Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.archetype.metadata.ArchetypeDescriptor
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 package org.apache.maven.archetype.metadata;
  * Class ArchetypeDescriptor.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  0
 public class ArchetypeDescriptor
     extends AbstractArchetypeDescriptor
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Name of the Archetype, that will be displayed to the user
      * when choosing an archetype.
     private String name;
      * Is this archetype representing a full Maven project or only
      * parts?
 35  0
     private boolean partial = false;
      * Field requiredProperties.
     private java.util.List<RequiredProperty> requiredProperties;
      * Field modelEncoding.
 45  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addRequiredProperty.
      * @param requiredProperty
     public void addRequiredProperty( RequiredProperty requiredProperty )
 59  0
         getRequiredProperties().add( requiredProperty );
 60  0
     } //-- void addRequiredProperty( RequiredProperty )
      * Get the modelEncoding field.
      * @return String
     public String getModelEncoding()
 69  0
         return this.modelEncoding;
     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
      * Get name of the Archetype, that will be displayed to the
      * user when choosing an archetype.
      * @return String
     public String getName()
 80  0
     } //-- String getName()
      * Method getRequiredProperties.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<RequiredProperty> getRequiredProperties()
 90  0
         if ( this.requiredProperties == null )
 92  0
             this.requiredProperties = new java.util.ArrayList<RequiredProperty>();
 95  0
         return this.requiredProperties;
     } //-- java.util.List<RequiredProperty> getRequiredProperties()
      * Get is this archetype representing a full Maven project or
      * only parts?
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isPartial()
 106  0
         return this.partial;
     } //-- boolean isPartial()
      * Method removeRequiredProperty.
      * @param requiredProperty
     public void removeRequiredProperty( RequiredProperty requiredProperty )
 116  0
         getRequiredProperties().remove( requiredProperty );
 117  0
     } //-- void removeRequiredProperty( RequiredProperty )
      * Set the modelEncoding field.
      * @param modelEncoding
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 126  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 127  0
     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
      * Set name of the Archetype, that will be displayed to the
      * user when choosing an archetype.
      * @param name
     public void setName( String name )
 137  0 = name;
 138  0
     } //-- void setName( String )
      * Set is this archetype representing a full Maven project or
      * only parts?
      * @param partial
     public void setPartial( boolean partial )
 148  0
         this.partial = partial;
 149  0
     } //-- void setPartial( boolean )
      * Set list of required properties to generate a project from
      * this archetype.
      * @param requiredProperties
     public void setRequiredProperties( java.util.List<RequiredProperty> requiredProperties )
 159  0
         this.requiredProperties = requiredProperties;
 160  0
     } //-- void setRequiredProperties( java.util.List )