
Goal Description
modello Default goal for the plugin. It calls modello:modello.
modello:modello Code generation based on the property maven.modello.plugins. Each plugin listed in this property is called as a goal modello:pluginName. If maven.modello.plugins=java,stax,jpox a call to modello(:modello) will call goals modello:java, modello:stax, modello:jpox.
modello:java Generates Java Pojos of the DataModel in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory}.
Java - XML Mappings
modello:dom4j Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/write the model from/into a xml file using Dom4j.
modello:dom4j-reader Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read the model from a xml file using Dom4j.
modello:dom4j-writer Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using Dom4j.
modello:jdom Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using JDom.
modello:jdom-writer Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using JDom.
modello:stax Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/write the model from/into a xml file using STAX RI.
modello:stax-reader Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read the model from a xml file using STAX RI.
modello:stax-writer Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using STAX RI.
modello:xpp3 Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/write the model from/to a xml file using Xpp3.
modello:xpp3-reader Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read the model from a xml file using Xpp3.
modello:xpp3-writer Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using Xpp3.
Java - Database Storage
modello:jpox Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/store the model in a database using JPox.
modello:jpox-jdo-mapping Generates in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} the JOD mapping for JPox (package.jdo).
modello:jpox-metadata-class Generates in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} MetaData class for JPox.
modello:jpox-store Generates in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} the JPox code to do the persistence of the model in a DB.
Documentation and validation
modello:xsd Generates an XML Schema in the directory ${maven.modello.xsd.targetDirectory} for the xml file used to store the model.
modello:xdoc Generates a xdoc file in the directory ${maven.modello.xdoc.targetDirectory} to document the model.