Link Check Report

21 file(s) and 649 link(s) checked. 12 error(s) and 1 warning(s) reported in 13 file(s).

Document links
total success warning error
junit-report.html 31 30 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

scm-usage.html 26 25 0 1
trans error trans - : No route to host

maven-reports.html 28 27 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

license.html 28 27 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

file-activity-report.html 56 55 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

jira-roadmap.html 29 28 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

changes-report.html 38 37 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

mail-lists.html 42 41 1 0
trans warning trans - 301 Moved Permanently

jira.html 39 38 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

linkcheck.html 28 27 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

changelog-report.html 84 83 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.

properties.html 19 18 0 1
trans error trans - 404 Not Found

developer-activity-report.html 28 27 0 1
trans error trans xref-test/index.html- doesn't exist.