Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle .


Files Errors
3 98


Files Errors 23 5 70

Error Line
Unused import - org.apache.commons.jelly.MissingAttributeException 6
line longer than 80 characters 14
'{' should be on the previous line. 18
variable 'var' missing Javadoc. 22
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 24
'(' is followed by whitespace. 24
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 24
'{' should be on the previous line. 25
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 29
'{' should be on the previous line. 30
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 34
'(' is followed by whitespace. 34
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 34
'{' should be on the previous line. 35
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 39
'{' should be on the previous line. 40
Expected @param tag for 'output'. 46
Expected @throws tag for 'JellyTagException'. 47
'{' should be on the previous line. 48
'(' is followed by whitespace. 51
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 51
'(' is followed by whitespace. 55
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 55

Error Line
'{' should be on the previous line. 13
'{' should be on the previous line. 19
line longer than 80 characters 20
'(' is followed by whitespace. 20
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 20

Error Line
type Javadoc comment is missing an @author tag. 72
'{' should be on the previous line. 74
variable 'impls' missing Javadoc. 75
variable 'saxFactory' missing Javadoc. 76
variable 'bodyText' missing Javadoc. 77
variable 'uniqueImpls' missing Javadoc. 78
variable 'configuration' missing Javadoc. 79
variable 'IMPL_KEY' missing Javadoc. 80
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 82
'(' is followed by whitespace. 82
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 82
'{' should be on the previous line. 83
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 87
'{' should be on the previous line. 88
Expected an @return tag. 95
'{' should be on the previous line. 96
'{' should be on the previous line. 103
'{' should be on the previous line. 105
line longer than 80 characters 108
'(' is followed by whitespace. 108
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 108
'}' should be on the same line. 110
'{' should be on the previous line. 112
line longer than 80 characters 120
Expected @param tag for 'uri'. 120
Expected @param tag for 'localName'. 120
Expected @param tag for 'rawName'. 120
Expected @param tag for 'attributes'. 120
'(' is followed by whitespace. 122
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 122
'(' is followed by whitespace. 124
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 124
'{' should be on the previous line. 125
'(' is followed by whitespace. 126
'(' is followed by whitespace. 126
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 126
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 126
'{' should be on the previous line. 127
'(' is followed by whitespace. 128
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 128
'(' is followed by whitespace. 129
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 129
Expected @param tag for 'buffer'. 137
Expected @param tag for 'start'. 137
Expected @param tag for 'length'. 137
'{' should be on the previous line. 138
method is missing a Javadoc comment. 142
'{' should be on the previous line. 143
Expected @param tag for 'uri'. 150
Expected @param tag for 'localName'. 150
Expected @param tag for 'rawName'. 150
'{' should be on the previous line. 151
'{' should be on the previous line. 153
'(' is followed by whitespace. 156
'(' is followed by whitespace. 156
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 156
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 156
'{' should be on the previous line. 157
'(' is followed by whitespace. 158
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 158
'(' is followed by whitespace. 159
')' is preceeded by whitespace. 159
'{' should be on the previous line. 172
'{' should be on the previous line. 182
'{' should be on the previous line. 192
Expected @param tag for 'type'. 199
Expected @param tag for 'spe'. 199
'{' should be on the previous line. 200
'+' should be on a new line. 201
'+' should be on a new line. 202