
multiprojectExecutes multiproject:site
multiproject:artifact Run 'artifact':'artifact' goal for all projects.
multiproject:deploy Run 'artifact':install-snapshot goal for all projects.
multiproject:deploy-snapshot Run 'artifact':install-snapshot goal for all projects.
multiproject:goal Run the comma separated list of goals provided by the variable goal for all projects e.g.
                  maven -Dgoal=java:compile multiproject:goal
                  maven -Dgoal=clean,java:compile,test multiproject:goal
multiproject:install Run 'artifact':install goal for all project.

'artifact' is replaced by the value of property maven.multiproject.type which should be set individualy for each project.

E.g. if we have projects A, B and C with following settiing:
  1. A: maven.multiproject.type=war
  2. B: maven.multiproject.type=ejb
  3. C: maven.multiproject.type=jar

Following goals will be run:
  1. A: war:install
  2. B: ejb:install
  3. C: jar:install
multiproject:install-snapshot Run 'artifact':install-snapshot goal for all projects.

Run the site goal of all projects, generating navigation for projects processed according to the maven.multiproject.navigation property.

If a navigation.xml is found in ${maven.docs.src}/navigation.xml, it will take precedence over the generated multiproject navigation.


Run goal clean:clean for all projects