Maven Multi-Project Plug-in Settings


This property tells the plugin where the aggreagate sites should be copied to.

The value is "multiproject/" by default, but you can change it to "projects/" or "modules/" if you like. Please notice the required trailing slash. Another option is to set this property to an empty string, which will tell the plugin to place the sites in the root directory of the aggregating site.


This is the base directory that the plugin will use when searching for projects to be processed. It is also the 'current directory' for relative paths

Default value is ${basedir}.


This is the list of file specifications to be excluded when searching for projects to be processed by the plugin

Default value is the empty string.


Set this to true to allow the plugin to continue when any project fails during processing.

Default value is false. That means that if a project fails, other projects will not be processed.


This is the list of file specifications to be included when searching for projects to be processed by the plugin.

The 'top-level' project that you use to run maven multiproject must not be included in the set of projects to be processed.

Default value is */project.xml, that is all project.xml files one directory below the base directory


This property tells the plugin how to generate navigation for the set of sites being managed.

If the property is set to independent a navigation menu is generated with each project's name linking to the project's URL, as specified in that project's descriptor, project.xml.

If the property is set to aggregate a navigation menu is generated with each project's name linking to /${maven.multiproject.aggregateDir}${}/index.html. At the completion of the multiproject:site goal, each project's generated site is copied into the appropriate directory. e.g. if WebProject1 and JarProject2 are the names of projects processed via multiproject:site, the project that is executing multiproject:site will have the generated sites from WebProject1/target/docs and JarProject2/target/docs copied into target/docs/multiproject/WebProject1 and target/docs/multiproject/JarProject2 respectively.

Default value is aggregate.


This property should be set for each subproject separately. It allows to control the type of artifact (deliverable) which will be built, installed or deployed by the reactor.

E.g. this property is set to war when multiproject will build the project it will try to create artifact to attain a goal: war:war. If it is set to ear the goal which will deliver an artifact will be ear:ear

Default value is jar.