Release History

1.5.1 2007-04-30
1.5 2006-05-07
1.4 2006-01-15
1.3.1 2004-10-23
1.3 2004-07-08
1.2 2004-05-15
1.1 2003-09-29

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Release 1.5.1 - 2007-04-30

add Add a property that controls the source code encoding. Fixes MPJALOPY-12. Thanks to Joachim Bader. ltheussl
update Upgrade plexus-utils to version 1.0.5 Fixes MAVEN-1803. aheritier

Release 1.5 - 2006-05-07

add Add a new goal to open Jalopy's SettingsDialog. Fixes MPJALOPY-11. Thanks to Joachim Bader. ltheussl
update Rewrite the plugin so it doesn't use the jalopy ant task anymore. Fixes MPJALOPY-10. ltheussl
add New properties maven.jalopy.inspect, maven.jalopy.backup and maven.jalopy.force. Removed properties maven.jalopy.logLevel and maven.jalopy.nbThread. ltheussl
update Upgrade to log4j 1.2.13. Fixes MAVEN-1759. aheritier
fix Jalopy classes aren't found. Fixes MPJALOPY-9. aheritier

Release 1.4 - 2006-01-15

update Update to jalopy 1.5b5 adding support for java 5. carlos
update Update license to Apache 2.0. Fixes MPJALOPY-8. evenisse
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • jdom v1.0b8 - > v1.0
  • log4j v1.2.8 - > v1.2.12
  • oro v2.0.7 - > v2.0.8
Fixes MAVEN-1712.

Release 1.3.1 - 2004-10-23

update Matchs Jalopy and checkstyle. Fixes MPJALOPY-3. evenisse
update Allows multiple includes/excludes patterns. Fixes MPJALOPY-6. evenisse

Release 1.3 - 2004-07-08

update Add some exclude properties. Fixes MPJALOPY-5. evenisse
update Move to jalopy 1.0b11 evenisse

Release 1.2 - 2004-05-15


Release 1.1 - 2003-09-29

fix Fixed MAVEN-798. Add Test source formatting. evenisse
update Move to oro 2.0.7 dion
update Move to log4j 1.2.8 dion
fix Fixed directory of plugin resources. evenisse