Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPJETTY-8 missing classpath entries during dinamic compilation Unassigned Juan F. Codagnone Major Open Open 10 Oct 2005 10 Oct 2005 0
Improvement MPJETTY-5 Upgrade Jetty Plugin to use Jetty version 5.1.2 Unassigned Tim O'Brien Major Open Open 4 Feb 2005 27 Jul 2005 1
Improvement MPJETTY-1 Remove use of pom.getPluginContext and replace with maven:set/get Unassigned dion gillard Major Open Open 9 Jul 2004 4 Feb 2005 0
Improvement MPJETTY-7 Add possiblity to specify 'spawn' attribute for ant:java when running jetty Unassigned Vasyl Stashuk Minor Open Open 18 Jun 2005 18 Jun 2005 0