Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.archetype.model.Resource
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 package org.apache.maven.archetype.model;
  * Describes a resource file.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  0
 public class Resource
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * The resource file.
     private String file;
      * The encoding to be used when reading/writing this file.
      *             Platform encoding is used by default, or
      * ISO-8859-1 when filename ends in <code>.properties</code>
     private String encoding;
      * A resource can be filtered, which means the file will be
      * used as Velocity template.
      *           It can be non-filtered, which means the file will
      * be copied without modification.
 42  0
     private boolean filtered = true;
      //- Methods -/
      * Get the encoding to be used when reading/writing this file.
      *             Platform encoding is used by default, or
      * ISO-8859-1 when filename ends in <code>.properties</code>
      * @return String
     public String getEncoding()
 58  0
         return this.encoding;
     } //-- String getEncoding()
      * Get the resource file.
      * @return String
     public String getFile()
 68  0
         return this.file;
     } //-- String getFile()
      * Get a resource can be filtered, which means the file will be
      * used as Velocity template.
      *           It can be non-filtered, which means the file will
      * be copied without modification.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isFiltered()
 81  0
         return this.filtered;
     } //-- boolean isFiltered()
      * Set the encoding to be used when reading/writing this file.
      *             Platform encoding is used by default, or
      * ISO-8859-1 when filename ends in <code>.properties</code>
      * @param encoding
     public void setEncoding( String encoding )
 93  0
         this.encoding = encoding;
 94  0
     } //-- void setEncoding( String )
      * Set the resource file.
      * @param file
     public void setFile( String file )
 103  0
         this.file = file;
 104  0
     } //-- void setFile( String )
      * Set a resource can be filtered, which means the file will be
      * used as Velocity template.
      *           It can be non-filtered, which means the file will
      * be copied without modification.
      * @param filtered
     public void setFiltered( boolean filtered )
 116  0
         this.filtered = filtered;
 117  0
     } //-- void setFiltered( boolean )