Checkstyle Settings

maven.checkstyle.includesYes Specifies a comma-separated list of Ant patterns to use when matching files in the source tree to be included in the Checkstyle report. The pattern specified is relative to ${maven.src.dir}. The default value is **/*.java, which matches all Java source files in the source tree (specified by the ${maven.src.dir} property.
maven.checkstyle.excludesYes Specifies a comma-separated list of Ant patterns to use when matching files in the source tree to be excluded from the Checkstyle report. The pattern specified is relative to ${maven.src.dir}. The default value is to not exclude any files.
maven.checkstyle.formatYes Specifies what predefined check set to use. Available sets are "sun" (for the Sun coding conventions), "turbine" and "avalon". Default value is sun.
maven.checkstyle.propertiesYes Specifies the location of the checkstyle properties that will be used to check the source. Note that you will need to use this property only if you don't want to use any of the predefined formats (see maven.checkstyle.format).
maven.checkstyle.header.fileYes Specifies the location of the License file (a.k.a the header file) that is used by Checkstyle to verify that source code has the correct copyright. Default value is ${basedir}/LICENSE.txt Specifies if the maven:check-source task should fail upon a violation. This will stop the build process. The default value is false.
maven.checkstyle.cache.fileYes Specifies the cache file used to speed up Checkstyle on successive runs. The default value is ${}/checkstyle-cachefile.
maven.checkstyle.usefileYes If false, the checkstyle task will display violations on stdout. If true, a text file will be created with the violations. Note: this is in addition to the XML result file (containing the violations in XML format) which is always created.