Deprecation Warning

This plugin has been removed from the current Maven distribution, it is not maintained by the Maven team anymore. Please check the Plugins History page to find out the last Maven version that included this plugin.

Maven J2EE Plug-in

This document provides an overview of the reference section for the Maven J2EE Plug-in. The documents presented here are references, if you are looking for more verbose usage material, please refer to the Getting Started section.

Overview of the J2EE Plug-in Reference Documentation

Goals This document provides detailed information on the various goals that are available as part of the Maven J2EE Plug-in.
Properties The behavior of the Maven J2EE Plug-in can be altered via numerous properties. This document describes each property available as the default used.
Directory Layout The preferred directory layout structure is documented here. This is a useful document if you are trying to determine what a particular component of your directory hierarchy is used for.
Appserver Control

This page contains additional reference material regarding the application server ( appserver ) control features of the Maven J2EE plugin.

Futures These are the current thoughts on additional items that could or should be added to the plug-in. They may or may not make it to an actual task list of a developer.