Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-34 inconsistency mess building time-stamed snapshots Unassigned Joerg Schaible Critical Open Open 9 Jun 2004 14 Apr 2005 0
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-71 CLONE -goal multiproject:create-nav seems to have lost pom.id Lukas Theussl Rupert Smith Major Open Open 14 Sep 2006 16 Feb 2007 2
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-70 Multiproject plugin not using dependencies when maven.jar.override = on Unassigned Matthew Purland Major Open Open 25 Aug 2006 25 Aug 2006 0
Improvement MPMULTIPROJECT-55 Example more generic usage multiproject goals. Unassigned Davy Toch Major Open Open 31 Jul 2005 5 Dec 2005 1
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-54 bug interacting with the cactus-plugin 1.7 Unassigned Raphaël Piéroni Major Open Open 23 Jun 2005 5 Dec 2005 0
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-53 Multiproject:site-deploy copying files twice Unassigned Jeff Jensen Major Open Open 22 Jun 2005 5 Dec 2005 0
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-51 Mixing different maven.build.dir settings in multiproject fails Unassigned Martijn Dashorst Major Open Open 24 Mar 2005 14 Apr 2005 0
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-11 multiproject:artifact builds do not use local project artifacts for dependencies Unassigned John Fallows Major Reopened Reopened 5 Sep 2003 6 Mar 2004 4
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-13 Presence of index.xml result in non process of navigation Unassigned Andy Jefferson Major Open Open 3 Sep 2003 30 Nov 2003 0
Bug MPMULTIPROJECT-15 multiproject : order of processing of javadoc and compile when xdoclet is needed Unassigned Andy Jefferson Major Open Open 20 Jul 2003 2 Dec 2003 0
Wish MPMULTIPROJECT-47 sorted projectlist Unassigned M. Maraun Minor Open Open 30 Dec 2004 14 Apr 2005 0
Improvement MPMULTIPROJECT-4 Provide the ability to ignore a particular project via the project.properties for that project Unassigned Sean Timm Minor Open Open 29 Oct 2003 30 Nov 2003 0
Improvement MPMULTIPROJECT-8 Allow for customizable multiproject overview page Unassigned dion gillard Minor Open Open 25 Sep 2003 30 Nov 2003 0