Release History

1.5 2004-05-15
1.4 2004-03-10
1.3 2003-09-29
1.2 2003/05/04
1.1 2003/04/09

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Release 1.6-SNAPSHOT - In SVN

update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • commons-jelly-tags-xml v1.0 -> v1.1
Fixes MAVEN-1712.
add Add support for jbuilder 2005. evenisse
fix Remove use of pom.getPluginContext and replace with maven:set/get. Fixes MPJBUILDER-13. evenisse

Release 1.5 - 2004-05-15

add Add maven.jbuilder.bakpath property. Fixes MPJBUILDER-11. evenisse
add Add xdocs and subdir into jbuilder folder(s). Fixes MPJBUILDER-10. evenisse
fix Fix crash with Maven RC2. Fixes MPJBUILDER-9. evenisse

Release 1.4 - 2004-03-10

fix Generate relative path for OutPath, DefaultPath, DocPath, SourcePath, and TestPath tag in jbuilder project. Fixes MPJBUILDER-8. evenisse
fix Apply MAVEN-987 dion
add Add support to JBuilderX. Fixes MPJBUILDER-7. evenisse

Release 1.3 - 2003-09-29

fix Fix MAVEN-781. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Fix MAVEN-668. evenisse
add The plugin attempts to find JBuilder's "HOME" directory where it will read the user's default project properties file. The JBuilder "HOME" directory is also where library files are generated. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add When you generate a JBuilder project file, the plugin iterates through its dependencies. For each dependency, a library definition file is generated for the dependency jar in the local repo. This dependent library file is generated if, and only if, the library file does not already exist or the library file was previously generated the same way (as a dependency on a jar in the local repo). Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add The previous point means that when you generate a jbuilder library definition file directly from a Maven project (using the jbuilder:generate-library goal) you will replace any previous definition of the library that was generated as a jar-only dependency with a library definition that references both the source and class files. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add For library definitions that remain jar-only references to the local repo, you can specify a path to the corresponding source code via properties. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Support has been added for generating JBuilder application and applet runtime configurations from properties. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Any resources are added to the JBuilder project source path. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Using an optional property, you can specify a list of explicit files that will be included in the JBuilder project if they exist. The default list are project.xml,, and maven.xml. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Added support for JBuilder 9 Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Added maven.jbuilder.verbose property Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse
add Library files that are automatically generated from versioned (not snapshot) artifact dependencies are now versioned themselves. This is also true for snapshot dependencies where an unversioned library file has not been created yet from the corresponding artifact. As before, if an unversioned library file has already been created for a snapshot dependency, the unversioned library will be referenced. Thanks to David Zeleznik. evenisse

Release 1.2 - 2003/05/04

add Write company, description and title properties in jbuilder project. Thanks to Joe Germuska. evenisse
add Added new maven.juilder-docpath plugin property. Thanks to Joe Germuska. evenisse
add Added new maven.juilder-outpath plugin property. Thanks to Joe Germuska. evenisse

Release 1.1 - 2003/04/09

add Add resources to library file. evenisse
fix Corrected generation of library file. evenisse