Release History

1.8.1 2007-04-30
1.8 2006-04-26
1.7 2005-06-05
1.6.1 2004-11-10
1.6 2004-06-28
1.5 2004-05-13
1.4 2004-02-27
1.3 2003-09-29
1.2 Unknown
1.1 2003-08-29
1.0 Unknown

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Release 1.8.1 - 2007-04-30

update Change the default repository to for dependencies url in the manifest. Fixes MAVEN-1789. aheritier
update Update to velocity 1.5. ltheussl

Release 1.8 - 2006-04-26

add Add tests for jar manifest creation. Fixes MPJAR-19. ltheussl
fix Using maven.jar.manifest.classpath.add=true from maven console gives huge Class-Path. Fixes MPJAR-46. ltheussl
add Include Implementation-Vendor-Id attribute for dependencies in manifest. Fixes MPJAR-15. Thanks to Matt Finn. ltheussl
add Support specificationVersion in manifest. Fixes MPJAR-39. ltheussl
fix Jar plugin generates incorrect manifest file. Fixes MPJAR-36 and MPJAR-49 . Thanks to Michael Gaffney . ltheussl
fix java:compile and java:jar-resources should be called before the jar goal to create the good directory structure. It was done in test:test before but it's also a prerequisite for jar:jar. aheritier
update Remove unused properties from documentation. Fixes MPJAR-47. ltheussl
update Document need for jar.manifest.classpath property. Fixes MPJAR-35. Thanks to Dennis Lundberg. ltheussl
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • velocity v 1.4-dev - > v1.4
Fixes MAVEN-1712.
update It requires at least maven-plugin-plugin v1.7. aheritier

Release 1.7 - 2005-06-05

fix Fix typo on documentation. Fixes MPJAR-42. Thanks to Joseph Benavidez. felipeal
fix Fix typo on documentation. Fixes MPJAR-40. Thanks to Shinobu Kawai. felipeal
add Added new property . Fixes MPJAR-38. felipeal

Release 1.6.1 - 2004-11-10

fix Remove deploy warnings brett

Release 1.6 - 2004-06-28

update Deprecated jar:snapshot brett
update Use the artifact plugin for installation brett
fix Replace A pache Jakarta Maven by Apache Maven in Manifest Fixes MPJAR-29. Thanks to Martin van den Bemt. evenisse

Release 1.5 - 2004-05-13

fix trim shortDescription and limit to 72 characters with warning when using specification-title to avoid broken manifests Fixes MPJAR-27. brett
fix change ln -sf command to rm -f symlink, ln -s combo because -f flag is not used on Solaris ln. Fixes MPJAR-24. brett
fix move to brett
fix improve manifest generation Fixes MPJAR-22. Thanks to Corey Jewett. brett
fix revert to previuous value after executing jar:snapshot related goals. Fixes MPJAR-17. brett

Release 1.4 - 2004-02-27

update Remove old nav (current etc) as it was confusing people. Implement maven.jar.includes as per Eric Giguere's suggestion. dion
update Added manifest Class-Path, specified by setting property jar.manifest.classpath on dependency artifacts in project.xml. neilc
fix Reorder Specification-Title/Vendor/Version and Implementation-Title/Vendor/Version Fixes MAVEN-936. dion
fix Use pom.currentVersion for Specification-Version Fixes MAVEN-936. dion
fix Fix for maven.jar.manifest.extensions.add not being checked correctly. dion
fix Fix MAVEN-1009 Fixes MAVEN-1009. dion

Release 1.3 - 2003-09-29


Release 1.2 - Unknown

fix Fixed maven.jar.manifest.extensions.add use. evenisse
fix Maven-755. Add maven.jar.compress. Fixes MAVEN-755. evenisse

Release 1.1 - 2003-08-29

update Added maven.jar.index property dion
update Upgrade to velocity 1.4-dev dion

Release 1.0 - Unknown

add Initial plugin created. Goals are move from java plugin. evenisse