JBoss Settings

Property Optional? Description
maven.jboss.home No

Location of JBoss home (i.e. where JBoss is installed on your local drive. Example: c:/jboss-3.2.2.

maven.jboss.conf.dir Yes

Location of where the application-specific JBoss conf files are located. Example: conf/jboss/conf.

maven.jboss.deploy.dir Yes

Location of where the application-specific JBoss deploy files are located. Example: conf/jboss/deploy.

maven.jboss.appconf.dir Yes

Location of application configuration files. These files will be copied to the JBoss conf/ server configuration directory (and will thus be in the server classpath). Example: conf/application.

maven.jboss.conf.name Yes

Name of the specific JBoss server configuration we are creating. Default value is ${pom.artifactId}.

maven.jboss.hostname Yes

Hostname on which JBoss is executing. Default value is localhost

maven.jboss.port Yes

Port on which JBoss' jmx-console is available. Default value is 8080.

maven.jboss.jmx.url.deploy.${maven.jboss.version} Yes

URL at which an http get will deploy a target.

Default value for JBoss 3.0 is http://${maven.jboss.hostname}:${maven.jboss.port}/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&methodName=deploy&argType=java.lang.String&arg=

Default value for JBoss 3.2 is http://${maven.jboss.hostname}:${maven.jboss.port}/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&methodName=deploy&argType=java.net.URL&arg0=

maven.jboss.jmx.url.undeploy.${maven.jboss.version} Yes

URL at which an http get will undeploy a target.

Default value for JBoss 3.0 is http://${maven.jboss.hostname}:${maven.jboss.port}/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&methodName=undeploy&argType=java.lang.String&arg=

Default value for JBoss 3.2 is http://${maven.jboss.hostname}:${maven.jboss.port}/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&methodName=undeploy&argType=java.net.URL&arg0=

maven.jboss.script.dir Yes

Location of scripts to start/stop/etc the jboss container. A user who wants to provide his own script will override this property in his project project.properties/ build.properties.

If you write your own script you have access to the following filters:

  • @maven.jboss.home@
  • @jboss.server.home.dir@
  • @jboss.server.home.url@
  • @maven.jboss.conf.name@
  • @maven.jboss.version@
  • @maven.jboss.hostname@
maven.jboss.version Yes

The plugin now supports JBoss 3.2.x by default. Support for JBoss 3.0.x is still available by setting the maven.jboss.version=3.0 property. This property defaults to 3.2.

maven.jboss.debug.port Yes

The port to connect to or the shared mem address to use in the debug scripts. This property defaults to 4142.