Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Wish MPJUNITREPORT-13 Ability to group packages and show in summary section Unassigned Shinobu Kawai Major Open Open 19 Jul 2006 19 Jul 2006 0
Bug MPJUNITREPORT-5 running cactus before junit report causes exception Unassigned Brett Porter Major Open Open 22 Mar 2004 11 May 2005 3
Improvement MPJUNITREPORT-12 Create a junit report on only failed / error tests Unassigned Ben Walding Major Open Open 31 Jul 2003 4 Aug 2005 0
Bug MPJUNITREPORT-1 junit/cactus error output should be displayed in the report Unassigned Daniel Rabe Minor Open Open 10 Nov 2003 22 Jan 2004 0