Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.archetype.old.descriptor.ArchetypeDescriptor
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
86 %
 package org.apache.maven.archetype.old.descriptor;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 public class ArchetypeDescriptor
     private String id;
     private List<String> sources;
     private List<String> testSources;
     private List<String> resources;
     private List<String> testResources;
     private List<String> siteResources;
      * <code>Map</code> that associates the items in the <code>List</code>
      * <code>sources</code> with their attributes (instances of
      * <code>TemplateDescriptor</code>.
     private Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> sourcesDescriptors;
      * <code>Map</code> that associates the items in the <code>List</code>
      * <code>testSources</code> with their attributes (instances of
      * <code>TemplateDescriptor</code>.
     private Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> testSourcesDescriptors;
      * <code>Map</code> that associates the items in the <code>List</code>
      * <code>resources</code> with their attributes (instances of
      * <code>TemplateDescriptor</code>.
     private Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> resourcesDescriptors;
      * <code>Map</code> that associates the items in the <code>List</code>
      * <code>testResources</code> with their attributes (instances of
      * <code>TemplateDescriptor</code>.
     private Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> testResourcesDescriptors;
      * <code>Map</code> that associates the items in the <code>List</code>
      * <code>siteResources</code> with their attributes (instances of
      * <code>TemplateDescriptor</code>.
     private Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> siteResourcesDescriptors;
      * This indicates the archetype can be a whole project or can be part
      * of another project. An example is a site archetype where the POM and
      * directory structure may already exist and you simply want to generate
      * the site directory structure.
     private boolean allowPartial;
     public ArchetypeDescriptor()
 85  5
 86  5
         sources = new ArrayList<String>();
 88  5
         resources = new ArrayList<String>();
 90  5
         testSources = new ArrayList<String>();
 92  5
         testResources = new ArrayList<String>();
 94  5
         siteResources = new ArrayList<String>();
 96  5
         sourcesDescriptors = new HashMap<String, TemplateDescriptor>();
 98  5
         testSourcesDescriptors = new HashMap<String, TemplateDescriptor>();
 100  5
         resourcesDescriptors = new HashMap<String, TemplateDescriptor>();
 102  5
         testResourcesDescriptors = new HashMap<String, TemplateDescriptor>();
 104  5
         siteResourcesDescriptors = new HashMap<String, TemplateDescriptor>();
 105  5
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public String getId()
 113  3
         return id;
     public void setId( String id )
 118  5 = id;
 119  5
     public void addSource( String source )
 123  7
         sources.add( source );
 125  7
         putSourceDescriptor( source, new TemplateDescriptor() );
 126  7
     public List<String> getSources()
 130  10
         return sources;
     public void putSourceDescriptor( String source, TemplateDescriptor descriptor )
 135  7
         sourcesDescriptors.put( source, descriptor );
 136  7
     public TemplateDescriptor getSourceDescriptor( String source )
 140  21
         return sourcesDescriptors.get( source );
     public Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> getSourcesDescriptors()
 145  0
         return sourcesDescriptors;
     public void addTestSource( String testSource )
 150  6
         testSources.add( testSource );
 152  6
         putTestSourceDescriptor( testSource, new TemplateDescriptor() );
 153  6
     public List<String> getTestSources()
 157  9
         return testSources;
     public void putTestSourceDescriptor( String testSource, TemplateDescriptor descriptor )
 162  6
         testSourcesDescriptors.put( testSource, descriptor );
 163  6
     public TemplateDescriptor getTestSourceDescriptor( String testSource )
 167  20
         return testSourcesDescriptors.get( testSource );
     public Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> getTestSourcesDescriptors()
 172  0
         return testSourcesDescriptors;
     public void addResource( String resource )
 177  6
         resources.add( resource );
 179  6
         putResourceDescriptor( resource, new TemplateDescriptor() );
 180  6
     public List<String> getResources()
 184  9
         return resources;
     public void putResourceDescriptor( String resource, TemplateDescriptor descriptor )
 189  6
         resourcesDescriptors.put( resource, descriptor );
 190  6
     public TemplateDescriptor getResourceDescriptor( String resource )
 194  17
         return resourcesDescriptors.get( resource );
     public Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> getReourcesDescriptors()
 199  0
         return resourcesDescriptors;
     public void addTestResource( String testResource )
 204  4
         testResources.add( testResource );
 205  4
         putTestResourceDescriptor( testResource, new TemplateDescriptor() );
 206  4
     public List<String> getTestResources()
 210  8
         return testResources;
     public void putTestResourceDescriptor( String testResource, TemplateDescriptor descriptor )
 215  4
         testResourcesDescriptors.put( testResource, descriptor );
 216  4
     public TemplateDescriptor getTestResourceDescriptor( String testResource )
 220  14
         return testResourcesDescriptors.get( testResource );
     public Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> getTestReourcesDescriptors()
 225  0
         return testResourcesDescriptors;
     public void addSiteResource( String siteResource )
 230  4
         siteResources.add( siteResource );
 232  4
         putSiteResourceDescriptor( siteResource, new TemplateDescriptor() );
 233  4
     public List<String> getSiteResources()
 237  6
         return siteResources;
     public void putSiteResourceDescriptor( String siteResource, TemplateDescriptor descriptor )
 242  4
         siteResourcesDescriptors.put( siteResource, descriptor );
 243  4
     public TemplateDescriptor getSiteResourceDescriptor( String siteResource )
 247  9
         return siteResourcesDescriptors.get( siteResource );
     public Map<String, TemplateDescriptor> getSiteReourcesDescriptors()
 252  0
         return siteResourcesDescriptors;
     public boolean isAllowPartial()
 257  0
         return allowPartial;
     public void setAllowPartial( boolean allowPartial )
 262  0
         this.allowPartial = allowPartial;
 263  0