Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPCASTOR-12 Missing serialversionUID in serializable classes Unassigned Michele La Porta Major Open Open 27 Apr 2006 27 Apr 2006 0
New Feature MPCASTOR-10 Pass "generateImportedSchemas" argument to source generator Unassigned bobby rullo Major Open Open 7 Dec 2005 7 Dec 2005 0
New Feature MPCASTOR-9 Add support for the 'nodesc' option Unassigned johnstok Major Open Open 22 Sep 2005 22 Sep 2005 0
Bug MPCASTOR-7 Could not find org.exolab.castor.builder.SourceGenerator Unassigned Graham Leggett Major Open Open 21 Feb 2005 24 Jan 2006 1
Improvement MPCASTOR-6 Add binding file option to source generation Unassigned Brent Worden Major Open Open 20 Aug 2004 20 Aug 2004 0
Improvement MPCASTOR-4 Remove use of pom.getPluginContext and replace with maven:set/get Unassigned dion gillard Major Open Open 9 Jul 2004 9 Jul 2004 0
Bug MPCASTOR-11 automated builds hang when castor warnings are on Unassigned jake pezaro Minor Open Open 27 Mar 2006 27 Mar 2006 0
Improvement MPCASTOR-8 Upgrade the dependancy to Castor 0.9.6 Unassigned Guillaume Laforge Minor Open Open 14 Apr 2005 24 Jan 2006 0
Bug MPCASTOR-3 "castor:generate" not working when using J2SDK >= 1.4 Unassigned David Thexton Minor Open Open 23 Apr 2004 23 Apr 2004 2
New Feature MPCASTOR-1 Castor report generation Unassigned Xavier RODRIGUEZ Minor Open Open 10 Nov 2003 30 Nov 2003 0