Release History

1.10 2006-07-21
1.9 2005-04-09
1.8.1 2004-08-20
1.8 2004-07-20
1.7 2004-05-15
1.6 2004-03-07
1.5 2003-10-08
1.4 2003-09-29
1.3 Maven beta 9
1.2 2003-02-12
1.1 2002-09-15
1.0 2002-08-04

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Release 1.10 - 2006-07-21

update Update dependencies to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated : commons-jelly-tags-interaction v1.0 to v1.1 aheritier
add The plugin overwrote existing ant script files without warning. From now the plugin ask you if you want to replace it. You can also use the property maven.ant.generate.force to force the plugin to replace the current script. Fixes MPANT-19. aheritier
update The property maven.ant.generatebuild.file is replaced by properties maven.ant.generate.dir, maven.ant.generate.script. The generated script is ${maven.ant.generate.dir}/${maven.ant.generate.script}. aheritier
remove The property maven.ant.generatebuild.file is removed. aheritier
add Add a new goal (ant:execute) to execute a build.xml file from maven. Fixes MPANT-25. aheritier
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following depen dencies are updated : commons-jelly-tags-xml v1.0 to v1.1, commons-jelly-tags-interaction v1.0 to v1.1 Fixes MAVEN-1712. aheritier

Release 1.9 - 2005-04-09

add Ant script looks for dependencies in several remote repositories. Fixes MPANT-24. aheritier
add Add License file to jar META-INF. Fixes MPANT-23. Thanks to Phil Steitz. aheritier
update "get-deps" target store downloads to the default local maven repository ( ${user.home}/.maven/repository ). Fixes MPANT-21. aheritier
add Allow URL substitutions in generated build.xml files. Fixes MPANT-20. Thanks to Dennis Lundberg,Craig McClanahan. aheritier
add Obey jar override and not attempt to download relative jars. Fixes MPANT-7. epugh
add Ant user can set proxy settings. aheritier
add New property maven.ant.compatibility if you want a script compatible with ant 1.5 (actually for proxy settings). aheritier

Release 1.8.1 - 2004-08-20

fix Use relative paths in test resources filesets. Fixes MPANT-16. carlos

Release 1.8 - 2004-07-20

add Add ant's setproxy tag. Fixes MPANT-9. Thanks to Jan Nielsen. aheritier
fix Use relative paths in directory properties. Fixes MPANT-16. Thanks to Brent Worden. carlos
update Compile tests and run them only if Junit is present in ANT (display a warning otherwise). aheritier

Release 1.7 - 2004-05-15

fix Resources are correctly copied to the specified targetPath. Fixes MPANT-14. aheritier
fix Corrects also NumberFormatException. is made up of several resource elements. Fixes MPANT-13. aheritier
fix Remove NumberFormatException if doesn't exist. Fixes MPANT-12. aheritier
fix Change plugin tests to use 'assert' tags Fixes MPANT-11. dion
fix Replace use of 'target' directory with appropriate variables brett

Release 1.6 - 2004-03-07

fix Use relative path for javadoc. Fixes MPANT-8. evenisse
fix Check unit test source dir exists before making relative path dion

Release 1.5 - 2003-10-08

fix Make relative paths output for various pom values. Fixes MPANT-2. dion

Release 1.4 - 2003-09-29

update Added test project dion
fix Separate build.xml template from plugin.jelly dion
fix Allow dependencies other than 'jars' to be downloaded dion

Release 1.3 - Maven beta 9

fix Use first remote repo the user has specified for gets dion

Release 1.2 - 2003-02-12

add Added the new maven.ant.excludedTests property dion
fix If a project has no test source, the test targets are empty. dion

Fixing a chicken-and-egg problem. The "test" and "compile-tests" tasks were putting target/${}.jar into the classpath.

But... the "jar" target that creates that jarfile is dependent upon those two targets.

So, there was no way for th e first two to succeed since the jarfile couldn't be created. Now, the first two include target/classes in the classpath and all is well.

add Added the maven.ant.generatebuild.file property and docs jcej
add Added more documentation on properties and supported SCM systems dion

Release 1.1 - 2002-09-15

update Fix documentation dion
fix Generated ant build should execute the unit tests before generating a jar. Fixes MPANT-1. dion

Release 1.0 - 2002-08-04

add Original release for Maven 1.0-beta6 jvanzyl