Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Improvement MPECLIPSE-126 Add support for wtp 1.0 Unassigned Arnaud Heritier Major Open Open 14 Nov 2006 15 Nov 2006 0
Bug MPECLIPSE-125 M1: If using JAR override, new sources feature does not work. Unassigned Jamie Bisotti Major Open Open 29 Sep 2006 29 Sep 2006 0
Improvement MPECLIPSE-124 Use wagon instead of deprecated HttpUtils Unassigned Lukas Theussl Major Open Open 22 Aug 2006 22 Aug 2006 0
Improvement MPECLIPSE-105 Ability to add projects of local group to build path Unassigned Rodion Zhitomirsky Major Open Open 21 Oct 2005 26 Nov 2005 0
Improvement MPECLIPSE-104 Improve JRE_CONTAINER classpath entry Unassigned Holger Hoffstätte Major Open Open 26 Sep 2005 26 Nov 2005 0
Bug MPECLIPSE-102 Running 'maven:eclipse' turns CheckStyle off for the project. Stephane Nicoll Jamie Bisotti Major Open Open 15 Sep 2005 21 Apr 2007 1
Bug MPECLIPSE-100 No ability to configure the JRE specified in generated .classpath file Unassigned Ken Weiner Major Open Open 30 Aug 2005 30 Aug 2005 4
Bug MPECLIPSE-76 AspectJ nature and source not set when generating eclipse project Unassigned Bert van Brakel Major Open Open 24 Feb 2005 24 Feb 2005 0
Improvement MPECLIPSE-69 Make plugin work better "out of the box" Unassigned Chad Woolley Major Open Open 1 Feb 2005 26 Nov 2005 0
New Feature MPECLIPSE-66 Custom eclipse variables in .classpath generation Unassigned Nils-Helge Garli Major Open Open 13 Jan 2005 28 Jan 2005 0
New Feature MPECLIPSE-65 Make it possible to skipp the adding of 'con' classpath entry org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER Unassigned Nils-Helge Garli Major Open Open 13 Jan 2005 13 Jan 2005 0
New Feature MPECLIPSE-122 Ability to add version number and groupId to project name Unassigned Justin Deoliveira Minor Open Open 4 Aug 2006 4 Aug 2006 0
Wish MPECLIPSE-82 Generate Code Formatter settings for eclipse from checkstyle.xml Unassigned Kenney Westerhof Minor Open Open 15 Mar 2005 4 Sep 2006 1
New Feature MPECLIPSE-71 Better support for multiproject with eclipse plugin Unassigned Yujin Kim Minor Open Open 3 Feb 2005 5 Dec 2005 3
Improvement MPECLIPSE-70 Make it possible to add linked resources Unassigned Felipe Leme Minor Open Open 2 Feb 2005 22 Jul 2005 0
Improvement MPECLIPSE-88 allow relative paths for overriden jars Unassigned Guido Schreuder Trivial Open Open 13 Apr 2005 26 Nov 2005 0
New Feature MPECLIPSE-86 New eclipse:projectset goal Unassigned Morten Kristiansen Trivial Open Open 5 Apr 2005 11 May 2005 1