Release History

1.5.1 2006-10-29
1.5 2005-12-12
1.4.1 2004-06-19
1.4 unknown
1.3 2003-09-29

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Release 1.5.1 - 2006-10-29

fix Fix schema for pom:validate, the id element is deprecated and replaced by groupId/artifactId. Fixes MPPOM-6. ltheussl
update Update dom4j dependency to match the ones in maven 1.1 core. ltheussl

Release 1.5 - 2005-12-12

fix pom:validate doesn't work with < extend > . Fixes MPPOM-1. ltheussl
fix pom:validate doesn't work. Fixes MPPOM-5. ltheussl
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • dom4j v1.4-dev-8 - > v1.4
  • maven v1.0 - > v1.0.2
Fixes MAVEN-1712.

Release 1.4.1 - 2004-06-19

fix Build and run plugin against the installed version of Maven brett

Release 1.4 - unknown

remove remove empty pom:update goal Fixes MPPOM-2. brett
add Add missing xml-apis jar. evenisse
add Verify valid POM versions. Only "3" and "4" are currently allowed. vmassol
add Added support for validating different POM versions. vmassol

Release 1.3 - 2003-09-29

fix Make pom:validate work again. The xerces upgrade broke jarv. Now using jing dion
update Upgrade to maven 1.0 beta 10 and dom4j 1.4 dion
update Upgrade to dom4j 1.4-dev-8 dion
fix Bring back pom:validate dion