Release History

1.6.1 2006-10-29
1.6 2006-03-26
1.5 2004-12-04
1.4 2004-05-15
1.3 2003-09-29
1.2 2003-02-12
1.1 2002-10-06
1.0 2002-08-04

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Release 1.6.1 - 2006-10-29

fix Java report fails build if no source files present. Fixes MPJAVA-45. ltheussl

Release 1.6 - 2006-03-26

fix Compile fails using forked compiler when directory contains spaces. Fixes MPJAVA-4. ltheussl
fix Also check for ${maven.gen.src} before compiling. Fixes MPJAVA-42. ltheussl
add New property maven.compile.failonerror . Fixes MPJAVA-41. ltheussl
add New property maven.compile.debuglevel . Fixes MPJAVA-32. ltheussl
add New property maven.compile.nowarn . Fixes MPJAVA-44. ltheussl
fix Set maven.compile.deprecation=on by default. Fixes MPJAVA-23. ltheussl
fix Compiling gives incorrect warning about target JVM version. Fixes MPJAVA-30. ltheussl
fix sourceModifications handled incorrectly when more than one clause present. Fixes MPJAVA-38. Thanks to Ignacio G. Mac Dowell. ltheussl
fix Broken support for maven.compile.extdirs. Fixes MPJAVA-43. ltheussl
add Make a report with compiler output Fixes MPJAVA-40. Thanks to Ron Gallagher. carlos
add Capture Deprecation Warnings. Fixes MPJAVA-34. carlos

Release 1.5 - 2004-12-04

fix Make it work by default with any version of the JDK Fixes MPJAVA-22. vmassol
update Deprecate dependency handle brett
update Use assert taglib for tests dion

Release 1.4 - 2004-05-15

fix Allow specifying a JDK to compile with other than the running one Fixes MPJAVA-18. Thanks to Lynn Richards. brett
fix Add memory usage parameters to pass to the ant javac task Fixes MPJAVA-1. Thanks to Scott Foster. brett
fix Add source property, default to 1.3. This is required to use JDK 1.5. brett

Release 1.3 - 2003-09-29

remove Remove clean goals and jar goals. Clean goals and jar goals move to clean plugin and jar plugin. evenisse
fix Added chgrp maven to jar:deploy. dion
add Added velocity.log to files deleted on clean dion

Release 1.2 - 2003-02-12

add Added the jar:install-snapshot goal to install a SNAPSHOT version jar in the local repository. kschrader
add Added maven.compile.encoding property Thanks to Daigo Moriwaki. dion
fix Added docs on properties dion

Release 1.1 - 2002-10-06

fix Added goals documentation dion
add Added maven.compile.source,, maven.compile.executable, maven.compile.fork and maven.compile.compilerargs properties to allow people with generics to build with Maven dion
fix Compilation now only happens if java source is present vmassol
fix Applied fix for MAVEN-102, which allows a manifest file to be specified, as well as the defaults when jar'ing. Fixes MAVEN-102. dion
update Added goals installing and deploying the plugin:
  1. plugin:install installs the plugin in Maven's plugins dir
  2. plugin:deploy installs an unpacked version of the plugin in Maven's plugins dir

This is meant to ease the installation of plugins without having to bootstrap or manually copy the generated plugin to Maven's plugins dir.


Release 1.0 - 2002-08-04

add Initial plugin created jvanzyl