Release History

1.5 2006-02-24
1.4.3 2005-08-08
1.4.2 2004-10-23
1.4.1 2004-07-10
1.4 unknown
1.3 2004-03-07
1.2 2003-09-29
1.1 Unknown

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Release 1.5 - 2006-02-24

fix Use maven.compile.src.set instead of . Fixes MPJXR-3. ltheussl
update Upgrade to maven-jxr 1.0 aheritier
fix Source X-Ref Plugin reverses backslashes. Fixes MPJXR-31. ltheussl
add New property to make inclusion of test Xref optional. Fixes MPJXR-32. ltheussl
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • commons-collections v3.1 - > v3.0
  • commons-logging v1.0.3 - > v1.0.4
  • oro v2.0.7 - > v2.0.8
Fixes MAVEN-1712.

Release 1.4.3 - 2005-08-08

fix Close streams properly on errors Fixes MPJXR-20. Thanks to Ola Sandness. carlos
fix Ignor e Java 5 files Fixes MPJXR-26. carlos
fix Fix malformed HTML when "package" or "import" used in the code/comments outside of the normal keyword use Fixes MPJXR-11. Thanks to Lukas Theussl. brett
fix Remove hardcoded encoding in templates. Fixes MPJXR-18. evenisse

Release 1.4.2 - 2004-10-23

fix Support enum types in Java 5.0 Fixes MPJXR-19. Thanks to Stephen Scaringi. brett
update Support encoding and lang. Fixes MPJXR-14. evenisse
update Add the possibility to run JXR for tests classes if sources classes doesn't exists. Fixes MPJXR-17. evenisse
fix Remove NullPointerException for empty java files. Fixes MPJXR-13. evenisse
update Reduce output for non-debug run. dion

Release 1.4.1 - 2004-07-10

update Update commons-* dependencies brett
fix Remove xmlns on html elements as JSL messes it up Fixes MPJXR-9. brett

Release 1.4 - unknown


Release 1.3 - 2004-03-07

update Apply MPJXR-8 Fixes MPJXR-8. dion
fix Apply patch from Nicolas De Loof for reduce open files during jxr process. evenisse
fix MAVEN-822 Fixes MAVEN-822. dion
fix MAVEN-797 Fixes MAVEN-797. dion

Release 1.2 - 2003-09-29

update update to commons-jelly-20030902.160215 dion
update update to use*/ dion
update Move to oro 2.0.7 dion
update Upgrade to dom4j 1.4 dion
update Upgrade to commons-logging 1.0.3 dion
update update to commons-lang 1.0.1 dion
fix Fix Maven-428. Used Fixes MAVEN-428. evenisse

Release 1.1 - Unknown

fix Fix for bug Maven-178. Fixes MAVEN-178. evenisse