Changes plugin properties

Property Optional? Description Default
maven.changes.issue.template Yes Template string that is used to discover the URL to use to display a bug report. There are 2 template tokens you can use. %URL%: this is computed by getting the <issueTrackingUrl> value from the POM, and removing the context path. %ISSUE% : this is the issue number. %URL%/%ISSUE% (Default, appropriate for JIRA).

Other possibilities are:


BugZilla: %URL%/show_bug.cgi?id=%ISSUE%

Scarab: %URL%/issues/id/%ISSUE%

Mantis: %URL%/view.php?id=%ISSUE%
maven.changes.sort Yes Decides whether to enable sorting the <action> elements or not. false
maven.changes.sort.order Yes Decides sort ordering of <action> elements. It is only used if sorting is enabled. add,fix,update,remove
maven.changes.outputencoding Yes Sets the encoding for the changes.xml file when using the release-version tag. This can be useful to ensure the same encoding for all files. Default is empty, so the encoding of changes.xml will be preserved.