Link Check Report

23 file(s) and 777 link(s) checked. 8 error(s) and 4 warning(s) reported in 7 file(s).

Document links
total success warning error
scm-usage.html 29 28 0 1
trans error trans - : No route to host

team-list.html 29 28 0 1
trans error trans mailto:plynch at apache dot org- doesn't exist.

goals.html 47 45 0 2
trans error trans ../../start/integrate.html- doesn't exist.

trans error trans ../properties.html#Directory Layout Settings- doesn't exist.

mail-lists.html 45 44 1 0
trans warning trans - 301 Moved Permanently

index.html 25 24 0 1
trans error trans ../../start/index.html- doesn't exist.

appserver.html 29 26 2 1
trans warning trans - 302 Found

trans warning trans - 301 Moved Permanently

trans error trans - 404 Not Found

properties.html 35 32 1 2
trans error trans ../project-descriptor.html#dependencies- doesn't exist.

trans error trans ../properties.html#Directory Layout Settings- doesn't exist.

trans warning trans - 302 Found