Changelog Properties

Property name Optional? Description
maven.changelog.basedir Yes Specifies the basedir for changelog execution. This is used by the "changelog" goal. The default value is basedir.
maven.changelog.type Yes Indicates what the change log is based on. This is used by the "changelog" goal. Possible values are: range (meaning a date range), date (meaning an absolute date), or tag (meaning a tag). The default value is range.
maven.changelog.range Yes Specifies the range to use when generating the change log. This is used by the "changelog" goal if the maven.changelog.type property is "range". The default value is 30 days. No (if type==date) Specifies an absolute date to use when generating the change log. This is used by the "changelog" goal if the maven.changelog.type property is "date". The log will contain changes made after this date. If it is set to 'lastRelease', the date found for the last release in changes.xml is used. The date format is that specified by maven.changelog.dateformat if present; otherwise, the format is yyyy-MM-dd.
maven.changelog.tag No (if type==tag) Specifies the range to use when generating the change log. This is used by the "changelog" goal if the maven.changelog.type property is "tag". The log will contain changes made after this tag. Currently, this is supported for CVS only.
maven.changelog.commentFormat Yes Specifies the RCS query to use when generating the comment for change log. This is currently only used by the Clearcase change log. The default value is %Sn - %c - Activity: %[activity]p\\n days.
maven.changelog.factory Yes Specifies a fully qualified class name implementing the org.apache.maven.changelog.ChangeLogFactory interface. The class creates the ChangeLogGenerator and ChangeLogParser pair required to create the change log. This is used by the "changelog" and "activity" goals. The following SCM factories are supported: Yes The output encoding for the generated xml documents. Set by the xdoc plugin, it defaults to ISO-8859-1
maven.changelog.dateformat Yes The date format in input stream. It's only used by Starteam changelog and/or when specifying an absolute date.
maven.changelog.svn.baseurl Yes The base address of the svn url. Use it for creating correct links when the current project is a sub-project in the svn repository. Only used if repository.connection starts with scm:svn. Defaults to ${pom.repository.url}.
maven.changelog.quoteDate Yes Specifies whether to put quotation marks around the date argument. This is required on some ssh clients. Currently only used by cvs. Defaults to false.
maven.changelog.useDeveloperConnection Yes Set this to true to use the repository/developerConnection pom element for connecting to the source repository. Default is to use the repository/connection element.

Other properties

Property name Optional? Description Yes The directory where the generated report is created. This directory holds the generated documents for processing by the xdoc plugin. Yes Used by the plugin to check if the user is currently 'online' and hence has access to the source code repository.