Registering a Clover report

The typical way to use the Clover plugin is by registering a Clover report in your project.xml:



clover This is the default goal. It compiles the project code with Clover, executes the unit tests and generate Clover reports by calling the clover:report goal.
clover:test Compiles the project code with Clover and executes the unit tests.
clover:test-single Execute a single unit test and view the test coverage result directly using the Clover Swing viewer. This is useful if you wish to quickly see the action that a single unit test has on the code it tests.
clover:report Generate Clover test coverage reports with Clover. There are 3 possible reports: HTML, XML or Swing. Whether a report is generated is controlled by the[report name] properties. The generated reports show exactly what lines of your code were exercised by your tests.
clover:xml-report Generate an XML test coverage report with Clover.
clover:html-report Generate an HTML test coverage report with Clover.
clover:swing-report Generate a Swing test coverage report with Clover.
clover:on Activates Clover, which means that any other plugin calling the Ant javac task will find its code compiled with Clover. This is useful for example to Clover Cactus tests: maven clover:on cactus.
clover:off Deactivates Clover, resetting back the normal javac compiler.
clover:check Fail the build if the test coverage percentage is below a defined threshold.
clover:save-history Saves a Clover history point that will then be used for generating history reports when the clover:report goal is called.
clover:merge Merges several Clover databases into one. This goal is meant to be called in the top level master project (multiproject). It is called automatically by the clover:multiproject goal.
clover:multiproject Runs Clover on a multiproject and merge the Clover databases.This goal does not generate a report; call clover:report for that or add Clover as a report in your POM.