licenses available via http via jelly
  6. Ensure all versions on ibiblio are covered by licenses