Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPPLUGIN-36 rewritten project.xml isn't incorporated into jar Unassigned Kohsuke Kawaguchi Major Open Open 2 Mar 2006 2 Mar 2006 0
Bug MPPLUGIN-30 Plugins on a per-user basis Unassigned Rodrigo S. de Castro Major Open Open 24 Nov 2004 24 Apr 2007 0
Wish MPPLUGIN-31 Add a goal for uninstalling dependancy plugins Unassigned Eric Black Minor Open Open 9 Dec 2004 14 Apr 2005 0
Improvement MPPLUGIN-28 Break some goals into tags and goals Unassigned Felipe Leme Minor Open Open 16 Aug 2004 14 Apr 2005 1
New Feature MPPLUGIN-21 Autogenerate plugin.properties and properties documentation Unassigned Carlos Sanchez Minor Open Open 1 Jul 2004 27 Sep 2005 1
Improvement MPPLUGIN-7 Prevent using the plugin plugin goals for non plugin projects Unassigned Vincent Massol Minor Reopened Reopened 6 Sep 2003 1 Dec 2003 1
Improvement MPPLUGIN-34 plugin:download redownloads SNAPSHOTs every time Unassigned Carlos Sanchez Trivial Open Open 27 Sep 2005 27 Sep 2005 0