Maven Dashboard aggregators

An aggregator is an extension to the dashboard that gathers metric information that get displayed in the dashboard report. You can provide your own custom aggregators. The dashboard plugin comes with several default aggregators described below.

Aggregator name Topic Description
csall Checkstyle Computes total number of Checkstyle warnings and errors.
csfiles Checkstyle Computes total number of files checked by Checkstyle.
cserrors Checkstyle Computes total number of Checkstyle errors.
cswarnings Checkstyle Computes total number of Checkstyle warnings.
clovertpc Clover Computes total Test Coverage Percentage (TPC) using Clover.
cloverloc Clover Computes total Line Of Code (LOC) using Clover.
cloverncloc Clover Computes total Non-Commented Line Of Code (NCLOC) using Clover.
junittests JUnit Number of JUnit tests.
juniterrors JUnit Number of JUnit errors.
junitfailures JUnit Number of JUnit failures.
junitpassrate JUnit Percentage of JUnit tests that have passed.
pmdfiles PMD Computes total number of files with PMD violations.
pmdviolations PMD Computes total number of PMD violations.
simiantdl Simian Total number of duplicate lines found by Simian.
coberturalipc Cobertura Total percentage of lines covered.
coberturaloc Cobertura Total number of code lines. WORKS ONLY WITH MAVEN 1.1.
jcoveragelipc JCoverage Total percentage of lines covered. WORKS ONLY WITH MAVEN 1.1.
jcoverageloc JCoverage Total number of code lines.
fbfiles FindBugs Total number of files with FindBugs violations.
fbviolations FindBugs Total number of FindBugs violations.
tasklistclass Maven Tasks Total number of classes with task definition (@todo tag).
tasklistmethod Maven Tasks Total number of methods with task definition (@todo tag).
tasklist Maven Tasks Total number of task definition (@todo tag).
scmchangedfiles SCM Changed Files Total number of changed files in scm. Note: requires at least maven-changelog-plugin-1.9.
scmchangedcommit SCM Committed Files Total number of scm commit. Note: requires at least maven-changelog-plugin-1.9.
javancsspackagestotal JavaNCSS Total number of JavaNCSS packages.
javancssclassestotal JavaNCSS Total number of JavaNCSS classes.
javancssfunctionstotal JavaNCSS Total number of JavaNCSS functions.
javancssncsstotal JavaNCSS Total number of JavaNCSS non-nommented source statements.
javancssjavadocstotal JavaNCSS Total number of JavaNCSS JavaDocs.
jiraopen JIRA open issues Number of open issues in JIRA. Note: requires at least maven-jira-plugin-1.3.
jirascheduled JIRA open scheduled issues Number of open issues in JIRA that are scheduled for the next release. Note: requires at least maven-jira-plugin-1.3.