Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.archetype.common.ArchetypeConfiguration
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 package org.apache.maven.archetype.common;
  * Class ArchetypeConfiguration.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 15  0
 public class ArchetypeConfiguration
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field GroupId.
     private String GroupId;
      * Field ArtifactId.
     private String ArtifactId;
      * Field Version.
     private String Version;
      * Field Name.
     private String Name;
      * Field goals.
     private String goals;
      * Field RequiredProperties.
     private java.util.List/*<String>*/ RequiredProperties;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addRequiredProperty.
      * @param string
     public void addRequiredProperty( String string )
 65  0
         getRequiredProperties().add( string );
 66  0
     } //-- void addRequiredProperty( String )
      * Get the ArtifactId field.
      * @return String
     public String getArtifactId()
 75  0
         return this.ArtifactId;
     } //-- String getArtifactId()
      * Get the goals field.
      * @return String
     public String getGoals()
 85  0
         return this.goals;
     } //-- String getGoals()
      * Get the GroupId field.
      * @return String
     public String getGroupId()
 95  0
         return this.GroupId;
     } //-- String getGroupId()
      * Get the Name field.
      * @return String
     public String getName()
 105  0
         return this.Name;
     } //-- String getName()
      * Method getRequiredProperties.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List/*<String>*/ getRequiredProperties()
 115  0
         if ( this.RequiredProperties == null )
 117  0
             this.RequiredProperties = new java.util.ArrayList/*<String>*/();
 120  0
         return this.RequiredProperties;
     } //-- java.util.List/*<String>*/ getRequiredProperties()
      * Get the Version field.
      * @return String
     public String getVersion()
 130  0
         return this.Version;
     } //-- String getVersion()
      * Method removeRequiredProperty.
      * @param string
     public void removeRequiredProperty( String string )
 140  0
         getRequiredProperties().remove( string );
 141  0
     } //-- void removeRequiredProperty( String )
      * Set the ArtifactId field.
      * @param ArtifactId
     public void setArtifactId( String ArtifactId )
 150  0
         this.ArtifactId = ArtifactId;
 151  0
     } //-- void setArtifactId( String )
      * Set the goals field.
      * @param goals
     public void setGoals( String goals )
 160  0
         this.goals = goals;
 161  0
     } //-- void setGoals( String )
      * Set the GroupId field.
      * @param GroupId
     public void setGroupId( String GroupId )
 170  0
         this.GroupId = GroupId;
 171  0
     } //-- void setGroupId( String )
      * Set the Name field.
      * @param Name
     public void setName( String Name )
 180  0
         this.Name = Name;
 181  0
     } //-- void setName( String )
      * Set the RequiredProperties field.
      * @param RequiredProperties
     public void setRequiredProperties( java.util.List/*<String>*/ RequiredProperties )
 190  0
         this.RequiredProperties = RequiredProperties;
 191  0
     } //-- void setRequiredProperties( java.util.List )
      * Set the Version field.
      * @param Version
     public void setVersion( String Version )
 200  0
         this.Version = Version;
 201  0
     } //-- void setVersion( String )
     public void reset ()
 206  0
         properties.clear ();
 207  0
 209  0
     private java.util.Properties properties = new java.util.Properties ();
     public void setProperty ( String requiredProperty, String propertyValue )
 213  0
         properties.setProperty ( requiredProperty, propertyValue );
 214  0
     public String getProperty (String property)
 218  0
         return properties.getProperty ( property, null );
     public java.util.Properties getProperties ()
 223  0
         return properties;
     public java.util.Properties toProperties ()
 228  0
         java.util.Properties result = new java.util.Properties ();
 229  0
         result.putAll ( properties );
 230  0
         result.setProperty (
             (org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getGroupId () ) ? getGroupId () : "" )
 234  0
         result.setProperty (
             (org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getArtifactId () ) ? getArtifactId () : "" )
 238  0
         result.setProperty (
             (org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getVersion () ) ? getVersion () : "" )
 243  0
         properties.setProperty (
             (org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getGoals() ) ? getGoals() : "" )
 248  0
         return result;
     public boolean isConfigured ()
 253  0
         boolean configured = true;
 255  0
         java.util.Iterator requiredProperties = getRequiredProperties().iterator();
 256  0
         while ( configured && requiredProperties.hasNext () )
 258  0
             String requiredProperty = (String) ();
 260  0
             configured = configured &&
                     properties.getProperty ( requiredProperty )
 264  0
 266  0
         return configured;
     public boolean isConfigured ( String requiredProperties )
 271  0
         return org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty (
                     properties.getProperty ( requiredProperties )
 276  0
     private java.util.Properties defaultProperties = new java.util.Properties ();
     public void setDefaultProperty ( String requiredProperty, String propertyValue )
 280  0
         defaultProperties.setProperty ( requiredProperty, propertyValue );
 281  0
     public String getDefaultValue (String requiredProperty)
 285  0
         return defaultProperties.getProperty ( requiredProperty, null );
     public java.util.Properties getDefaultValues ()
 290  0
         return defaultProperties;