Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.archetype.ui.generation.DefaultArchetypeSelector
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 package org.apache.maven.archetype.ui.generation;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.ArchetypeGenerationRequest;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.ArchetypeManager;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.catalog.Archetype;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.exception.ArchetypeNotDefined;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.exception.ArchetypeSelectionFailure;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.exception.UnknownArchetype;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.exception.UnknownGroup;
 import org.apache.maven.archetype.ui.ArchetypeDefinition;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.components.interactivity.PrompterException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 @Component( role = ArchetypeSelector.class )
 43  5
 public class DefaultArchetypeSelector
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements ArchetypeSelector
     static final String DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_GROUPID = "org.apache.maven.archetypes";
     static final String DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_VERSION = "1.0";
     static final String DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACTID = "maven-archetype-quickstart";
     private ArchetypeSelectionQueryer archetypeSelectionQueryer;
     private ArchetypeManager archetypeManager;
     public void selectArchetype( ArchetypeGenerationRequest request, Boolean interactiveMode, String catalogs )
         throws ArchetypeNotDefined, UnknownArchetype, UnknownGroup, IOException, PrompterException,
 63  5
         ArchetypeDefinition definition = new ArchetypeDefinition( request );
 65  5
         if ( definition.isDefined() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( request.getArchetypeRepository() ) )
 67  0
             getLogger().info( "Archetype defined by properties" );
 68  0
 71  5
         Map<String, List<Archetype>> archetypes = getArchetypesByCatalog( catalogs );
 73  5
         if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( request.getFilter() ) )
             // applying some filtering depending on filter parameter
 76  0
             archetypes = ArchetypeSelectorUtils.getFilteredArchetypesByCatalog( archetypes, request.getFilter() );
 77  0
             if ( archetypes.isEmpty() )
 79  0
                 getLogger().info( "Your filter doesn't match any archetype, so try again with another value." );
 80  0
 84  5
         if ( definition.isDefined() && StringUtils.isEmpty( request.getArchetypeRepository() ) )
 86  1
             Map.Entry<String, Archetype> found =
                 findArchetype( archetypes, request.getArchetypeGroupId(), request.getArchetypeArtifactId() );
 89  1
             if ( found != null )
 91  0
                 String catalogKey = found.getKey();
 92  0
                 Archetype archetype = found.getValue();
 94  0
                 updateRepository( definition, archetype, catalogKey );
 96  0
                 getLogger().info( "Archetype repository missing. Using the one from " + archetype + " found in catalog "
                                       + catalogKey );
 98  0
 101  1
                     "Archetype not found in any catalog. Falling back to central repository (" );
 103  1
                     "Use -DarchetypeRepository=<your repository> if archetype's repository is elsewhere." );
 106  1
                 definition.setRepository( "" );
 110  5
         if ( !definition.isDefined() && definition.isPartiallyDefined() )
 112  0
             Map.Entry<String, Archetype> found =
                 findArchetype( archetypes, request.getArchetypeGroupId(), request.getArchetypeArtifactId() );
 115  0
             if ( found != null )
 117  0
                 String catalogKey = found.getKey();
 118  0
                 Archetype archetype = found.getValue();
 120  0
                 updateDefinition( definition, archetype, catalogKey );
 122  0
                 getLogger().info( "Archetype " + archetype + " found in catalog " + catalogKey );
 123  0
 126  0
                 getLogger().warn( "Specified archetype not found." );
 127  0
                 if ( interactiveMode.booleanValue() )
 129  0
                     definition.setVersion( null );
 130  0
                     definition.setGroupId( null );
 131  0
                     definition.setArtifactId( null );
         // set the defaults - only group and version can be auto-defaulted
 137  5
         if ( definition.getGroupId() == null )
 139  4
             definition.setGroupId( DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_GROUPID );
 141  5
         if ( definition.getVersion() == null )
 143  4
             definition.setVersion( DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_VERSION );
 146  5
         if ( !definition.isPartiallyDefined() )
             // if artifact ID is set to its default, we still prompt to confirm
 149  3
             if ( definition.getArtifactId() == null )
 151  3
                     "No archetype defined. Using " + DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACTID + " (" + definition.getGroupId() + ":"
                         + DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACTID + ":" + definition.getVersion() + ")" );
 154  3
                 definition.setArtifactId( DEFAULT_ARCHETYPE_ARTIFACTID );
 157  3
             if ( interactiveMode.booleanValue() && ( archetypes.size() > 0 ) )
 159  2
                 Archetype selectedArchetype = archetypeSelectionQueryer.selectArchetype( archetypes, definition );
 161  2
                 String catalogKey = getCatalogKey( archetypes, selectedArchetype );
 163  2
                 updateDefinition( definition, selectedArchetype, catalogKey );
             // Make sure the groupId and artifactId are valid, the version may just default to
             // the latest release.
 168  3
             if ( !definition.isPartiallyDefined() )
 170  0
                 throw new ArchetypeSelectionFailure( "No valid archetypes could be found to choose." );
         // finally update the request with gathered information
 175  5
         definition.updateRequest( request );
 176  5
     private Map<String, List<Archetype>> getArchetypesByCatalog( String catalogs )
 181  5
         if ( catalogs == null )
 183  0
             throw new NullPointerException( "catalogs cannot be null" );
 186  5
         Map<String, List<Archetype>> archetypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Archetype>>();
 188  5
         for ( String catalog : StringUtils.split( catalogs, "," ) )
 190  0
             if ( "internal".equalsIgnoreCase( catalog ) )
 192  0
                 archetypes.put( "internal", archetypeManager.getInternalCatalog().getArchetypes() );
 194  0
             else if ( "local".equalsIgnoreCase( catalog ) )
 196  0
                 archetypes.put( "local", archetypeManager.getDefaultLocalCatalog().getArchetypes() );
 198  0
             else if ( "remote".equalsIgnoreCase( catalog ) )
 200  0
                 List<Archetype> archetypesFromRemote = archetypeManager.getRemoteCatalog().getArchetypes();
 201  0
                 if ( archetypesFromRemote.size() > 0 )
 203  0
                     archetypes.put( "remote", archetypesFromRemote );
 207  0
                     getLogger().warn( "No archetype found in remote catalog. Defaulting to internal catalog" );
 208  0
                     archetypes.put( "internal", archetypeManager.getInternalCatalog().getArchetypes() );
 210  0
 211  0
             else if ( catalog.startsWith( "file://" ) )
 213  0
                 String path = catalog.substring( 7 );
 214  0
                 archetypes.put( catalog, archetypeManager.getLocalCatalog( path ).getArchetypes() );
 215  0
 216  0
             else if ( catalog.startsWith( "http://" ) || catalog.startsWith( "https://" ) )
 218  0
                 archetypes.put( catalog, archetypeManager.getRemoteCatalog( catalog ).getArchetypes() );
 222  5
         if ( archetypes.size() == 0 )
 224  5
             getLogger().info( "No catalog defined. Using internal catalog" );
 226  5
             archetypes.put( "internal", archetypeManager.getInternalCatalog().getArchetypes() );
 228  5
         return archetypes;
     private void updateRepository( ArchetypeDefinition definition, Archetype archetype, String catalogKey )
 233  2
         String repository = archetype.getRepository();
 234  2
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( repository ) )
 236  0
             definition.setRepository( repository );
 238  2
         else if ( catalogKey.indexOf( ':' ) > 1 )
             // file: or http:
 241  0
             int lastIndex = catalogKey.lastIndexOf( '/' );
 242  0
             String catalogBase = catalogKey.substring( 0, ( lastIndex > 7 ? lastIndex : catalogKey.length() ) );
 243  0
             definition.setRepository( catalogBase );
 245  2
     private void updateDefinition( ArchetypeDefinition definition, Archetype archetype, String catalogKey )
 249  2
         definition.setGroupId( archetype.getGroupId() );
 250  2
         definition.setArtifactId( archetype.getArtifactId() );
 251  2
         definition.setVersion( archetype.getVersion() );
 252  2
         definition.setName( archetype.getArtifactId() );
 253  2
         updateRepository( definition, archetype, catalogKey );
 254  2
         definition.setGoals( StringUtils.join( archetype.getGoals().iterator(), "," ) );
 255  2
     public void setArchetypeSelectionQueryer( ArchetypeSelectionQueryer archetypeSelectionQueryer )
 259  5
         this.archetypeSelectionQueryer = archetypeSelectionQueryer;
 260  5
     private String getCatalogKey( Map<String, List<Archetype>> archetypes, Archetype selectedArchetype )
 264  2
         for ( Map.Entry<String, List<Archetype>> entry : archetypes.entrySet() )
 266  2
             List<Archetype> catalog = entry.getValue();
 268  2
             if ( catalog.contains( selectedArchetype ) )
 270  0
                 return entry.getKey();
 272  2
 273  2
         return "";
     private Map.Entry<String, Archetype> findArchetype( Map<String, List<Archetype>> archetypes, String groupId,
                                                         String artifactId )
 279  1
         Archetype example = new Archetype();
 280  1
         example.setGroupId( groupId );
 281  1
         example.setArtifactId( artifactId );
 283  1
         for ( Map.Entry<String, List<Archetype>> entry : archetypes.entrySet() )
 285  1
             List<Archetype> catalog = entry.getValue();
 287  1
             if ( catalog.contains( example ) )
 289  0
                 Archetype archetype = catalog.get( catalog.indexOf( example ) );
 291  0
                 return newMapEntry( entry.getKey(), archetype );
 293  1
 295  1
         return null;
     private static <K, V> Map.Entry<K, V> newMapEntry( K key, V value )
 300  0
         Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<K, V>( 1 );
 301  0
         map.put( key, value );
 303  0
         return map.entrySet().iterator().next();